221 research outputs found

    ジンコウ ウショク ゾウゲシツ ニオケル Streptococcus mutans ノ ドウタイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    When Streptococcus mutans adheres to the surface of teeth, it begins to proliferate and form biofilm by synthesizing the water-soluble (WSG) and -insoluble glucan (WIG) from sucrose. It is well known that these glucans are synthesized by three kinds of glucosyltransferases, GTFB/C/D, coded by gtfB/C/D gene, and are degraded by dextranase (DexA) coded by dexA gene. S. mutans in carious lesions may modulate glucan metabolism to adapt to the micro-environment surrounding cells. However, little is known about the ecology of S. mutans in carious lesions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ecological changes of S. mutans in biofilm or dentinal tubules when the environmental changes occur. We developed an in vitro artificial carious model composed of bovine dentin slices and S. mutans MT8148. Dentin slices and S. mutans MT8148 were incubated in brain heart infusion broth at 37℃, pH 7.5 for 14 days, and subsequently, the culture condition was changed to 42℃ or to pH 5.5 as environmental changes. Number of recovered viable cells was determined by colony forming units. Also the expression of heat shock protein 70, gtf genes, and dexA gene were examined using RT-PCR method. The growth rate of S. mutans MT8148 adhered to a dentin plate was not reduced by the environmental changes, while that of non-adhered cells decreased. The levels of gtf gene expression of adhered cells were higher than those of non-adhered cells. Moreover, gtfC gene showed the highest expression level in adhered cells. TEM observation revealed that S. mutans invaded most of dentinal tubules of bovine dentin in this model. When the culture condition was changed, the cells began to synthesize the intra-cellular polysaccharide. Especially changing to pH 5.5, more intra-cellular polysaccharide positive cells were observed, although the cell density in the tubles decreased. The gtfC deficient mutant strain produced lower amount of WIG that was adhered to the dentin plate compared with other gene deficient mutants. These results suggest that S. mutans adhered to the tooth surface changes the amount of GTFs and DexA, by synthesizing the glucan, or by adapting to the environmental changes. Furthermore, synthesis of intracellular polysaccharides may be important to resist to physical and chemical stresses

    Polydactyly of the Foot Diagnosed from a Minor Nail Problem

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    Polydactyly is one of the most common foot congenital anomalies. It is often detected immediately after birth, but the diagnosis can sometimes be delayed if the symptoms are less evident. A 2-year-old girl with a complaint of recurrent bleeding from the right toenail was diagnosed with foot polydactyly. She underwent corrective surgery, and her family was satisfied with the outcome. Although the diagnosis of polydactyly may be difficult in cases with minor nail problems, further radiographic evaluation will be needed for the improvement of the patient’s quality of life

    ニホン英語(Open Japanese)の類型化研究(形態編)/アジア英語(Open Asian)を礎として

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    本稿では「ニホン英語(Open Japanese― OJ)」の形態論上の類型化を試みた。ニホン英語はこの一世紀の間に、日本人の手で従来の英米英語を日本文化・母語と照合させ、自由に取捨選択し変形しながら、現在ほぼすべての日本人が、好むと好まざるに拘らず使っている英語である。今回の類型化分析の過程から得られたニホン英語の特徴、アジア英語の特徴とは次の5つである。(1)母語(踏襲)化によって英語の中に母語の伝統を復活させ、個性化することでニホン英語に誇りを持たせた。(2)英米英語を拡大解釈化することでことばの規制を緩和し、使いやすくした。(3)簡素化で無駄な飾りを取り払い、すっきりしたデザインにした。(4)置き換え化でより理解を明快にした。(5)入念化で英語がより丁寧・親切化され、英語をよりユニバーサル・デザインに近づける言語へと磨き上げてきた。ところが日本の英語教育界は「ニホン英語」を「誤文」とみなし、完璧なアメリカ英語以外を認めない。しかし、本稿で分析した誤文1,413文のうち、1,279の文(94.7%)が冠詞やsといった些細な規範文法のズレであり、推理すれば意味が取れることが判明した。これは筆者がすでに「ニホン英語は78%以上の高率で理解される」ことを実証した(Suenobu 1988)が、それを超える確率となった。In Japan, an increasing number of books on ELT have been sold on the titles of “No Native-speakers of English Understand Your English” “Shame on Your Japanese English,” and so on. Petersen has long been issuing fatal warnings to us that if we say, “ Last night I ate a chicken in the yard,” this makes the English imagine that Japanese people eat a whole chicken alive in the dark yard with blood dropping out of wicked mouth. Another writes: if we say, “I like dog,” they believe we like to eat dogs. In their books more than a half of the pages account for minute explanation of articles.In fact, we have no words or rules in Japanese for substitution to English articles and ‘s’ like ‘He speaks’. It is true that readers believe that they are the peoples edgy about these petty things and that they are unaware of Asian culture.The problem is that young readers have been afraid of speaking in English, and finally stopped using it. The “1,413 pieces of sentences” pointed out to be erroneous were classified morphologically and it was found that 94.7% of them were correct in terms of intelligiology. This paper deals with these problem

    Open Japanese(ニホン英語)をデザインする

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    人間は本来、親から自然にことばを教わる。母語の学習に失敗した人がほとんどいないのは、ことばは猿人から人類に至る歴史の中で醸造され培われてきたもので、遺伝子の一部として生まれつきその能力がそなわっており、親がそれをうまく引き出しているからだ。だから環境に合わせてデザインすれば、外国語であっても必ずできる。たとえば、奈良時代に中国大陸から入ってきた複雑な漢字文字は、平安時代の人々がうまく日本語に溶け込ませながら、思い切ったシンプルなデザインとして「ひらかな」「カタカナ」を生みだした。この便利さは今も本場の中国人たちをも羨ませる。では日本の英語教育はどうか。歴史ある日本文化と日本語を土台としながら工夫しデザインすれば、誰でもある程度はできるというのに、逆に多くの学習者たちの英語離れを生んできた。その原因は何か。本論文はこのような英語教育の状況を「世界諸英語」という視点から、さらに学生とともに授業現場の中でつぶさに分析した上で、日本人の母語である日本語と英語の接点を探りつつ、日本人にやさしい、世界に開かれた第二の母語としての日本語、すなわちOpen Japanese をデザインしようと試みるものである。The language that represents Japan is mainly Japanese. It is called the mother tongue. However, we should call this a “closed Japanese” since it is not intelligible outside Japan. Then, what is the language which represents Japan to the world? It should be comprehensive to the world. So Japanese isn’t enough. What should be used, then? What is the language which represents Japan?For more than a hundred years since the Meiji era, Nihon English (Japanese English) has been used among Japanese people in order to adopt the new culture and as the language of negotiations with the world, and it is still vividly alive among them. It is a precious property which has been naturally influenced and nurtured by Japanese language and culture over the ages. It is appropriate to be called the second mother tongue that represents Japan to the world. I call it Open Japanese.Since Japan has Open Japanese that is used to represent the country to the world, India must have already had Open Indian, China must have Open Chinese, Indonesia must have Open Indonesian and so on respectively. In this way, there may have been many kinds of Open Languages all over the world and ultimately, there might be one Open Language for the whole world in the near future