36 research outputs found

    Breast cancer stem-like cells are inhibited by diosgenin, a steroidal saponin, by the attenuation of the Wnt ß-catenin signaling via the Wnt antagonist secreted frizzled related protein-4

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    Background: Identification of breast cancer stem cells as the chemo-resistant and tumor-initiating population represents an important milestone in approaching anticancer therapies. Targeting this minor subpopulation of chemo- and radio-resistant stem-like cells, termed as the cancer stem cells (CSCs) and their eradication could significantly enhance clinical outcomes. Most of the presently administered chemotherapeutics target the tumor bulk but are ineffective against the CSCs. We report here that diosgenin (DG), a naturally occurring steroidal saponin, could effectively inhibit CSCs from three breast cancer cell lines, MCF7, T47D and MDA-MB-231, by inducing apoptosis and inhibiting the CSC associated phenotypes. Methods: CSCs were enriched in these cells lines, characterized for CSC traits by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. Proliferation and apoptosis assays were performed in these breast CSCs in the presence of DG to obtain the inhibitory concentration. Apoptosis was confirmed with gene expression analysis, Western blotting and propidium iodide staining. TCF-LEF reporter assay, sFRP overexpression and RNAi silencing studies were performed to study regulation of the Wnt pathway. Statistical significance was evaluated by a two-sided Student's t-test. Results: Using the TCF-LEF reporter system, we show the effect of DG on CSCs is predominantly through the network regulating CSC self renewal, the Wnt ß-catenin pathway. Specifically, the Wnt antagonist, the secreted frizzled related protein 4, (sFRP4), had a defining role in the action of DG. Gain-of-function of sFRP4 in CSCs could improve the response to DG wherein CSC mediators were inhibited, ß-catenin was down regulated and the effectors of epithelial to mesenchymal transition and pro-invasive markers were repressed. Conversely, the loss-of-function of sFRP4 had a reverse effect on the CSC population which therein became enriched, their response to DG treatment was modest, ß-catenin levels increased, GSK3ß expression decreased and the expression of epithelial markers of CSC was completely abrogated. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate the effect of DG on inhibiting the resilient breast CSCs which could provide a benchmark for the development of DG-based therapies in breast cancer treatment. © 2017 Bhuvanalakshmi, Basappa, Rangappa, Dharmarajan, Sethi, Kumar and Warrier

    SFRP-mediated Wnt sequestration as a potential therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease

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    The extracellular ligand, Wnt, and its receptors are involved in sign al transduction and play an important role in axis formation and neural development. In neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), a decrease of the intracellular Wnt effector, ß-catenin, has been linked to amyloid-ß-peptide-induced neurotoxicity. Despite this knowledge, targeting Wnt inhibitors as potential biomarkers has not been explored, and harnessing Wnt activators as therapeutic candidates remains largely not investigated. A wide acting family of Wnt mediators, secreted frizzled-related proteins (sFRPs), has not been probed so far as molecular indicators of disease occurrence and progression of Alzheimer's. Unlike the effect of the Dickkopf (DKK) family of Wnt antagonists on AD, the sFRP molecules have a more pleiotropic impact on the Wnt signaling cascade and probably have a far-reaching involvement in neurodegeneration. The role of sFRPs has been poorly described in AD, and in this review, we analyze the present status of the role of sFRPs on neurodegeneration, their likely involvement, and potential implications in treatment modalities of AD. This information would provide valuable clues for the development of potential therapeutic targets for aberrant neurodegenerative disorders

    Multifunctional Properties of Chicken Embryonic Prenatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells- Pluripotency, Plasticity, and Tumor Suppression

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    The chick embryo represents an accessible and economical in vivo model, which has long been used in developmental biology, gene expression analysis, and loss/gain of function experiments. In the present study, we assessed and characterized bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells from prenatal day 13 chicken embryos (chBMMSCs) and determined some novel properties. After assessing the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) properties of these cells by the presence of their signature markers (CD 44, CD 73, CD 90, CD 105, and vimentin), we ascertained a very broad spectrum of multipotentiality as these MSCs not only differentiated into the classic tri-lineages of MSCs but also into ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal lineages such as neuron, hepatocyte, islet cell, and cardiac. In addition to wide plasticity, we detected the presence of several pluripotent markers such as Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog. This is the first study characterizing prenatal chBMMSCs and their ability to not only differentiate into mesenchymal lineages but also into all the germ cell layer lineages. Furthermore, our studies indicate that prenatal chBMMSCs derived from the chick provide an excellent model for multi-lineage development studies because of their broad plasticity and faithful reproduction of MSC traits as seen in the human. Here, we also present evidence for the first time that media derived from prenatal chBMMSC cultures have an anti-tumorigenic, anti-migratory, and pro-apoptotic effect on human tumors cells acting through the Wnt-ß-catenin pathway. These data confirm that chBMMSCs are enriched with factors in their secretome that are able to destroy tumor cells. This suggests a commonality of properties of MSCs across species between human and chicken

