1,543 research outputs found

    Circuit QED: Implementation of the three-qubit refined Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm

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    We propose a protocol to construct the 35 ff-controlled phase gates of a three-qubit refined Deutsch-Jozsa (DJ) algorithm, by using single-qubit Οƒz\sigma_z gates, two-qubit controlled phase gates, and two-target-qubit controlled phase gates. Using this protocol, we discuss how to implement the three-qubit refined DJ algorithm with superconducting transmon qutrits resonantly coupled to a single cavity. Our numerical calculation shows that implementation of this quantum algorithm is feasible within the present circuit QED technique. The experimental realization of this algorithm would be an important step toward more complex quantum computation in circuit QED.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Quantum Information Processing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.137

    Realizing an nn-target-qubit controlled phase gate in cavity QED: An approach without classical pulses

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    We propose a way to realize a multiqubit controlled phase gate with one qubit simultaneously controlling nn target qubits using atoms in cavity QED. In this proposal, there is no need of using classical pulses during the entire gate operation. The gate operation time scales as n\sqrt{n} only and thus the gate can be performed faster when compared with sending atoms through the cavity one at a time. In addition, only three steps of operations are required for realizing this nn-target-qubit controlled phase gate. This proposal is quite general, which can be applied to other physical systems such as various superconducting qubits coupled to a resonator, NV centers coupled to a microsphere cavity or quantum dots in cavity QED.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physic

    Proposal for realizing a multiqubit tunable phase gate of one qubit simultaneously controlling n target qubits using cavity QED

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    We propose a way to realize a multiqubit tunable phase gate of one qubit simultaneously controlling n target qubits with atoms in cavity QED. In this proposal, classical pulses interact with atoms outside a cavity only, thus the experimental challenge of applying a pulse to an intra-cavity single atom without affecting other atoms in the same cavity is avoided. Because of employing a first-order large detuning, the gate can be performed fast when compared with the use of a second-order large detuning. Furthermore, the gate operation time is independent of the number of qubits. This proposal is quite general, which can be applied to various superconducting qubits coupled to a resonator, NV centers coupled to a microsphere cavity or quantum dots in cavity QED.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Preparing Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Entangled Photon Fock States of Three Cavities Coupled by a Superconducting Flux Qutrit

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    We propose a way to prepare Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled photon Fock states of three cavities, by using a superconducting flux qutrit coupled to the cavities. This proposal does not require the use of classical microwave pulses and measurement during the entire operation. Thus, the operation is greatly simplified and the circuit engineering complexity and cost is much reduced. The proposal is quite general and can be applied to generate three-cavity GHZ entangled photon Fock states when the three cavities are coupled by a different three-level physical system such as a superconducting charge qutrit, a transmon qutrit, or a quantum dot.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Fast and simple scheme for generating NOON states of photons in circuit QED

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    The generation, manipulation and fundamental understanding of entanglement lies at very heart of quantum mechanics. Among various types of entangled states, the NOON states are a kind of special quantum entangled states with two orthogonal component states in maximal superposition, which have a wide range of potential applications in quantum communication and quantum information processing. Here, we propose a fast and simple scheme for generating NOON states of photons in two superconducting resonators by using a single superconducting transmon qutrit. Because only one superconducting qutrit and two resonators are used, the experimental setup for this scheme is much simplified when compared with the previous proposals requiring a setup of two superconducting qutrits and three cavities. In addition, this scheme is easier and faster to implement than the previous proposals, which require using a complex microwave pulse, or a small pulse Rabi frequency in order to avoid nonresonant transitions.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Entangling superconducting qubits in a multi-cavity system

