40 research outputs found

    Production of Cu2O (Copper (I) Oxide) thin films by electorchemical technique and investigation of properties

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    Bu tez çalışmasında, p-tipi yarıiletken özellik gösteren Cu2O filmler, ITO alttabaka üzerine, pH değeri 10 ve sıcaklığı 500C olan çözelti içinde elektrodepoziyon tekniği kullanılarak üretildi. Depozisyon potansiyeli, dönüşümlü voltammetri tekniği ile belirlendi. Buna göre – 260 mV, - 320 mV, -400 V , -480 mV’ da 500 nm, 1000 nm, 2000 nm kalınlıklarında filmler üretildi. Depozisyon sırasında kaydedilen akım yoğunluğu– zaman geçişleri ile filmlerin çekirdeklenme ve büyüme durumları incelendi. Filmlerin kristal yapı özellikleri X-Işını Difraksiyonu tekniği ile tayin edildi. Üretilen tüm filmlerde Cu2O’ in, kübik yapısının karakteristik pikleri olan ve (110), (111), (200), (220), (311), (222) düzlemlerinden gelen yansımalar elde edildi. Her bir yansımaya ait düzlemler arası uzaklık değerleri, tane boyutları ve filmlerin örgü sabitleri hesaplandı. Düzlemler arası uzaklık ve örgü sabiti değerlerinin teorik değerler ile uyumlu olduğu bulundu. Hesaplanan örgü katsayılarına göre -260 mV’ da 500 nm ve 2000 nm kalınlığında üretilen filmlerin tercihli yönelimi (110), 1000 nm kalınlığındaki filmin ise (200)’ dır. -320 mV’ da üretilen 500 ve 1000 nm kalınlıklı filmler (110) yönelimini tercih ederken 2000 nm kalınlıklı film (111) yönünde kristallendi. -400 mV ve -480 mV’ da tüm kalınlıklarda filmler, (111) tercihli yönelimine sahiptir. Mott-Schottky ölçümlerine göre Cu2O filmleri p tipi yarıiletken özellik gösterir. –260 mV’da kalınlık attıkça düz bant geriliminde azalma gözlenirken -480 mV’da düzgün bir değişim gözlenmedi. Filmlerin hesaplanan taşıyıcı yoğunlukları literatür ile uyumludur. Elektrokimyasal Empedans Spektroskopisi ile çözelti direnci, yük transfer direnci ve difüzyon açısı elde edildi. Filmlerin morfolojik özellikleri, taramalı elektron mikroskobuyla (SEM) analiz edildi. SEM görüntülerine göre Cu2O yapıları küresel görünüme sahiptir. Kalınlık artışıyla tane boyutlarında ve taneler arası mesafede artış, gözlendi.In this work, p-type semiconductor Cu2O films were electrodeposited on ITO substrate, from a solution with a pH value of 10 and a temperature of 500C. The deposition potentials were determined as -260, -320, 400 and -480 mV from cyclic voltammograms. The thickness of the films were 500, 1000 and 2000 nm. Nucleation and growth mode of the films were studied by current density-time. The crystal structure properties were determined by X-ray diffraction technique. All deposited films have characteristic reflections of cubic crystal of Cu2O, which are (110), (111), (200), (220), (311), (222). d-spacing, grain size, lattices parameter and texture coefficient were calculated. The d-spacing and the lattices parameter are compatible with the theoretical values. According to the texture coefficients, at -260 mV, the films with the thicknesses of 500 nm and 2000 nm have (110) preferential orientation, and the thickness of 1000 nm has (200) preferential orientation. At -320 mV, the films with the thicknesses of 500 nm and 1000 nm have (110) preferential orientation and the thickness of 2000 nm has (111) preferential orientation. All films deposited at -400 and -480 mV have (111) preferential orientation Mott-Schottky measurements revealed that all films are p-type semiconductor. For -260 mV, the flat band potential decreases with the increasing the thickness. For -480 mV, there is not any regular change. From the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy the solution resistance, the charge transfer resistance and diffusion angle were determined. The morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cu2O films have spheres on the surface. As the thickness increases, the size of the spheres and the distance between the spheres increase

    N,S-Donor Ligandlı Organogeçiş Metal Komplekslerinin Tasarımı

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    Thiosemicarbazone (TSC) analogs are the most important in the group of ligands containing sulfur donor atoms ofSchiff base ligands, which are known to have versatile coordination modes. Thiosemicarbazone derivatives, whichcontain a ring structure in their skeleton, are studied intensively due to their many biological activities such asantibacterial, antitumor, antifungal and antiviral. The conjugated N–N–S system in thiosemicarbazone scaffolds isshown as the part responsible for the biological activity [1-3]. It is known that thiosemicarbazones containing thesesystems form stable complexes with transition metals such as Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Pd(II), and it has beenobserved in studies that these complexes show biological activities. [4]. In particular, cobalt (II) and palladium (II)complexes obtained with nitrogen and sulfur donor ligands, which are known to contain active ends, are veryinteresting both with their activity and with their bonding patterns [5-6]. It is known that thiosemicarbazones formdivalent compounds such as monomer, dimer and trimer as a result of the reactions of nickel metal salts. In addition,ligands in these compounds show bi- or monodentate bonding in neutral or anionic form.( [lit]. In this context,nitrogen and sulfur donor ligands containing active sides and Palladium (II) and Cobalt (II) complexes wereinvestigated. Within the scope of the study, a new thiosemicarbazone ligand with S and N donors was synthesized,and Palladium (II) and Cobalt (II) complexes were obtained with the synthesized ligand. The structures of thesesynthesized compounds were elucidated by elemental analysis, 1 H-NMR, FT-IR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray analysis.</p

    Is the necrosis/wall ADC ratio useful for the differentiation of benign and malignant breast lesions?

