5 research outputs found

    Identification of Airborne Aerobic Bacteria in the Intensive Care Room using MALDI-TOF MS

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    Introduction: Indoor air quality can affect the spread of airborne microorganisms which can lead to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The quality and quantity of airborne microorganisms are responsible for mortality and morbidity in infection-prone hosts such as patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). The research aims to determine the quality of microorganisms in the air, identify the types of aerobic bacteria, and assess the physical parameters of the air in the ICU. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study with a descriptive observational method. Air specimens were collected using the MAS-100 NT tool with blood agar plate solid culture media, which then incubated in an aerobic atmosphere for 24 hours at 37±2°C. Observation and measurement of air microbiological quality was by counting the number of microorganisms in CFU/m3 and identification of bacteria using MALDI-TOF MS. Results and Discussion: The maximum concentration of microorganisms in the air exceeds the standard value, and the average value of the concentration of microorganisms in the air is 736 CFU/m3. The most common types of aerobic bacteria in the air were Bacillus sp. (n=12), Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (n=5), and Staphylococcus aureus (n=5). There was an increase in physical parameters in the form of average temperature (26.24°C) and humidity (70%) with a ventilation system and air regulation using mechanical ventilation sourced from a split air conditioner with an exhaust fan without a high-efficiency particulate-absorbing (HEPA) filter. Conclusion: Low indoor air quality has the potential to increase the concentration of microorganisms and bacterial findings in the ai

    Excess mortality attributable to antimicrobial-resistant bacterial bloodstream infection at a tertiary-care hospital in Indonesia

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    The burden of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) infections in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) is largely unknown. Here, we evaluate attributable mortality of AMR infections in Indonesia. We used routine databases of the microbiology laboratory and hospital admission at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, a tertiary-care hospital in South Sulawesi from 2015 to 2018. Of 77,752 hospitalized patients, 8,341 (10.7%) had at least one blood culture taken. Among patients with bacteriologically confirmed bloodstream infections (BSI), the proportions of patients with AMR BSI were 78% (81/104) for third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GCR) Escherichia coli, 4% (4/104) for 3GCR plus carbapenem-resistant E. coli, 56% (96/171) for 3GCR Klebsiella pneumoniae, 25% (43/171) for 3GCR plus carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae, 51% (124/245) for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 48% (82/171) for carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp., and 19% (13/68) for carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Observed in-hospital mortality of patients with AMR BSI was 49.7% (220/443). Compared with patients with antimicrobial-susceptible BSI and adjusted for potential confounders, the excess mortality attributable to AMR BSI was -0.01 (95% CI: -15.4, 15.4) percentage points. Compared with patients without a BSI with a target pathogen and adjusted for potential confounders, the excess mortality attributable to AMR BSI was 29.7 (95%CI: 26.1, 33.2) percentage points. This suggests that if all the AMR BSI were replaced by no infection, 130 (95%CI: 114, 145) deaths among 443 patients with AMR BSI might have been prevented. In conclusion, the burden of AMR infections in Indonesian hospitals is likely high. Similar large-scale evaluations should be performed across LMICs to inform interventions to mitigate AMR-associated mortality

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi keberhasilan Terapi Antibiotik Empirik pada Pasien Sepsis Berat dan Syok Sepsis di Bangsal Rawat Inap Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo

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    Pendahuluan. Salah satu faktor utama yang berperan pada keberhasilan terapi pada pasien sepsis berat dan syok sepsis adalah penggunaan antibiotika empirik yang adekuat. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui faktor utama apa yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pengobatan antibiotika empirik pada pasien sepsis berat dan syok sepsis. Metode. Studi kohort retrospektif dengan subyek dari data rekam medik (RM) pasien yang telah di rawat inap di ruang ICU dan perawatan Penyakit dalam RSCM Jakarta antara bulan Januari 2011 - Juni 2012. Kriteria inklusi adalah semua data RM pasien dewasa dengan sepsis, sepsis berat dan syok sepsis yang di rawat di ruang rawat inap penyakit dalam/HCU/ICU RSCM. Kriteria eksklusi adalah data tidak lengkap dan SOFA skor >14. Analisis multivariat dilakukan untuk menilai kuat hubungan relative risk (RR) di antara masing-masing variabel determinan yang memiliki kemaknaan statistik sebagai prediktor kesesuaian dosis, jenis, kombinasi dan waktu pemberian antibiotika empirik terhadap akhir perawatan sepsis berat dan syok sepsis dengan ROC (receiver operator curve) dan nilai AUC (area under curve) serta mencari faktor yang paling berperan dari variabel determinan tersebut. Hasil. Waktu pemberian antibiotika empirik lebih dari 6 jam, pemberian jenis antibiotika empirik yang tidak sesuai berdasarkan sumber infeksi, pemberian dosis antibiotika empirik yang tidak sesuai, pemberian antibiotika empirik tunggal, jumlah disfungsi organ yang lebih dari 3 berdasarkan skor SOFA berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya angka kematian pada pasien sepsis berat dan syok sepsis. Dari faktor tersebut di atas yang paling berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya angka kematian adalah waktu pemberian antibiotika lebih dari 6 jam, dosis antibiotika yang tidak sesuai, penggunaan antibiotika empirik tunggal dan skor SOFA yang lebih dari 8. Simpulan. Hal yang paling berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya angka kematian adalah waktu pemberian antibiotika lebih dari 6 jam, dosis antibiotika yang tidak sesuai, penggunaan antibiotika empirik tunggal dan skor SOFA yang lebih dari 8