65 research outputs found

    Beneficial health effects of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seeds upon incorporation as a potential feed additive in livestock and poultry: A mini-review

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    Cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn) is an annual plant of the family Umbelliferae, with its use dating back to ancient times when it was cultivated for its medicinal and culinary potential. Cumin seeds could contain a wide variety of phytochemicals, including alkaloids, coumarins, anthraquinones, flavonoids, glycosides, proteins, resins, saponins, tannins, and steroids. In particular, linoleic acid, one of the unsaturated fatty acids found in abundance in cumin oleoresin, is credited with promoting good health. Many of cumin's purported biological actions in livestock and poultry have been attributed to flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, and glycosides. Cumin has several healthful qualities, such as antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-platelet aggregation, hypotensive, bronchodilatory, immunological, anti-amyloidogenic, and anti-osteoporotic properties. Cumin supplementation may improve milk production and reproductive function in dairy cows by altering the feeding pattern of bacteria in the rumen, encouraging the growth of beneficial microbes, or stimulating the secretion of certain digestive enzymes. Because of the low price of cumin seed, it could be concluded that its inclusion in the diet might be beneficial to the commercial poultry industry and reduce the overall cost of egg and meat production. In recent years a rise in cumin's popularity has been seen as a result of the herbal movement spearheaded by naturopaths, yoga gurus, advocates of alternative medicine, and manufacturers of feed additives. Animal nutritionists are exploring the use of cumin for its potential to boost growth, improve nutrient usage efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This mini-review discusses how cumin could be used as a feed ingredient to boost productivity and ensure healthy animal reproduction

    Crop Updates - 2009 Katanning

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    This session covers seventeen papers from different authors GM canola – How will it affect the way I farm? Murray Scholz, 2008 Nuffield scholar, Southern NSW Eight years of IWM smashes tyegrass seed banks by 98% over 31 focus paddocks, Peter Newman, Glenn Adam & Trevor Bell, Department of Agriculture and Food The global economic climate and impacts on agriculture, profile on Michael Whitehead Rabobank New York Lessons from five years of cropping systems research, W.K. Anderson, Department of Agriculture and Food Case study of a 17year old agricultural lime trial, C. Gazey, Department of Agriculture and Food, J. Andrew, Precision SoilTech and R. Pearce, ConsultAg Fertilising in a changing price environment, Bill Bowden, Wayne Pluske and Jeremy Lemon, Department of Agriculture and Food Fact or Fiction: Who is telling the truth and how to tell the difference? D.C. Edmeades, agKnowledge Ltd, Hamilton Forecast disease resistance profile for the Western Australian barley crop over the next three years, JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Malting barley varieties differ in their flowering date and their response to change in sowing date, BH Paynter and JJ Russell, Department of Agriculture and Food Decimating weed seed banks within non-crop phases for the benefit of subsequent crops, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Autumn cleaning yellow serradella pastures with broad spectrum herbicides – a novel weed control strategy that exploits delayed germination, Dr Davis Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food Emerging weeds in changing farming systems, Dr Abul Hashen, Department of Agriculture and Food More glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass populations within Western Australia, Dr Abul Hashem and Dr Catherine Borger, Department of Agriculture and Food Reasons to use only the full label herbicide rate, Stephen B. Powels, Qin Yu, Mechelle Owen, Roberto Busi, Sudheesh Manalil, University of Western Australia Flaxleaf fleabane – coming to a property near you! Sally Peltzer, Department of Agriculture and Food Glyphosate – the consequences of cutting rates! Sally Peltzer and David Minkey, Department of Agriculture and Food Benefits of crop rotations/break crops in managing soil moisture, soil health, weeds and disease – an overview, Raj Malik, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    Crop Updates 2009 - Weeds

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    This session covers twenty three papers from different authors: Herbicides 1. New pre-seeding grass selective herbicides – How well do they work in zero or no-till systems? Dr Catherine Borgerand Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture and Food 2. Velocity®—An alternate mode of action for the control of wild radish in cereals, Mike Clarke, Bayer Cropscience Pty Ltd, Dr Aik Cheam, Department of Agriculture and Food, Dr Michael Walsh, WAHRI, University of Western Australia 3. Herbicide tolerance of new barley varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, Vince Lambert, Chris Roberts and Russell Quartermaine, Department of Agriculture and Food 4. Herbicide tolerance of Desi chickpea – influence of seeding depth and rainfall, Harmohinder Dhammu, and David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture and Food 5. Herbicide tolerance of new wheat varieties, Harmohinder Dhammu, and David Nicholson, Department of Agriculture and Food 6. PARAGON plus Bromicide 200: a triple mode-of-action approach to combating wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, Mike Jackson and Bill Campbell, Nufarm Australia Limited 7. Interaction of glyphosate dose, annual ryegrass growth stage and environmental conditions on the performance of glyphosate for control of annual ryegrass, John Moore, Abul Hashem, Mario D’Antuono, Paul Matson and Dave Nicholson, Department of Agriculture and Food 8. Metribuzin pre-sowing of lupins, Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture and Food 9. Wild radish herbicides - you get what you pay for, Peter Newman, Department of Agriculture and Food 10. Glyphosate-the consequences of cutting rates, Sally Peltzer and Dave Minkey, Department of Agriculture and Food, and Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative 11. Reasons to use only the full label herbicide rate, Stephen B Powles, Qin Yu, Mechelle Owen, Roberto Busi and Sudheesh Manalil, WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia 12. Mandelup has reasonable tolerance to atrazine, Leigh Smith and Peter White, Department of Agriculture and Food Herbicide resistance 13. Risk of glyphosate resistance in wide-row lupin cropping systems, Fiona Evans, Abul Hashem and Art Diggle, Department of Agriculture and Food 14. More glyphosate-resistant annual ryegrass populations within Western Australia, Dr Abul Hashem and Dr Catherine Borger, Department of Agriculture and Food 15. Western Australian farmers are sowing herbicide-resistant weed seed into their cropping paddocks! Mechelle Owen1, Pippa Michael2and Stephen Powles1, 1WA Herbicide Resistance Initiative, School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia, 2Muresk Institute, Curtin University of Technology Integrated Weed Management 16. Inversion ploughing: Effects of long-term deep burial on weed seed reserves, Aik Cheam and Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture and Food 17. How long cam wild radish seeds survive in the soil? Aik Cheam and Siew Lee, Department of Agriculture and Food 18. An economic comparison of IWM tools, Rob Grima, Department of Agriculture and Food 19. Emerging weeds in changing farming systems, Dr Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture and Food 20. Eight years of IWM smashes ryegrass seed banks by 98 per cent over 31 focus paddocks, Peter Newman, Glenn Adam and Trevor Bell, Department of Agriculture and Food 21. Mouldboard plough - the answer to all the problems with sandplain farming! Peter Newman and Steve Davies, Department of Agriculture and Food 22. Flaxleaf fleabane - coming to a property near you! Sally Peltzer, Department of Agriculture and Food, 23. Trimming weed seed heads and crop-topping reduce seed bank of wild radish, Glen Riethmuller and Abul Hashem, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    An analysis of polygenic herbicide resistance evolution and its management based on a population genetics approach

