62 research outputs found

    Haematological and biochemical parameters during pregnancy and lactation in sows

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    The aim of this research was to describe changes in serum concentrations of some micronutrients, and haematological parameters during pregnancy and lactation of sows. Data presented here were obtained by using blood samples from healthy, conventionally managed sows from a breeding herd. The samples were taken at three different points in the physiological production process: I. from the 30th to 35th day following artificial insemination; II. from the 81st to the 87th day of pregnancy; III. from the 12th to the 20th day of lactation. Erythrocyte count, haematocrit, MCV, leukocyte count and copper concentration decreased during pregnancy (P<0.05), while haemoglobin concentration decreased during both pregnancy and lactation (P<0.05). MCH increased at high pregnancy and decreased during lactation. Serum ALT activity, sodium concentration and inorganic phosphorus concentration decreased towards the end of pregnancy and lactation. Concentration of glucose increased during lactation. During pregnancy, zinc concentration increased. Results from this research could help to improve interpretation of laboratory data of sows during pregnancy and lactation

    Kontaminiranost zemlje i pijeska parazitskim elementima opasnim za ljudsko zdravlje u javnim parkovima i dječjim igraliŔtima u Puli, Hrvatska

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    The objectives of the present study were to screen soil and sand samples collected from public parks and childrenā€™s playgrounds in the city of Pula for the presence of infective stages of parasites and to determine the prevalence of helminth eggs and protozoan cysts and oocysts in two seasons. 90 samples of soil and sand were collected from a total of nine parks and surveyed on two occasions, in June and December. Throughout the study 4 genera of nematode eggs and 2 genera of protozoan cysts and oocysts were detected. The contamination rate was different in the dry and rainy season. The most frequent finding was Toxocara sp. eggs and had the highest prevalence in both seasons. Of 90 samples 15.5% were positive for Toxocara spp. eggs in June and 23.3% in December. Our results show that Ascaris lumbricoides eggs from human faeces were detected in 4.4% samples in June and 15.5% in December. In June 45% of all parasite eggs were embryonated and in December the percentage rose to 75%. The increase in the number of positive findings in December was only found to be statistically significant (P<0.05) for A. lumbricoides eggs. There was no significant difference in the number of positive findings between soil and sand samples.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je utvrditi prisutnost parazitskih elemenata u uzorcima zemlje i pijeska iz parkova i dječjih igraliÅ”ta u Puli kao i stupanj kontaminiranosti uzoraka s helmintskim jajima i protozojskim cistama i oocistama. Izabrano je devet parkova s dječjim igraliÅ”tima i sakupljeno 90 uzoraka zemlje i pijeska, dvokratno, u mjesecu lipnju i prosincu. Nađena su jaja 4 nematodska roda i ciste i oociste iz 2 protozojska roda. Stupanj kontaminacije u prosincu se povećao u odnosu na lipanj. Od 90 uzoraka 15,5% bilo je pozitivno na jaja roda Toxocara u lipnju, a postotak se u prosincu povećao na 23,3%. Jaja vrste A. lumbricoides, podrijetlom iz ljudskog fecesa nađena su u 4,4% uzoraka u lipnju odnosno u 15,5% uzoraka u prosincu. U lipnju je 45% svih nađenih parazitskih jaja bilo embrionirano dok je u prosincu postotak embrioniranih jaja bio 75%. Statistički značajan porast (P<0,05) broja pozitivnih nalaza u prosincu u odnosu na lipanj utvrđen je samo za jaja vrste A. lumbricoides. Nije utvrđena značajna razlika u nalazima između uzoraka zemlje i pijeska

    Promjene lipidnih peroksida i nekih antioksidansa u krvi goveda tijekom tova.

