24 research outputs found

    A Critical Reflection on Visualization Research: Where Do Decision Making Tasks Hide?

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    It has been widely suggested that a key goal of visualization systems is to assist decision making, but is this true? We conduct a critical investigation on whether the activity of decision making is indeed central to the visualization domain. By approaching decision making as a user task, we explore the degree to which decision tasks are evident in visualization research and user studies. Our analysis suggests that decision tasks are not commonly found in current visualization task taxonomies and that the visualization field has yet to leverage guidance from decision theory domains on how to study such tasks. We further found that the majority of visualizations addressing decision making were not evaluated based on their ability to assist decision tasks. Finally, to help expand the impact of visual analytics in organizational as well as casual decision making activities, we initiate a research agenda on how decision making assistance could be elevated throughout visualization research

    A Critical Reflection on Visualization Research: Where Do Decision Making Tasks Hide?

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    It has been widely suggested that a key goal of visualization systems is to assist decision making, but is this true? We conduct a critical investigation on whether the activity of decision making is indeed central to the visualization domain. By approaching decision making as a user task, we explore the degree to which decision tasks are evident in visualization research and user studies. Our analysis suggests that decision tasks are not commonly found in current visualization task taxonomies and that the visualization field has yet to leverage guidance from decision theory domains on how to study such tasks. We further found that the majority of visualizations addressing decision making were not evaluated based on their ability to assist decision tasks. Finally, to help expand the impact of visual analytics in organizational as well as casual decision making activities, we initiate a research agenda on how decision making assistance could be elevated throughout visualization research

    Spline-based medial axis transform representation of binary images

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    Medial axes are well-known descriptors used for representing, manipulating, and compressing binary images. In this paper, we present a full pipeline for computing a stable and accurate piece-wise B-spline representation of Medial Axis Transforms (MATs) of binary images. A comprehensive evaluation on a benchmark shows that our method, called Spline-based Medial Axis Transform (SMAT), achieves very high compression ratios while keeping quality high. Compared with the regular MAT representation, the SMAT yields a much higher compression ratio at the cost of a slightly lower image quality. We illustrate our approach on a multi-scale SMAT representation, generating super-resolution images, and free-form binary image deformation

    Feature preserving noise removal for binary voxel volumes using 3D surface skeletons

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    Skeletons are well-known descriptors that capture the geometry and topology of 2D and 3D shapes. We leverage these properties by using surface skeletons to remove noise from 3D shapes. For this, we extend an existing method that removes noise, but keeps important (salient) corners for 2D shapes. Our method detects and removes large-scale, complex, and dense multiscale noise patterns that contaminate virtually the entire surface of a given 3D shape, while recovering its main (salient) edges and corners. Our method can treat any (voxelized) 3D shapes and surface-noise types, is computationally scalable, and has one easy-to-set parameter. We demonstrate the added-value of our approach by comparing our results with several known 3D shape denoising methods

    Spline-Based Dense Medial Descriptors for Lossy Image Compression

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    Medial descriptors are of significant interest for image simplification, representation, manipulation, and compression. On the other hand, B-splines are well-known tools for specifying smooth curves in computer graphics and geometric design. In this paper, we integrate the two by modeling medial descriptors with stable and accurate B-splines for image compression. Representing medial descriptors with B-splines can not only greatly improve compression but is also an effective vector representation of raster images. A comprehensive evaluation shows that our Spline-based Dense Medial Descriptors (SDMD) method achieves much higher compression ratios at similar or even better quality to the well-known JPEG technique. We illustrate our approach with applications in generating super-resolution images and salient feature preserving image compression

