22 research outputs found

    A minimal Tersoff potential for diamond silicon with improved descriptions of elastic and phonon transport properties

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    Silicon is an important material and many empirical interatomic potentials have been developed for atomistic simulations of it. Among them, the Tersoff potential and its variants are the most popular ones. However, all the existing Tersoff-like potentials fail to reproduce the experimentally measured thermal conductivity of diamond silicon. Here we propose a modified Tersoff potential and develop an efficient open source code called GPUGA (graphics processing units genetic algorithm) based on the genetic algorithm and use it to fit the potential parameters against energy, virial and force data from quantum density functional theory calculations. This potential, which is implemented in the efficient open source GPUMD (graphics processing units molecular dynamics) code, gives significantly improved descriptions of the thermal conductivity and phonon dispersion of diamond silicon as compared to previous Tersoff potentials and at the same time well reproduces the elastic constants. Furthermore, we find that quantum effects on the thermal conductivity of diamond silicon at room temperature are non-negligible but small: using classical statistics underestimates the thermal conductivity by about 10\% as compared to using quantum statistics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    STU-Net: Scalable and Transferable Medical Image Segmentation Models Empowered by Large-Scale Supervised Pre-training

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    Large-scale models pre-trained on large-scale datasets have profoundly advanced the development of deep learning. However, the state-of-the-art models for medical image segmentation are still small-scale, with their parameters only in the tens of millions. Further scaling them up to higher orders of magnitude is rarely explored. An overarching goal of exploring large-scale models is to train them on large-scale medical segmentation datasets for better transfer capacities. In this work, we design a series of Scalable and Transferable U-Net (STU-Net) models, with parameter sizes ranging from 14 million to 1.4 billion. Notably, the 1.4B STU-Net is the largest medical image segmentation model to date. Our STU-Net is based on nnU-Net framework due to its popularity and impressive performance. We first refine the default convolutional blocks in nnU-Net to make them scalable. Then, we empirically evaluate different scaling combinations of network depth and width, discovering that it is optimal to scale model depth and width together. We train our scalable STU-Net models on a large-scale TotalSegmentator dataset and find that increasing model size brings a stronger performance gain. This observation reveals that a large model is promising in medical image segmentation. Furthermore, we evaluate the transferability of our model on 14 downstream datasets for direct inference and 3 datasets for further fine-tuning, covering various modalities and segmentation targets. We observe good performance of our pre-trained model in both direct inference and fine-tuning. The code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/Ziyan-Huang/STU-Net

    A-Eval: A Benchmark for Cross-Dataset Evaluation of Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation

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    Although deep learning have revolutionized abdominal multi-organ segmentation, models often struggle with generalization due to training on small, specific datasets. With the recent emergence of large-scale datasets, some important questions arise: \textbf{Can models trained on these datasets generalize well on different ones? If yes/no, how to further improve their generalizability?} To address these questions, we introduce A-Eval, a benchmark for the cross-dataset Evaluation ('Eval') of Abdominal ('A') multi-organ segmentation. We employ training sets from four large-scale public datasets: FLARE22, AMOS, WORD, and TotalSegmentator, each providing extensive labels for abdominal multi-organ segmentation. For evaluation, we incorporate the validation sets from these datasets along with the training set from the BTCV dataset, forming a robust benchmark comprising five distinct datasets. We evaluate the generalizability of various models using the A-Eval benchmark, with a focus on diverse data usage scenarios: training on individual datasets independently, utilizing unlabeled data via pseudo-labeling, mixing different modalities, and joint training across all available datasets. Additionally, we explore the impact of model sizes on cross-dataset generalizability. Through these analyses, we underline the importance of effective data usage in enhancing models' generalization capabilities, offering valuable insights for assembling large-scale datasets and improving training strategies. The code and pre-trained models are available at \href{https://github.com/uni-medical/A-Eval}{https://github.com/uni-medical/A-Eval}


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    Although the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated impressive performance in 2D natural image segmentation, its application to 3D volumetric medical images reveals significant shortcomings, namely suboptimal performance and unstable prediction, necessitating an excessive number of prompt points to attain the desired outcomes. These issues can hardly be addressed by fine-tuning SAM on medical data because the original 2D structure of SAM neglects 3D spatial information. In this paper, we introduce SAM-Med3D, the most comprehensive study to modify SAM for 3D medical images. Our approach is characterized by its comprehensiveness in two primary aspects: firstly, by comprehensively reformulating SAM to a thorough 3D architecture trained on a comprehensively processed large-scale volumetric medical dataset; and secondly, by providing a comprehensive evaluation of its performance. Specifically, we train SAM-Med3D with over 131K 3D masks and 247 categories. Our SAM-Med3D excels at capturing 3D spatial information, exhibiting competitive performance with significantly fewer prompt points than the top-performing fine-tuned SAM in the medical domain. We then evaluate its capabilities across 15 datasets and analyze it from multiple perspectives, including anatomical structures, modalities, targets, and generalization abilities. Our approach, compared with SAM, showcases pronouncedly enhanced efficiency and broad segmentation capabilities for 3D volumetric medical images. Our code is released at https://github.com/uni-medical/SAM-Med3D

