5 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Dan Budi Pekerti

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    This research article seeks to discuss the creative reasoning abilities of each student through problem-based learning in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Character at the Junior High School level. The description of the problem raised is about the description of students' creative thinking which is manifested by their lack of ability to convey ideas during learning. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that using a problem-based learning model can improve students' creative reasoning abilities. The use of this model produces progress, where the process of their creative reasoning abilities has reached a higher level, namely by forming students' creative thinking patterns. This is deemed necessary because the Junior High School level must reach a higher and more complex level of reasoning than the levels below

    Faktor Penyebab Komersialisasi Pendidikan

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    Commercializing education means turning education into a business or incorporating business elements into it. Of course, this often happens at various levels of education. Many schools collect fees outside of government regulations, or the government usually mentions extortion fees in schools, then the government blames the school, by linking the boss's funds. If in a formal education school, the school only relies on money from BOS funds, of course the school will experience passivity in carrying out learning activities. There are many new things related to supporting learning activities, which cannot be fulfilled, because they are hampered by the lack of BOS funds. It cannot be denied that formal education schools, which usually prioritize quality, are schools that usually have high fees, and only the well-off can afford the financing. In terms of formal education, of course there don't seem to be a few people who take advantage of this for business purposes, where the fees set are quite burdensome for parents of students, but again, schools always set rates according to the facilities provided, both from teachers and teachers. professional, complete learning support tools, comfortable buildings, and so o

    Degradasi Moral Ditinjau dari Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Changing times towards the 21st century are now bringing every level of society to advances in science and technology. However, advances in science and technology that should be able to create a civil society have actually eroded the importance of moral values, good teachings about actions and behavior or what we often call morals. So to overcome moral degradation, there are efforts that must be made, one of which is by instilling Islamic educational values ​​in families, schools and society as early as possible. This is important because if there is no habituation as early as possible, it will be very difficult to apply the values ​​of Islamic education when he grows up. This research aims to determine the urgency of Islamic Religious Education in facing moral degradation. To overcome moral degradation, efforts must be made, one of which is by instilling character education in the family, school and community from as early as possible. This research is qualitative research using a literature study method using sources from journal articles, books, websites and other relevant sources. The results of this research show that Islamic Religious Education plays an important role in dealing with the problem of moral degradation, namely: 1) Islamic Religious Education as a strategy to increase the potential for creating moral humans, 2) Islamic Religious Education as a revitalization of character education, 3) Islamic Religious Education in forming society madani

    Strategi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Kolaborasi Dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Collaborative learning has become an attractive approach in education, including in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This article discusses the meaning, concept and implementation of collaboration-based learning in PAI. Collaborative learning is a group learning strategy where students work together in constructing their knowledge. This article explains the steps in collaboration-based learning, including student orientation, group formation, assignment preparation, and facilitation of the collaboration process. Apart from that, this article also discusses the benefits of collaboration-based learning, such as developing social skills, a sense of responsibility, and high learning motivation. However, there are also challenges in its implementation, such as teacher skills required in group management and evaluating learning outcomes. The objectives of this research article include; 1). To analyze the definition of collaborative learning strategies, 2). To analyze the concept of collaborative learning, 3) To analyze the implementation of collaboration-based Islamic Religious Education, and 4) To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of collaboration-based Islamic Religious Education learning. This research article uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. In addition, data collection was carried out using the document study method using an instrument format for identifying discussion elements. Data was analyzed descriptively, quantitatively and qualitatively. The research results show that collaborative learning in PAI subjects is useful for helping students build understanding. Through this learning, students can also provide assistance to each other through intellectual guidance which enables them to work on more complex tasks. Of course, this will be difficult to achieve if done individually

    Pengembangan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Game Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Developing students' creativity through game-based learning in Islamic Education subjects is very useful. Learning is a complex process and requires an innovative approach to increase students' creativity. One method that can be used is game-based learning, which is able to combine educational elements with entertainment aspects. This research aims to examine the development of students' creativity through the application of game-based learning in PAI subjects. The research method used is classroom action research involving class students which consists of two learning cycles. The research results show a significant increase in students' creativity levels after participating in game-based learning. This learning provides opportunities for students to develop their creativity through challenges in the form of games that are integrated with the concept of Islamic Religious Education. In addition, students show a high level of motivation in participating in learning, considering that the game element provides a fun and interactive learning experience. This research contributes to educational literature by showing that game-based learning can be an effective alternative in increasing students' creativity in Islamic Religious Education subjects. The practical implication of this research is the need to apply innovative and interesting learning methods to increase the effectiveness of religious learning in schools