38 research outputs found

    The restoration of sediment-related disasters and driftwood from national forest in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009

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    The number and area of new landslide, according to the interpreted SPOT images, caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009 is estimated as 30,223 and 43,996 ha, respectively. The new landslide area in 2009 increased by about 16,392 ha in comparison with the landslide area in 2008. The heavy rainfall with a return period well over 200 years during Typhoon Morakot centralized in southwestern and southeastern Taiwan, and that also resulted in serious landslide disasters in national forest. Four forest working circles, including Chishan, Laonong, Pintung, and Dawu, are the most serious landslide zones with the landslide ratio over 8.0%. The Forestry Bureau assesses and ranks the seriousness of the disasters by using slope, the number of protected objects, the distance from the disaster to the protected objects to execute the restoration of sediment disasters and landslide in national forest. Due to the most torrential rain in the past 50 years caused by Typhoon Morakot, a large number of trees in the mountain area were destroyed. They became the driftwood, with a total weight of about 1.52 million tons, which ended up at the farmlands and ports. In order to recover agricultural products and livelihoods, Forestry Bureau made strategy for disaster prevention and reduction. Based on the strategy, Forestry Bureau sweeps away the driftwood by estimating its distribution, overcomes the issues caused by the heavy rainfall disaster, and helps the victims to recover their life

    Modeling of Nonlinear Aggregation for Information Fusion Systems with Outliers Based on the Choquet Integral

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    Modern information fusion systems essentially associate decision-making processes with multi-sensor systems. Precise decision-making processes depend upon aggregating useful information extracted from large numbers of messages or large datasets; meanwhile, the distributed multi-sensor systems which employ several geographically separated local sensors are required to provide sufficient messages or data with similar and/or dissimilar characteristics. These kinds of information fusion techniques have been widely investigated and used for implementing several information retrieval systems. However, the results obtained from the information fusion systems vary in different situations and performing intelligent aggregation and fusion of information from a distributed multi-source, multi-sensor network is essentially an optimization problem. A flexible and versatile framework which is able to solve complex global optimization problems is a valuable alternative to traditional information fusion. Furthermore, because of the highly dynamic and volatile nature of the information flow, a swift soft computing technique is imperative to satisfy the demands and challenges. In this paper, a nonlinear aggregation based on the Choquet integral (NACI) model is considered for information fusion systems that include outliers under inherent interaction among feature attributes. The estimation of interaction coefficients for the proposed model is also performed via a modified algorithm based on particle swarm optimization with quantum-behavior (QPSO) and the high breakdown value estimator, least trimmed squares (LTS). From simulation results, the proposed MQPSO algorithm with LTS (named LTS-MQPSO) readily corrects the deviations caused by outliers and swiftly achieves convergence in estimating the parameters of the proposed NACI model for the information fusion systems with outliers

    Low temperature and high magnetic field spectroscopic ellipsometry system

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    We report on the design and implementation of a spectral ellipsometer at near-infrared wavelength (700-1000 nm) for samples placed in high magnetic fields (up to 14 T) at low temperatures (~4.2 K). The main optical components are integrated in a probe, which can be inserted into a conventional long-neck He dewar and has a very long free-space optical path (~1.8 m×2). A polarizer-sample-(quarter-wave plate)-rotating analyzer configuration was employed. Two dielectric mirrors, one before and one after the sample in the optical path, helped to reflect the light back to the analyzer and a two-axis piezo-driven goniometer under the sample holder was used to control the direction of the reflected light. Functional test results performed on an intrinsic GaAs wafer and analysis on the random error of the system are shown. We obtained both amplitude and phase ellipsometric spectra simultaneously and observed helicity transformation at energies near the GaAs exciton transitions in the phase spectra. Significant shifts of them induced by magnetic fields were observed and fitted with a simple model. This system will allow us to study the collective magneto-optical response of materials and spatial dispersive exciton-polariton related problems in high external magnetic fields at low temperatures

    Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Alleviates Bacterial-Induced Neuronal Apoptotic Damage in the Neonatal Rat Brain through Epigenetic Histone Modification