    Deep Learning Multidimensional Projections

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    Dimensionality reduction methods, also known as projections, are often used to explore multidimensional data in machine learning, data science, and information visualization. However, several such methods, such as the well-known t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding and its variants, are computationally expensive for large datasets, suffer from stability problems, and cannot directly handle out-of-sample data. We propose a learning approach to construct any such projections. We train a deep neural network based on sample set drawn from a given data universe, and their corresponding two-dimensional projections, compute with any user-chosen technique. Next, we use the network to infer projections of any dataset from the same universe. Our approach generates projections with similar characteristics as the learned ones, is computationally two to four orders of magnitude faster than existing projection methods, has no complex-to-set user parameters, handles out-of-sample data in a stable manner, and can be used to learn any projection technique. We demonstrate our proposal on several real-world high-dimensional datasets from machine learning

    Investigating the impact of supervoxel segmentation for unsupervised abnormal brain asymmetry detection

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    Several brain disorders are associated with abnormal brain asymmetries (asymmetric anomalies). Several computer-based methods aim to detect such anomalies automatically. Recent advances in this area use automatic unsupervised techniques that extract pairs of symmetric supervoxels in the hemispheres, model normal brain asymmetries for each pair from healthy subjects, and treat outliers as anomalies. Yet, there is no deep understanding of the impact of the supervoxel segmentation quality for abnormal asymmetry detection, especially for small anomalies, nor of the added value of using a specialized model for each supervoxel pair instead of a single global appearance model. We aim to answer these questions by a detailed evaluation of different scenarios for supervoxel segmentation and classification for detecting abnormal brain asymmetries. Experimental results on 3D MR-T1 brain images of stroke patients confirm the importance of high-quality supervoxels fit anomalies and the use of a specific classifier for each supervoxel. Next, we present a refinement of the detection method that reduces the number of false-positive supervoxels, thereby making the detection method easier to use for visual inspection and analysis of the found anomalies

    Feature Driven Combination of Animated Vector Field Visualizations

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    Animated visualizations are one of the methods for finding and understanding complex structures of time‐dependent vector fields. Many visualization designs can be used to this end, such as streamlines, vector glyphs, and image‐based techniques. While all such designs can depict any vector field, their effectiveness in highlighting particular field aspects has not been fully explored. To fill this gap, we compare three animated vector field visualization techniques, OLIC, IBFV, and particles, for a critical point detection‐and‐classification task through a user study. Our results show that the effectiveness of the studied techniques depends on the nature of the critical points. We use these results to design a new flow visualization technique that combines all studied techniques in a single view by locally using the most effective technique for the patterns present in the flow data at that location. A second user study shows that our technique is more efficient and less error prone than the three other techniques used individually for the critical point detection task

    BADRESC: Brain Anomaly Detection based on Registration Errors and Supervoxel Classification

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    Automatic detection of brain anomalies in MR images is very challenging and complex due to intensity similarity between lesions and normal tissues as well as the large variability in shape, size, and location among different anomalies. Inspired by groupwise shape analysis, we adapt a recent fully unsupervised supervoxelbased approach (SAAD) — designed for abnormal asymmetry detection of the hemispheres — to detect brain anomalies from registration errors. Our method, called BADRESC, extracts supervoxels inside the right and left hemispheres, cerebellum, and brainstem, models registration errors for each supervoxel, and treats outliers as anomalies. Experimental results on MR-T1 brain images of stroke patients show that BADRESC attains similar detection rate for hemispheric lesions in comparison to SAAD with substantially less false positives. It also presents promising detection scores for lesions in the cerebellum and brainstem

    Semi-Automatic Data Annotation guided by Feature Space Projection

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    Data annotation using visual inspection (supervision) of each training sample can be laborious. Interactive solutions alleviate this by helping experts propagate labels from a few supervised samples to unlabeled ones based solely on the visual analysis of their feature space projection (with no further sample supervision). We present a semi-automatic data annotation approach based on suitable feature space projection and semi-supervised label estimation. We validate our method on the popular MNIST dataset and on images of human intestinal parasites with and without fecal impurities, a large and diverse dataset that makes classification very hard. We evaluate two approaches for semi-supervised learning from the latent and projection spaces, to choose the one that best reduces user annotation effort and also increases classification accuracy on unseen data. Our results demonstrate the added-value of visual analytics tools that combine complementary abilities of humans and machines for more effective machine learning