    SA-Med2D-20M Dataset: Segment Anything in 2D Medical Imaging with 20 Million masks

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    Segment Anything Model (SAM) has achieved impressive results for natural image segmentation with input prompts such as points and bounding boxes. Its success largely owes to massive labeled training data. However, directly applying SAM to medical image segmentation cannot perform well because SAM lacks medical knowledge -- it does not use medical images for training. To incorporate medical knowledge into SAM, we introduce SA-Med2D-20M, a large-scale segmentation dataset of 2D medical images built upon numerous public and private datasets. It consists of 4.6 million 2D medical images and 19.7 million corresponding masks, covering almost the whole body and showing significant diversity. This paper describes all the datasets collected in SA-Med2D-20M and details how to process these datasets. Furthermore, comprehensive statistics of SA-Med2D-20M are presented to facilitate the better use of our dataset, which can help the researchers build medical vision foundation models or apply their models to downstream medical applications. We hope that the large scale and diversity of SA-Med2D-20M can be leveraged to develop medical artificial intelligence for enhancing diagnosis, medical image analysis, knowledge sharing, and education. The data with the redistribution license is publicly available at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/SAM-Med2D

    Semantic Segmentation of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Deep Multi-Feature Learning

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    Currently, an increasing number of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focus specifically on capturing contextual features (con. feat) to improve performance in semantic segmentation tasks. However, high-level con. feat are biased towards encoding features of large objects, disregard spatial details, and have a limited capacity to discriminate between easily confused classes (e.g., trees and grasses). As a result, we incorporate low-level features (low. feat) and class-specific discriminative features (dis. feat) to boost model performance further, with low. feat helping the model in recovering spatial information and dis. feat effectively reducing class confusion during segmentation. To this end, we propose a novel deep multi-feature learning framework for the semantic segmentation of VHR RSIs, dubbed MFNet. The proposed MFNet adopts a multi-feature learning mechanism to learn more complete features, including con. feat, low. feat, and dis. feat. More specifically, aside from a widely used context aggregation module for capturing con. feat, we additionally append two branches for learning low. feat and dis. feat. One focuses on learning low. feat at a shallow layer in the backbone network through local contrast processing, while the other groups con. feat and then optimizes each class individually to generate dis. feat with better inter-class discriminative capability. Extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed MFNet outperforms most state-of-the-art models on the ISPRS Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets. In particular, thanks to the mechanism of multi-feature learning, our model achieves an overall accuracy score of 91.91% on the Potsdam test set with VGG16 as a backbone, performing favorably against advanced models with ResNet101

    Multi-Branch Adaptive Hard Region Mining Network for Urban Scene Parsing of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images

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    Scene parsing of high-resolution remote-sensing images (HRRSIs) refers to parsing different semantic regions from the images, which is an important fundamental task in image understanding. However, due to the inherent complexity of urban scenes, HRRSIs contain numerous object classes. These objects present large-scale variation and irregular morphological structures. Furthermore, their spatial distribution is uneven and contains substantial spatial details. All these features make it difficult to parse urban scenes accurately. To deal with these dilemmas, in this paper, we propose a multi-branch adaptive hard region mining network (MBANet) for urban scene parsing of HRRSIs. MBANet consists of three branches, namely, a multi-scale semantic branch, an adaptive hard region mining (AHRM) branch, and an edge branch. First, the multi-scale semantic branch is constructed based on a feature pyramid network (FPN). To reduce the memory footprint, ResNet50 is chosen as the backbone, which, combined with the atrous spatial pyramid pooling module, can extract rich multi-scale contextual information effectively, thereby enhancing object representation at various scales. Second, an AHRM branch is proposed to enhance feature representation of hard regions with a complex distribution, which would be difficult to parse otherwise. Third, the edge-extraction branch is introduced to supervise boundary perception training so that the contours of objects can be better captured. In our experiments, the three branches complemented each other in feature extraction and demonstrated state-of-the-art performance for urban scene parsing of HRRSIs. We also performed ablation studies on two HRRSI datasets from ISPRS and compared them with other methods

    Evaluation of precision marketing effectiveness of community e-commerce–An AISAS based model

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    With the advent of the big data era, user needs have become more and more diversified and personalized. These new user characteristics are important for the sustainable marketing of enterprises. With intensified competition, how to attract clients at minimal cost has become the primary concern for community e-commerce platforms or other e-commerce platforms. One of the best solutions is precision marketing, which is an important part of sustainable marketing. In this paper, a modified AISAS model is proposed for evaluating precision marketing effectiveness using data from a real-world community e-commerce platform. Based on face-to-face expert interviews and questionnaire surveys, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method is used to determine weights of different indexes adopted in the evaluation model and then quantify the precision marketing effectiveness of the e-commerce platform. The marketing results are then verified. We found that community e-commerce platforms’ marketing ought to be gentle and sustainable due to service area constraints or capacity limitations. The community e-commerce platform is more successful in attracting customers’ attention and interest from the marketing effectiveness. However, it is inadequate to rely on customers’ purchase and repeat purchase behaviors. Therefore, the precise selection of platforms is critical to the cultivation of customers’ loyalty and the increases in their products’ repurchase rate