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    WOS: 000402802300017PubMed ID: 28339285Objective: To determine whether the necrosis/wall apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) ratio is useful for the malignant-benign differentiation of necrotic breast lesions. Methods: Breast MRI was performed using a 3-T system. In this retrospective study, calculation of the necrosis/wall ADC ratio was based on ADC values measured from the necrosis and from the wall of malignant and benign breast lesions by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). By synchronizing post-contrast T1 weighted images, the separate parts of wall and necrosis were maintained. All the diagnoses were pathologically confirmed. Statistical analyses were conducted using an independent sample t-test and receiver operating characteristic analysis. The intraclass and interclass correlations were evaluated. Results: A total of 66 female patients were enrolled, 38 of whom had necrotic breast carcinomas and 28 of whom had breast abscesses. The ADC values were obtained from both the wall and necrosis. The mean necrosis/wall ADC ratio (6 standard deviation) was 1.6160.51 in carcinomas, and it was 0.6560.33 in abscesses. The area under the curve values for necrosis ADC, wall ADC and the necrosis/wall ADC ratio were 0.680, 0.068 and 0.942, respectively. A wall/necrosis ADC ratio cut-off value of 1.18 demonstrated a sensitivity of 97%, specificity of 93%, a positive-predictive value of 95%, a negative-predictive value of 96% and an accuracy of 95% in determining the malignant nature of necrotic breast lesions. There was a good intra- and interclass reliability for the ADC values of both necrosis and wall. Conclusion: The necrosis/wall ADC ratio appears to be a reliable and promising tool for discriminating breast carcinomas from abscesses using DWI. Advances in knowledge: ADC values of the necrosis obtained by DWI are valuable for malignant-benign differentiation in necrotic breast lesions. The necrosis/wall ADC ratio appears to be a reliable and promising tool in the breast imaging field

    Orta Kulak T¸berk¸lozu: Olgu Sunumu

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    Orta Kulak T¸berk¸lozu: Olgu Sunumu÷ZETOrta kulak t¸berk¸lozu geliºmiº ¸lkelerde nadir gˆzlenen bir hastal˝kt˝r. Diðer orta kulak hastal˝klar˝yla kar˝ºabilmesi nedeniyle tan˝ konmas˝g¸Át¸r. Standart tedaviye yan˝t vermeyen kronik orta kulakenfeksiyonlar˝nda ay˝r˝c˝ tan˝da orta kulak t¸berk¸lozu d¸º¸n¸lmelidir. Erken tan˝ ve tedavi, komplikasyonlar˝ ˆnler ve hastal˝ð˝ s˝n˝rlar. Baz˝ilerlememiº vakalarda cerrahiye gerek kalmadan antit¸berk¸loz tedavietkili ve yeterlidir. 47 yaº˝nda erkek hasta kliniðimize 1 y˝ld˝r sistemikve lokal antibiyotik tedavisi ile d¸zelmeyen kˆt¸ kokulu sol kulakak˝nt˝s˝, iºitme kayb˝ ve 10 g¸nd¸r y¸z¸n¸n sol taraf˝nda kaymaºikayeti ile baºvurdu. Hasta komplikasyonlu kronik otitis media olarakd¸º¸n¸lerek opere edildi. Operasyon s˝ras˝nda al˝nan parÁalar˝nhistopatolojik inceleme sonucu t¸berk¸loz gran¸lom geldi. BuÁal˝ºmada orta kulak t¸berk¸lozlu bir hasta sunularak tan˝ ve tedaviyˆntemleri literat¸r eºliðinde gˆzden geÁirilmiºtir. Anahtar kelimeler: Orta Kulak T¸berk¸lozu, Orta Kulak Enfeksiyonu, ›ºitme Kayb˝Tuberculous Otitis Media: Case ReportSUMMARYTuberculous otitis media is a rare condition in the developed countries. It is hard to diagnose because it can be confused with other middle eardiseases. Tuberculous otitis media should be kept in mind when middleear infections do not respond to standard medications. Early diagnosisand treatment prevents the complications and limits the disease. In earlystages, antituberculous therapy is effective and surgery rarely needed. A47 year old man attended our department with a persistant left earotorhea that did not respond to local and systemic antibiotics, hearingloss, and a ten day long left facial paralysis. The patient was thought tobe complicated chronic otitis media and operated. The hystopathologicexamination of the materials taken from the middle ear in the operationwas reported as ìtuberculosis granulomaî. We reported a case oftuberculous otitis media and discussed the diagnosis and treatmentprocedures by reviewing the literature. Key words: Tuberculous Otitis Media, Middle Ear Infection, HearingLoss</p