    Inherent propensity of amnion-derived mesenchymal stem cells towards endothelial lineage: Vascularization from an avascular tissue

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    One of the most pressing problems in injury is wound healing and blood vessel formation. The amniotic membrane is important in clinical applications as it is pro-angiogenic, anti-fibrotic and anti-scarring and has low immunogenicity. In this study, we characterized amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells (AMMSCs) by their trademark mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) signature and profiled for embryonic pluripotency markers namely alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog, SSEA3 and 4, and Klf4 by RT-PCR and nuclear localization of Oct4 and Nanog by immunocytochemistry. The amnion, although avascular, contains pro-angiogenic factors such as type I, III, IV and V collagen, laminin, and fibronectin in the extra cellular matrix. We, therefore, hypothesized that AMMSCs is pro-angiogenic. Thus, we demonstrate that MSCs derived from the amnion have a natural ability to initiate endothelialization and angiogenesis in vitro. Our results using a wound scratch assay and angiogenesis on Matrigel suggest a pro-angiogenic property of AMMSCs. We also show that native, uninduced AMMSCs are able to form endothelial rings in Matrigel. Further evidence was provided by RT-PCR showing the expression of pro-angiogenic factors such as Tie2, Ang1, VEGF, VEGFR, vWF, KDR and Flt4 in native AMMSCs. Taken together, our results suggest that MSCs from an avascular amnion have an inherent propensity for promoting angiogenesis and could be an ideal choice in wound healing, stroke and ischemic diseases that require rapid vascularization and tissue restoration. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    miRNA on the Battlefield of Cancer: Significance in Cancer Stem Cells, WNT Pathway, and Treatment

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    Carcinogenesis is a complex process characterized by intricate changes in organ histology, biochemistry, epigenetics, and genetics. Within this intricate landscape, cancer stem cells (CSCs) have emerged as distinct cell types possessing unique attributes that significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of cancer. The WNT signaling pathway plays a critical role in maintaining somatic stem cell pluripotency. However, in cancer, overexpression of WNT mediators enhances the activity of β-catenin, resulting in phenomena such as recurrence and unfavorable survival outcomes. Notably, CSCs exhibit heightened WNT signaling compared to bulk cancer cells, providing intriguing insights into their functional characteristics. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), as post-transcriptional gene expression regulators, modulate various physiological processes in numerous diseases including cancer. Upregulation or downregulation of miRNAs can affect the production of pro-oncogenic or anti-oncogenic proteins, influencing cellular processes that maintain tissue homeostasis and promote either apoptosis or differentiation, even in cancer cells. In order to understand the dysregulation of miRNAs, it is essential to examine miRNA biogenesis and any possible alterations at each step. The potential of a miRNA as a biomarker in prognosis, diagnosis, and detection is being assessed using technologies such as next-generation sequencing. Extensive research has explored miRNA expression profiles in cancer, leading to their utilization as diagnostic tools and the development of personalized and targeted cancer therapies. This review delves into the role of miRNAs in carcinogenesis in relation to the WNT signaling pathway along with their potential as druggable compounds

    Study of chemoresistant CD133+ cancer stem cells from human glioblastoma cell line U138MG using multiple assays

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    Glioblastoma is one of the most common malignant tumours in adults, with an average life expectancy of less than 1 year. The high mortality of glioblastomas is attributed to its resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Numerous studies have established the presence of a cancer stem population within glioblastomas. These CSC (cancer stem cell) populations express the cell-surface marker, CD133, and are tumorigenic and chemoresistant. Hence, CSCs make a potential target for anticancer therapies. We have focused on techniques that can reliably identify and isolate a viable CSCpopulation, and studied their chemoresistant attributes. We show the presence of a CSC population within a slowly proliferating glioblastoma cell line, U138MG. An improvised neurosphere enrichment culture technique was developed for the isolation of CSC population. Stem cell neurospheres obtained by this protocol maintained their viability for several weeks, and could be redispersed for deriving colony-forming units and secondary spheres from single-cell suspensions. RT-PCR (reverse transcription-PCR), cell surface localization by immunofluorescence and enumeration by FACS analysis showed that the sphere cultures of U138MG grown on agarose-coated plates had elevated CD133 levels. Drug sensitivity assays indicated that these enriched spheres were more resistant to drug treatment than their non-CSC controls. Drugresistant CSC had an increased expression of ABC (ATP-binding-cassette) drug transporters, such as ABCC2, ABCC4, ABCG2 and p-glycoprotein, indicative of their role in the resistance mechanisms. These studies will facilitate the development of in vitro assays for the sparse CSC population and strategies for improved treatment regimens for glioblastomas. © The Author(s) Journal compilation. © 2012 International Federation for Cell Biology