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    Blood lipid peroxides (TBARS) and naturally present blood antioxidants glutathione (GSH), haemoglobin (Hb) and plasma albumin (ALB) were determined in nine Simmental young bulls. Blood samples were taken five times. The animals were intensively fattened. Mean TBARS content showed a biphasic pattern in the course of growth with the highest value at 11.7 months of age. GSH content increased until the age of 8 months when the highest concentration was determined. Albumin and Hb concentrations were highest at 15.2 months of age. The main contributor to the significant increase and decrease of TBARS values could be the development of skeletal muscle tissue. Correlations among the parameters investigated were not significant in the course of growth, with the exception of GSH vice Hb at 5.4 months of age and TBARS vice Hb and TBARS vice ALB at 15.2 months of age. It might be concluded that the indicators of oxidant stress in young bulls were within the physiological range and that, possibly, blood natural antioxidants complemented each other.U punoj krvi devet simentalskih bičića određivani su lipidni peroksidi (TBARS), prirodni antioksidansi glutation (GSH) i hemoglobin (Hb), te albumin u plazmi. Životinje su bile u intenzivnom tovu. Prosječna koncentracija TBARS pokazivala je tijekom tova bifazno kretanje s najviÅ”om vrijednosti u dobi životinja od 11,7 mjeseci. Koncentracija GSH je rasla do dobi od 8 mjeseci kada je utvrđena najviÅ”a vrijednost. Koncentracije albumina i Hb bile su najviÅ”e u dobi od 15,2 mjeseca. Pretpostavlja se da je razvoj i rast skeletnih miÅ”ića znatno pridonio signifikantnom porastu i smanjenju TBARS vrijednosti. Korelacije među istraživanim pokazateljima nisu bile signifikantne s izuzetcima GSH i Hb u dobi od 5,4 mjeseca, te TBARS i Hb uz TBARS i albumin u dobi životinja od 15,2 mjeseca. Zaključuje se da su se određivane vrijednosti pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u bičića kretale unutar fizioloÅ”kih granica, te da se prirodni antioksidansi u krvi nadopunjuju u djelovanju tijekom tova

    Istraživanje porodne mase i rasta do odbića jaradi hrvatske Å”arene koze.

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    The aim of this research was to determine some production characteristics of Croatian multicolored goat kids (birth weight, age and body weight at weaning, and average daily gain) in extensive breeding conditions. The research included 530 goat kids from four family farms in the area of the Å ibenik - Knin and Zadar County. The birth weight and body weight of the kids at weaning were determined by individual weighing on an electronic scale with accuracy of Ā±0.05 kg. The kids were with other goats from birth to weaning and they consumed pasture grass and browsed while consuming milk by suckling. The results of the research indicate that the kidsā€™ birth weights, their body weight at weaning and average daily gain are quite variable and under the influence of sex, type of birth and the season of kidding. After parturition, the kids weighed 2.28 kg on average, and 23.0 kg at weaning (on the 186th day). The kids gained 115.43 g on average daily in the period from birth to weaning, but in comparison to female kids, male kids had significantly (P<0.001) higher average daily weight gain (125.15 : 106.96 g) and significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight at weaning (23.46 : 22.58 kg). The lowest average daily gain (103.92 g) was determined in kids of low birth weight (<1.50 kg), and the highest (163.04 g) in kids of higher birth weight (ā‰„3.50 kg). The significant (P<0.001) influence of the kidding season on birth weight and growth of kids from birth to weaning was determined.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi neke proizvodne karakteristike jaradi hrvatske Å”arene koze (porođajna masa, dob i tjelesna masa pri odbiću te prosječni dnevni prirast) u ekstenzivnim uvjetima uzgoja. Istraživanje je uključilo 530 jaradi s četiri obiteljska gospodarstva iz Å ibensko-kninske i Zadarske županije. Porođajna masa i tjelesna masa jaradi pri odbiću određivani su pojedinačnim vaganjem, uz pomoć elektroničke vage s preciznoŔću od Ā±0,05 kg. Jarad je držana s kozama od jarenja do odbića pri čemu je uz sisanje mlijeka bila na paÅ”i i brstu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su porođajna masa jaradi, njihova tjelesna masa pri odbiću i prosječni dnevni prirast prilično varijabilni i pod utjecajem spola, tipa porođaja i sezone jarenja. Nakon jarenja jarad je prosječno težila 2,28 kg, a pri odbiću (dob od 186 dana) prosječno 23,0 kg. Jarad je u razdoblju od jarenja do odbića prirastala prosječno 115,43 g dnevno, a u usporedbi sa ženskom jaradi, muÅ”ka jarad imala je značajno (P<0,001) veći prosječni dnevni prirast (125,15 : 106,96 g) i značajno (P<0,05) veću tjelesnu masu pri odbiću (23,46 : 22,58 kg). Najmanji prosječni dnevni prirast (103,92 g) utvrđen je kod jaradi s malom porođajnom masom (<1,50 kg), dok je najveći prosječni dnevni prirast (163,04 g) ustanovljen kod jaradi s najvećom porođajnom masom (ā‰„3,50 kg). Također je utvrđen i značajan (P<0,001) utjecaj sezone jarenja na porođajnu masu i rast jaradi od jarenja do odbića

