17 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Filter Pasif untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Daya Listrik di Kampus Diploma III Fakultas Teknik Undip

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    Arkhan Subari, Saiful Manan, in this paper explain that most electronic equipment is non-linear load. Likewise with the equipment in campus buildings Diploma III Faculty of Engineering. Non-linear load is a load that has a voltage waveform supplied from non sinusiodal although sinusoidal voltage. Non-sinusoidal wave causes the shape of the voltage becomes distorted or defects that result in decreased quality of power. The defect wave called harmonics. To dampen harmonics on non-linear load can be used filter. With the addition of a filter on the power system, then the waves of unwanted harmonics can be suppressed as small as possible. In addition, harmonic filter at the fundamental frequency can compensate for reactive power and is used to improve the power factor of the system. From the measurement results in the Diploma Program Campus FT Undip found that the influence of harmonic waves big enough. THDv reached 32.13% while the THDi amounted to 7.85%. It affects so cos phi cos phi measured just 0.72. After the installation of a passive filter, the value THDv and THDi be good lebik ie 1.61% and 0.39% to reach 0.94 cos phi measured

    Rancang Bangun dan Monitoring Penyearah dan Ats (Auto Transfer Switch) pada Sistem Monitoring Sumber Dc Gardu Induk Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560

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    Cc/en/Guide/ArduinoEthernetShield. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2016.Ramadhan, Ferdian. 2014. Komunikasi Data Kwh Meter Digital dengan Server Menggunakan Aplikasi Android dalam Memenuhi Fungsi Tele Meter Tele Sinyal dan Tele Kontrol Pada Sistem Otomasi Rumah. Tugas Akhir Tidak Terpublikasi. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro. 3G Modem & Router Product. Unlocked 21Mbps Huawei E3131 Data Card. http://www.modem3g.com/unlocked-huawei-e3131-21mbps-data-card.html. Diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2016. Djoendjoenan, Ferdy Yusuf. 2011. Pembangunan Aplikasi Monitoring Procurement Infratel di PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Bidang Logistik Divisi Infratel). Skripsi Tidak Terpublikasi. Bandung: Universitas Komputer Indonesia.Susanto, Eko. 2013. Automatic Transfer Switch. Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Volume 5, Nomor 1. Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang.Owen, Bishop. 2014. Dasar- Dasar Elektronika. Jakarta : Erlangga.Priyanto, Mei. 2013. Simulator Mini SCADA sebagai Pedoman Dasar Penanganan Gangguan Sistem SCADA pada PMT 20kV di PT PLN (Persero) APD Jateng&DIY. Tugas Akhir Tidak Terpublikasi. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajahmada

    Pemanfaatan SMS Gateway dengan Gammu dan Webcam Berbasis Visual Basic 6.0 pada Sistem Keamanan Rumah

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    Muhammad Ishaq Islahuddin, Arkhan Subari, in this paper explain that in a home security system is very important information dissemination system. One of them by the use of SMS Gateway. By using Gammu and MySQL as a database and use a webcam as a tool for monitoring room in the house. The way this system works is a home security system using a PIR sensor detecting human movement. After that, if the data from the sensors in the microcontroller. Microcontroller then sends the data to a computer through a serial port. On the computer there is a VB 6.0 application. when the PIR sensor detects the presence of a human, the computer will be otomstis capture and send SMS alerts to a database of numbers that have been stored

    Perbandingan Pengaruh Penempatan Arrester Sebelum dan Sesudah Fco sebagai Pengaman Transformator 3 Phasa terhadap Gangguan Surja Petir di Penyulang Pandean Lamper 5 Rayon Semarang Timur

