5 research outputs found

    Pengukuran waktu standar pembuatan produk sampan komposit sandwich untuk menentukan biaya poduksi

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    In the efforts to develop the boat of composite sandwichto overcome the scarcity of wood as a boat material, thedetermination of production costs becomes veryimportant to be studied. The purpose of this study is toconduct a study related to the amount and time requiredin the completion of product units with the stop watchtime study method. The results of the time study wereused to determine the cost or wages of labor in theproduction of the boat composite sandwiches. So that allcomponents of these costs will later determine thefeasibility of production of the boat composite sandwichproducts. Based on the results of the measurement ofwork time study known standard time production of theboat composite sandwich with two people labor and shiftwork 8 hours / day is 34 hours (equivalent to 5 days) andproduction capability 5 units / month. The results ofresearch related to production process costs are knownfixed costs (FC )= Rp. 1,288,655 and variable costs /units (c) = Rp. 2,664,333. By conducting break-evenpoint analysis obtained minimum production units permonth that can be produced by setting the selling price( ) of the product based on profit margin 5%, 10%,15%, 20%, 25%, i.e consecutively; 10 units/month, 5units/month, 4 units/month, 3 units/month, 2 units/month

    Penambahan alternator pada mesin ketinting untuk melayani kebutuhan daya lampu nelayan tradisional di malam hari

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    In this study the ketinting machine was modified by adding an alternator. By adding alternators aimed at supplying the power needs of lights for lighting when fishermen operate at night. The ketinting machine is dikopel with pully on its long shaft, and the pully is connected with the alternator using a V-belt, so that when the ketinting machine is turned on the alternator will rotate supplying the light power and charging the battery. When you do not turn on the lights, the alternator will charge the battery only. The method used in this study is an experiment in the laboratory to determine the effect of engine modifications on battery charging time and fuel consumption. Modifications resulted in a change in engine dimensions from 353 x 374 x 346 mm to 346 x 514 x 413.23 mm. The time it takes to charge the battery is affected by the engine rotation. The larger the engine revs the smaller the time it takes to fill the battery to the full. At 1500 rpm the charging time is 16 Hours 12 minutes, the 2000 rpm spin is 11 Hours 2 minutes, and the 2500 rpm spin is 7 Hours 15 minutes.  Fuel consumption increased by 80-90 percent in liters/hour from before it was modified with after it was modified. Technically this modification of ketinting engines can help fishermen's operations at night but its feasibility economically needs further researc

    Kajian timbulan sampah untuk menentukan produksi sampah rumah tangga dan evaluasi kapasitas TPS (studi kasus: kelurahan Jemmpong Baru-Mataram)

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    TPS is a temporary shelter of garbage before it is transported or disposed of to landfill. In order for TPS to accommodate garbage, it is necessary to know the volume of garbage to be served. This study aims to; firstly knowing the occurrence of household waste produced in the village of Jempong Baru, the second conducts an evaluation of the feasibility of TPS capacity to temporarily accommodate the waste produced based on the results of the study. The method used is descriptive method by conducting garbage survey based on SNI-19-3964-1994 and TPS capacity evaluation based on PERMEN PU RI No. 03/PRT/M/2013. From the results of the study obtained the emergence of household waste produced by the community in the village of Jempong Baru 6183 kg / day or 41907 liters / day equal to 41.9 m3 / day. Organic waste 3779 kg / day, plastic waste 572.5 kg / day, other non-organic waste 1775 kg / day. Then the results of measurement and evaluation of existing TPS with a capacity of 32 m3 with a waste ritasi one rate per day. So the existing TPS capacity is not enough to accommodate the volume of waste produced per day as much as 41.9 m3. The TPS capacity should be greater than the volume of waste produced. The results of this study are very useful to make improvements to the waste management system in Mataram city and especially in the village of Jempong Baru which is efficient and effective

    Design and simulation of boat pulling system to improve productivity of the traditional fishermen in steep coastal region

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    The Indonesian coastal line is the largest in the world and has potentially large number of coastal natural resources, such as fish, seaweed etc. However, the Indonesian fishermen, particularly the traditional ones, have always been facing the hard and mediocre life. The situation was derive a specific research whit long-term goal was an attempt to facilitate the traditional fishermens with better tools in order to increase their income. The specific target was designation and implementation of simple and applicable small boat pulling apparatus to cut down the time needed to move the fishing boat on and off shore. It is no doubth that the introduction of the tool will improve the fishermen operation effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, the execution of ideas, manual calculation and raw design drawing along with Autodesk Inventor simulations software has been able to produce a model assembly of boat pulling apparatus. The design prerequisite was based on the results of comprehensive series of surveys related to the West Nusa Tenggara coastal conditions which was steep coastal with slope of 15-30 degrees as well as the simplicity of design needed by the fisherman. Based on the results of static analyse with finite element analysis (FMA) and dinamic analysis, the resulting design meets the shafety design requirements. Finally, the design can be said in the safe category and can be used safely in such conditions without harming the fisherman. Finally, this apparatus will economically improve the fishermen traditional life