    Kids nutrition after weaning

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    Ugrubo se u hranidbi jaradi razlikuju dvije faze; hranidba prije i hranidba nakon odbića. U ovom radu opisani su načini odbića jaradi i njihov utjecaj na prirast i kakvoću trupa te hranidba jaradi čvrstim krmivima. Odbiće je prijelaz s hranidbe jaradi mlijekom i/ili mliječnim krmivima, na hranidbu čvrstim krmivima (sijeno, krepka krmiva). Ono je, kao kritična faza u uzgoju jaradi, popraćeno opadanjem ili potpunom stagnacijom prirasta. Izraženost stresa odbića ovisi o dobi jaradi pri odbiću, tjelesnoj masi, spolu, načinu hranidbe prije odbića i o tehnici (načinu) odbića. Tjelesna masa jaradi u vrijeme odbića je bolji kriterij za procjenu trenutka odbića negoli sama dob jareta. Ovisno o sustavu kozarenja i cilju proizvodnje, postoje različiti načini odbića jaradi (rano i kasno te postupno i naglo). Ranije odbiće jaradi se negativno odražava ne samo na rast i tjelesnu masu, nego i na randman klanja, konformaciju trupa i mekoću mesa. Jarad se nakon odbića mora privikavati na obrok bogat vlaknima i Å”krobom, a siromaÅ”an lipidima i jednostavnim ugljikohidratima. Povećanje udjela bjelančevina u obroku odbijene jaradi pozitivno se odražava na njihov rast. Pravilnom i odgovarajućom hranidbom i uzgojem potrebno je osigurati zadovoljavajuće zdravlje i proizvodnost životinja uz najmanje troÅ”kove.Generally, kids nutrition can be divided into nutrition before weaning and nutrition after weaning. In this paper methods of weaning and their influence on daily gain and carcass traits are described. Replacing liquid feeding (milk and milk feeds) with solid feeding (hay and concentrates) is called weaning. It is a critical period for young gaots, causing a decrease or even a total arest of growth rate. The magnitude of weaning shock depends on age and body weight of the kids at the time of weaning, sex, method of weaning as well as the feeding program before and after weaning. The techniques used to wean kids differ considerably, depending on the goat farming system. Early weaning has a negative effect on growth rate, body weight, dressing percentage, trunk conformation and tenderness of meat. After weaning, kid must adapt to a diet rich in fibre and starch but poor in lipids and simple carbohydrates. Increase of dietary protein concentration has a positive effect on kids growth rate. The right nutrition and care should provide acceptable animal health and productivity at the lowest cost

    Preparing sheep for shearing, shearing, and procedures with wool

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    Vuna je značajan, a u nekim zemljama svijeta i najznačajniji ovčji proizvod koji osigurava najveći dio dohotka. U Hrvatskoj, međutim, proizvodnja vune gotovo da nema nikakvu gospodarsku važnost. Vuna je uzgredan proizvod koji u posljednje vrijeme stvara poteÅ”koće jer je vunu ovakve kvalitete gotovo nemoguće prodati pa ona postaje i ekoloÅ”ki problem. U pasminskoj strukturi ovaca u Hrvatskoj najzastupljenije su autohtone pasmine ovaca koje se uglavnom odlikuju malom proizvodnjom vune po grlu, a vuna je loÅ”e i neujednačene kvalitete, slabe elastičnosti i valovitosti. Nadalje, ovce se ne pripremaju za strižu, dok se sortiranje vune po kvaliteti uopće ne provodi. Zbog loÅ”e i neujednačene kvalitete vune, većina proizvedene vune u Hrvatskoj ne može se smatrati najprikladnijom za tekstilnu industriju, ali se može smatrati adekvatnom za proizvodnju drugih proizvoda od vune (prekrivači, madraci, tepisi, jastuci, suveniri, itd.). Time bi se u budućnosti uz neizostavnu edukaciju ovčara, izbjeglo neorganizirano odlaganje vune u okoliÅ”, odnosno tretiranje vune kao ekoloÅ”kog problema.Wool is important, but in some countries the most important sheep product providing the largest portion of income. However, wool production in Croatia has no economic importance. Wool is a sheep byproduct becoming a great ecological problem mainly because of the impossibility of selling of poor quality wool. In the breed structure of Croatia mostly dominate autochthonous sheep breeds with low wool production of poor and unequal quality. Secondly, sheeps are not being prepared for shearing, while there is no wool classification at all. Because of the poor and unequal wool quality, the majority of wool produced in Croatia is not adequate for textile industry, but it can be used in production of some others wool products (blankets, mattresses, pillows, souvenirs, etc.). That would disable disorganized deposition of wool into environment
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