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    Azis Nurrochma Wardana, Arkhan Subari, in paper comparison of the effect of placement arrester before and after FCO as safety of 3 phase transformator from interruption of lightning at Pandean Lamper 5 Feeder, East Semarang explain that problem of the studied is location of arrester at distribution which have is same function and target but owning location of different arrester. Location of arrester relate to wiring of arrester with transformer and fuse Cut Out (FCO) owning target to give protection at transformer of over voltage. In the last location of this arrester require to study again about its efficacy of its at transformer. Efficacy of pr otection at such transformer is efficacy of passed to protection is transformer by minimizing over voltage that happened at the transformer so that equipments and transformer which its of him do not experience of damage. By considering factor influencing the level of voltage of surge and current of surge that happened at each system, like wiring of arrester, length of wire, apart arrester which is utilized in system location of arrester, steepness of wave come, speed creep waving surge, and Basic InsulationLevel (BIL) equipments, so that is in the final got one of location of correct arrester as 20 kV distribution transformer protection

    Alat Pengukur Detak Jantung Menggunakan Pulsesensor Berbasis Arduino Uno R3 yang Diintegrasikan dengan Bluetooth

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    Galuh Wahyu Wohingati, Arkhan Subari, in paper pulse measuring tool using pulsesensor based on Arduino Uno R3 integrated with Bluetooth explain that emerging disease and claimed the lives of many people is often due to late treatment , when it should be in the modern era has many tools made to overcome this problem , medical devices can only be used by medical experts , and of course takes time and no small cost . as well as heart disease which sometimes can only be detected when it is advanced because of the lack of monitoring , both from people who are sick or from a doctor . Other factors that cause costs adalahkesibukan and not everyone can do medical check- ups regularly . Whereas By knowing the health condition of a person's heart rate will then be awake , do not need expensive care from a doctor , but could by changing lifestyle . Therefore it needs to be made a tool that can measure heart rate , showing whether or not the condition of the heart and of course, this tool can be used by everyone without kecuali.Dengan development of technology and the number of components on the market which can be accessed , Arduino Uno facilities in R3 can be used . Arduino is a physical computing platform that is open source means , Arduino can be developed by many people , not just programmers .But not just a development tool , Arduino is a combination of hardware , programming language and integrated development environment ( IDE ) that is advanced . Paired with a pulse sensor , a media reader analog heart rate is then converted into digital data that is in the readings , then integrated using serial bluetoothsecara so it can be displayed on your android smartphone and used repeatedly as needed measurements .

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Ketinggian Air dan Kelembaban Tanah pada Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis dengan Hmi (Human Machine Interface) Berbasis Raspberry Pi Menggunakan Software Node-red

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    Org/. Diakses tanggal 02 Mei 2017.Tim J, M. 2016. Developing with Node-RED. https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/developing-with-node-red. Diakses tanggal 02 Mei 2017

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengontrol Batch Mixer pada Industri Minuman dengan Metode Pid Berbasis Arduino Uno R3

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    Redi Permata Hati, Arkhan Subari, in this paper explain that batch Mixer is a tool that accommodates some of the raw materials to be mixed so that it becomes a USAble product. Raw materials can be a liquid, solid and gas. The use of raw materials and way of mixing the raw materials that distinguish Batch Mixer design at each industry. In this thesis, design Batch Mixer consists of two tanks, namely the mixing tank and tank heaters. In the mixing tank, there HCSR-04 Ultrasonic sensor that functions as a detector of the level of the liquid level, and the stirrer motor-driven DC 12 V. While the heater tank, there MAX6675 Thermocouple temperature sensor and heater. There are also three pumps that pump fluid 1, pump 2 and pump fluid mixing. Batch Mixer working process is controlled automatically using the Arduino Uno R3 displayed via HMI Raspberry Pi. The use Arduino Uno R3 allows users to create a variety of issues related to the microcontroller. The control system is used to control the work process in a plant. The control system in the Batch Mixer works by two indicators: the water level and water temperature. In the manufacturing system, water temperature control using PID control (Proportional Integral Derivative) with PID tuning method to find the value of Kp, Kd, and Ki. Based on test results, use the most optimal value for use PID control value Kp = 60, Ki = 0.005 and Kd = 0.5. By using the value of the achievement level will be faster and the value of the maximum error of 2.5% is still within the tolerance limits of 3%