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    Important tasks in cavity quantum electrodynamics include the generation and control of quantum states of spatially-separated particles distributed in different cavities. An interesting question in this context is how to prepare entanglement among particles located in different cavities, which are important for large-scale quantum information processing. We here consider a multi-cavity system where cavities are coupled to a superconducting (SC) qubit and each cavity hosts many SC qubits. We show that all intra-cavity SC qubits plus the coupler SC qubit can be prepared in an entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state, by using a single operation and without the need of measurements. The GHZ state is created without exciting the cavity modes; thus greatly suppressing the decoherence caused by the cavity-photon decay and the effect of unwanted inter-cavity crosstalk on the operation. We also introduce two simple methods for entangling the intra-cavity SC qubits in a GHZ state. As an example, our numerical simulations show that it is feasible, with current circuit-QED technology, to prepare high-fidelity GHZ states, for up to nine SC qubits by using SC qubits distributed in two cavities. This proposal can in principle be used to implement a GHZ state for {\it an arbitrary number} of SC qubits distributed in multiple cavities. The proposal is quite general and can be applied to a wide range of physical systems, with the intra-cavity qubits being either atoms, NV centers, quantum dots, or various SC qubits.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Simultaneous quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of cavities and generation of multiple Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs via a superconducting coupler qubit

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    We propose an approach to simultaneously perform quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of cavities, each containing NN cavities, by using only one superconducting coupler qubit. The quantum states to be exchanged or transferred can be arbitrary pure or mixed states and entangled or nonentangled. The operation time does not increase with the number of cavities, and there is no need of applying classic pulses during the entire operation. Moreover, the approach can be also applied to realize quantum state exchange or transfer between two sets of qubits, such as that between two multi-qubit quantum registers. We further show that the present proposal can be used to simultaneously generate multiple Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs of photons or qubits, which are important in quantum communication. The method can be generalized to other systems by using different types of physical qubit as a coupler to accomplish the same task.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Crosstalk-insensitive method for simultaneously coupling multiple pairs of resonators

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    In a circuit consisting of two or more resonators, the inter-cavity crosstalk is inevitable, which could create some problems, such as degrading the performance of quantum operations and the fidelity of various quantum states. The focus of this work is to propose a crosstalk-insensitive method for simultaneously coupling multiple pairs of resonators, which is important in large-scale quantum information processing and communication in a network consisting of resonators or cavities. In this work, we consider 2N resonators of different frequencies, which are coupled to a three-level quantum system (qutrit). By applying a strong pulse to the coupler qutrit, we show that an effective Hamiltonian can be constructed for simultaneously coupling multiple pairs of resonators.~The main advantage of this proposal is that the effect of inter-resonator crosstalks is greatly suppressed by using resonators of different frequencies. In addition, by employing the qutrit-resonator dispersive interaction, the intermediate higher-energy level of the qutrit is virtually excited and thus decoherence from this level is suppressed. This effective Hamiltonian can be applied to implement quantum operations with photonic qubits distributed in different resonators. As one application of this Hamiltonian, we show how to simultaneously generate multiple EPR pairs of photonic qubits distributed in 2N resonators. Numerical simulations show that it is feasible to prepare two high-fidelity EPR photonic pairs using a setup of four one-dimensional transmission line resonators coupled to a superconducting flux qutrit with current circuit QED technology.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Single-step implementation of a multiple-target-qubit controlled phase gate without need of classical pulses

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    We propose a simple method for realizing a multiqubit phase gate of one qubit simultaneously controlling nn target qubits, by using three-level quantum systems (i.e., qutrits) coupled to a cavity or resonator. The gate can be implemented using one operational step and without need of classical pulses, and no photon is populated during the operation. Thus, the gate operation is greatly simplified and decoherence from the cavity decay is much reduced, when compared with the previous proposals. In addition, the operation time is independent of the number of qubits and no adjustment of the qutrit level spacings or the cavity frequency is needed during the operation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    An efficient protocol of quantum walk in circuit QED

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    Implementation of discrete-time quantum walk (DTQW) with superconducting qubits is difficult since on-chip superconducting qubits cannot hop between lattice sites. We propose an efficient protocol for the implementation of DTQW in circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED), in which only N+1N+1 qutrits and NN assistant cavities are needed for an NN-step DTQW. The operation of each DTQW step is very quick because only resonant processes are adopted. The numerical simulations show that high-similarity DTQW with the number of step up to 2020 is feasible with present-day circuit QED technique. This protocol can help to study properties and applications of large-step DTQW in experiments, which is important for the development of quantum computation and quantum simulation in circuit QED.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
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