    An Overview of Ovarian Cancer: The Role of Cancer Stem Cells in Chemoresistance and a Precision Medicine Approach Targeting the Wnt Pathway with the Antagonist sFRP4

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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most prevalent gynecological cancers, having a relatively high fatality rate with a low five-year chance of survival when detected in late stages. The early detection, treatment and prevention of metastasis is pertinent and a pressing research priority as many patients are diagnosed only in stage three of ovarian cancer. Despite surgical interventions, targeted immunotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy, relapses are significantly higher than other cancers, suggesting the dire need to identify the root cause of metastasis and relapse and present more precise therapeutic options. In this review, we first describe types of ovarian cancers, the existing markers and treatment modalities. As ovarian cancer is driven and sustained by an elusive and highly chemoresistant population of cancer stem cells (CSCs), their role and the associated signature markers are exhaustively discussed. Non-invasive diagnostic markers, which can be identified early in the disease using circulating tumor cells (CTCs), are also described. The mechanism of the self-renewal, chemoresistance and metastasis of ovarian CSCs is regulated by the Wnt signaling pathway. Thus, its role in ovarian cancer in promoting stemness and metastasis is delineated. Based on our findings, we propose a novel strategy of Wnt inhibition using a well-known Wnt antagonist, secreted frizzled related protein 4 (sFRP4), wherein short micropeptides derived from the whole protein can be used as powerful inhibitors. The latest approaches to early diagnosis and novel treatment strategies emphasized in this review will help design precision medicine approaches for an effective capture and destruction of highly aggressive ovarian cancer

    Identification of a Novel Wnt Antagonist Based Therapeutic and Diagnostic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease Using a Stem Cell-Derived Model

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    Currently, all the existing treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) fail to stall progression due to longer duration of time between onset of the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease, raising the necessity of effective diagnostics and novel treatment. Specific molecular regulation of the onset and progression of disease is not yet elucidated. This warranted investigation of the role of Wnt signaling regulators which are thought to be involved in neurogenesis. The AD model was established using amyloid beta (Aβ) in human mesenchymal stem cells derived from amniotic membranes which were differentiated into neuronal cell types. In vivo studies were carried out with Aβ or a Wnt antagonist, AD201, belonging to the sFRP family. We further created an AD201-knockdown in vitro model to determine the role of Wnt antagonism. BACE1 upregulation, ChAT and α7nAChR downregulation with synapse and functionality loss with increases in ROS confirmed the neurodegeneration. Reduced β-catenin and increased AD201 expression indicated Wnt/canonical pathway inhibition. Similar results were exhibited in the in vivo study along with AD-associated behavioural and molecular changes. AD201-knockdown rescued neurons from Aβ-induced toxicity. We demonstrated for the first time a role of AD201 in Alzheimer’s disease manifestation, which indicates a promising disease target and biomarker

    Identification of a Novel Wnt Antagonist Based Therapeutic and Diagnostic Target for Alzheimer’s Disease Using a Stem Cell-Derived Model

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    Currently, all the existing treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) fail to stall progression due to longer duration of time between onset of the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease, raising the necessity of effective diagnostics and novel treatment. Specific molecular regulation of the onset and progression of disease is not yet elucidated. This warranted investigation of the role of Wnt signaling regulators which are thought to be involved in neurogenesis. The AD model was established using amyloid beta (Aβ) in human mesenchymal stem cells derived from amniotic membranes which were differentiated into neuronal cell types. In vivo studies were carried out with Aβ or a Wnt antagonist, AD201, belonging to the sFRP family. We further created an AD201-knockdown in vitro model to determine the role of Wnt antagonism. BACE1 upregulation, ChAT and α7nAChR downregulation with synapse and functionality loss with increases in ROS confirmed the neurodegeneration. Reduced β-catenin and increased AD201 expression indicated Wnt/canonical pathway inhibition. Similar results were exhibited in the in vivo study along with AD-associated behavioural and molecular changes. AD201-knockdown rescued neurons from Aβ-induced toxicity. We demonstrated for the first time a role of AD201 in Alzheimer’s disease manifestation, which indicates a promising disease target and biomarker