577 research outputs found

    New Physics effects in charm meson decays involving cul+l(lilj±)c \to u l^+ l^- (l_i^\mp l_j^\pm) transitions

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    We study the effect of scalar leptoquark and ZZ^\prime boson on the rare decays of DD mesons involving flavour changing transitions cul+l(lilj±)c \to u l^+ l^- (l^\mp_i l^\pm_j). We constrain the new physics parameter space using the branching ratio of the rare decay mode D0μ+μD^0 \to \mu^+ \mu^- and the D0Dˉ0D^0-\bar D^0 oscillation data. We compute the branching ratios, forward-backward asymmetry parameters and flat terms in D+(0)π+(0)μ+μD^{+(0)} \to \pi^{+(0)} \mu^+ \mu^- processes using the constrained parameters. The branching ratios of the lepton flavour violating DD meson decays, such as D0μe, τeD^0 \to \mu e, ~\tau e and D+(0)π+(0)μe+D^{+(0)} \to \pi^{+(0)} \mu^- e^+ are also investigated.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, to appear in EPJ

    A Semantic-Agent Framework for PaaS Interoperability

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    Suchismita Hoare, Na Helian, and Nathan Baddoo, 'A Semantic-Agent Framework for PaaS Interoperability', in Proceedings of the The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Toulouse, France, 18-21, July 2016. DOI: 10.1109/UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP-SmartWorld.2016.0126 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) is poised for a wider adoption by its relevant stakeholders, especially Cloud application developers. Despite this, the service model is still plagued with several adoption inhibitors, one of which is lack of interoperability between proprietary application infrastructure services of public PaaS solutions. Although there is some progress in addressing the general PaaS interoperability issue through various devised solutions focused primarily on API compatibility and platform-agnostic application design models, interoperability specific to differentiated services provided by the existing public PaaS providers and the resultant disparity owing to the offered services’ semantics has not been addressed effectively, yet. The literature indicates that this dimension of PaaS interoperability is awaiting evolution in the state-of-the-art. This paper proposes the initial system design of a PaaS interoperability (IntPaaS) framework to be developed through the integration of semantic and agent technologies to enable transparent interoperability between incompatible PaaS services. This will involve uniform description through semantic annotation of PaaS provider services utilizing the OWL-S ontology, creating a knowledgebase that enables software agents to automatically search for suitable services to support Cloud-based Greenfield application development. The rest of the paper discusses the identified research problem along with the proposed solution to address the issue.Submitted Versio

    Impact of Derivatives Trading on Emerging Capital Markets: A Note on Expiration Day Effects in India

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    The impact of expiration of derivatives contracts on the underlying cash market ñ on trading volumes, returns and volatility of returns ñ has been studied in various contexts. We use an AR-GARCH model to analyse the impact of expiration of derivatives contracts on the cash market at the largest stock exchange in India, an important emerging capital market. Our results indicate that trading volumes were significantly higher on expiration days and during the five days leading up to expiration days (“expiration weeks”), compared with nonexpiration days (weeks). We also find significant expiration day effects on daily returns to the market index, and on the volatility of these returns. Finally, our analysis indicates that it might be prudent to undertake analysis of expiration day effects (or other events) using methodologies that model the underlying data generating process, rather than depend on comparison of mean and median alone.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57243/1/wp863 .pd

    Satisfiability Modulo Theory based Methodology for Floorplanning in VLSI Circuits

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    This paper proposes a Satisfiability Modulo Theory based formulation for floorplanning in VLSI circuits. The proposed approach allows a number of fixed blocks to be placed within a layout region without overlapping and at the same time minimizing the area of the layout region. The proposed approach is extended to allow a number of fixed blocks with ability to rotate and flexible blocks (with variable width and height) to be placed within a layout without overlap. Our target in all cases is reduction in area occupied on a chip which is of vital importance in obtaining a good circuit design. Satisfiability Modulo Theory combines the problem of Boolean satisfiability with domains such as convex optimization. Satisfiability Modulo Theory provides a richer modeling language than is possible with pure Boolean SAT formulas. We have conducted our experiments on MCNC and GSRC benchmark circuits to calculate the total area occupied, amount of deadspace and the total CPU time consumed while placing the blocks without overlapping. The results obtained shows clearly that the amount of dead space or wasted space is reduced if rotation is applied to the blocks.Comment: 8 pages,5 figure