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    Bacterial meningitis during the perinatal period may cause long-term neurological deficits. The study investigated whether bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) derived from E. coli. led to neuronal apoptosis with an impaired performance of long-term cognitive function involving the activation of histone modification in the TNF-α gene promoter. Further, we looked into the therapeutic efficacy of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in a neonatal brain suffering from perinatal bacterial meningitis. We applied the following research techniques: neurobehavioral tasks, confocal laser microscopy, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting. At postnatal day 10, the animals were subjected to LPS and/or G-CSF. The target brain tissues were then collected at P17. Some animals (P45) were studied using neurobehavioral tasks. The LPS-injected group revealed significantly increased expression of NF-κB phosphorylation and trimethylated H3K4 in the TNFA gene promoter locus. Furthermore, the caspase-3, neuronal apoptosis expression, and an impaired performance in cognitive functions were also found in our study. Such deleterious outcomes described above were markedly alleviated by G-CSF therapy. This study suggests that selective therapeutic action sites of G-CSF through epigenetic regulation in the TNFA gene promoter locus may exert a potentially beneficial role for the neonatal brain suffering from perinatal bacterial-induced meningitis

    A delta-doped quantum well system with additional modulation doping

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    A delta-doped quantum well with additional modulation doping may have potential applications. Utilizing such a hybrid system, it is possible to experimentally realize an extremely high two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) density without suffering inter-electronic-subband scattering. In this article, the authors report on transport measurements on a delta-doped quantum well system with extra modulation doping. We have observed a 0-10 direct insulator-quantum Hall (I-QH) transition where the numbers 0 and 10 correspond to the insulator and Landau level filling factor ν = 10 QH state, respectively. In situ titled-magnetic field measurements reveal that the observed direct I-QH transition depends on the magnetic component perpendicular to the quantum well, and the electron system within this structure is 2D in nature. Furthermore, transport measurements on the 2DEG of this study show that carrier density, resistance and mobility are approximately temperature (T)-independent over a wide range of T. Such results could be an advantage for applications in T-insensitive devices

    C-C4-03: Teen Tobacco Use and Depression in Primary Care

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    Background/Aims: Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable morbidity and death in the nation. Despite the ever growing list of harmful effects associated with smoking, tobacco use is common among children and adolescents and approximately half who try smoking will progress to regular use and dependence. Of concern, the great progress achieved between 1997 and 2003 in reducing teen smoking has stalled with overall rates near 20%. There is only limited evidence of the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in teen populations, and the low probability that adolescents will stop smoking on their own highlights the importance of prevention and early detection. Depressive disorders occur in approximately one in five youth by age 18 and are associated with a broad range of negative effects on health, as well as academic and social functioning

    Assess the Performance and Cost-Effectiveness of LACE and HOSPITAL Re-Admission Prediction Models as a Risk Management Tool for Home Care Patients: An Evaluation Study of a Medical Center Affiliated Home Care Unit in Taiwan

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    The LACE index and HOSPITAL score models are the two most commonly used prediction models identifying patients at high risk of readmission with limited information for home care patients. This study compares the effectiveness of these two models in predicting 30-day readmission following acute hospitalization of such patients in Taiwan. A cohort of 57 home care patients were enrolled and followed-up for one year. We compared calibration, discrimination (area under the receiver operating curve, AUC), and net reclassification improvement (NRI) to identify patients at risk of 30-day readmission for both models. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of the models was evaluated using microsimulation analysis. A total of 22 readmissions occurred after 87 acute hospitalizations during the study period (readmission rate = 25.2%). While the LACE score had poor discrimination (AUC = 0.598, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.488–0.702), the HOSPITAL score achieved helpful discrimination (AUC = 0.691, 95% CI = 0.582–0.785). Moreover, the HOSPITAL score had improved the risk prediction in 38.3% of the patients, compared with the LACE index (NRI = 0.383, 95% CI = 0.068–0.697, p = 0.017). Both prediction models effectively reduced readmission rates compared to an attending physician’s model (readmission rate reduction: LACE, 39.2%; HOSPITAL, 43.4%; physician, 10.1%; p < 0.001). The HOSPITAL score provides a better prediction of readmission and has potential as a risk management tool for home care patients