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    Globally, the intensive herbicide usage has resulted in the evolution of many herbicide-resistant weeds. Rigorous herbicide usage and lack of diversity in herbicide management would rapidly accumulate resistance mutations in the weed populations. Therefore, applying herbicides at a reduced rate that provides satisfactory weed control was believed to be a strategy to reduce the frequency of herbicide resistance mutations in weed populations with the additional benefits of low input cost and less herbicide load to environment. All these considerations would have contributed to the absence of regulations in many countries to mandate the strict adherence of recommended herbicide rates. Paradoxically, lack of diversity in herbicide usage coupled with faulty herbicide management practices has resulted in the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds in different agro-ecosystems. Evolution of herbicide resistance was very rapid in Australia, where the recommended rates of herbicides was the lowest in the world and farmers use lower than recommended rates of herbicides for economic reasons. In the light of the alarmingly increasing herbicide resistance cases, in the mid-1990s, scientists hypothesized the possibility of the accumulation of minor resistance mutations, in addition to major herbicide resistance mutations as a possible reason for the rapid evolution of herbicide resistance, although there were no studies to support this theory at that time. However, recent studies have confirmed that the recurrent application of a herbicide and herbicide selection at low dosages can be a major reason for the rapid evolution of herbicide resistance. This paper reviews the potential of major weed species to evolve rapidly under low herbicide through the accumulation of polygenic resistance traits. In addition, the feasibility of a population genetics approach in herbicide resistance management in tune with the high dose refuge strategy for insecticide resistance management is proposed for the first time and discussed

    Interference of turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum) and Mexican pricklepoppy (Argemone mexicana) in wheat

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    Turnipweed [Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All.] and Mexican pricklepoppy (Argemone mexicana L.) are increasingly prevalent in the northern cropping regions of Australia. The effect of different densities of these two weeds was examined for their potential to cause yield loss in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) through field studies in 2016 and 2017. There was 72% to 78% yield reduction in wheat due to competition from R. rugosum. Based on the exponential decay model, 18.2 and 24.3 plants m caused a yield reduction of 50% in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Rapistrum rugosum produced a maximum of 32,042 and 29,761 seeds m in 2016 and 2017, respectively. There was 100% weed seed retention at crop harvest. Competition from A. mexicana resulted in a yield loss of 17% and 22% in 2016 and 2017, respectively; however, plants failed to set seeds due to intense competition from wheat. Among the yield components, panicles per square meter and grains per panicle were affected by weed competition. The studies indicate a superior competitiveness of R. rugosum in wheat and a suppressive effect of wheat on A. mexicana. The results indicate that a wheat crop can be included in crop rotation programs where crop fields are infested with A. mexicana. High seed retention in R. rugosum indicates the possibility to manage this weed through seed catching and harvest weed seed destruction

    Germination ecology of Sonchus oleraceus L. in the northern region of Australia

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    In Australia, Sonchus oleraceus has been emerging as a major weed in conservation agricultural systems. The effect of environmental factors on germination and emergence of S. oleraceus was assessed on populations collected from Gatton (SOG) and St. George (SOS) regions of Australia, which are high and low rainfall regions respectively. Germination of both populations responded similarly to various environmental factors studied. Although S. oleraceus seeds germinated under a broad range of temperatures (15/5, 20/10, 25/15 and 30/20°C day/night), germination was lower at 15/5°C. There was only 47-53% germination under dark conditions compared with 62-87% under alternating light-dark. Germination was only 2 and 3% at -0.8 MPa osmotic potential for SOG and SOS populations respectively, and no germination occurred at -1 MPa. Germination was 6 and 8% at 200 mM NaCl for SOG and SOS populations respectively. Although S. oleraceus seed germination exceeded 80% for pH 6-7, germination was reduced at pH outside this range. Germination was 83 and 87% for SOG and SOS populations respectively at the soil surface and emergence decreased with increasing depth, with none from seeds buried at 6 cm depth. Wheat residue amount within the range of 0-2000 kg ha did not alter germination however, germination was significantly reduced when the crop residue amount increased to 4000 kg ha and the lowest germination was at 6000 kg ha. The potential to germinate under diverse environmental conditions correlates with the widespread occurrence of this weed in the northern region of Australia. High residue amounts and occasional tillage leading to deep burial of seeds may reduce its emergence and incidence
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