241 research outputs found

    The dynamics of highly excited electronic systems: Applications of the electron force field

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    Highly excited heterogeneous complex materials are essential elements of important processes, ranging from inertial confinement fusion to semiconductor device fabrication. Understanding the dynamics of these systems has been challenging because of the difficulty in extracting mechanistic information from either experiment or theory. We describe here the electron force field (eFF) approximation to quantum mechanics which provides a practical approach to simulating the dynamics of such systems. eFF includes all the normal electrostatic interactions between electrons and nuclei and the normal quantum mechanical description of kinetic energy for the electrons, but contains two severe approximations: first, the individual electrons are represented as floating Gaussian wave packets whose position and size respond instantaneously to various forces during the dynamics; and second, these wave packets are combined into a many-body wave function as a Hartree product without explicit antisymmetrization. The Pauli principle is accounted for by adding an extra spin-dependent term to the Hamiltonian. These approximations are a logical extension of existing approaches to simulate the dynamics of fermions, which we review. In this paper, we discuss the details of the equations of motion and potentials that form eFF, and evaluate the ability of eFF to describe ground-state systems containing covalent, ionic, multicenter, and/or metallic bonds. We also summarize two eFF calculations previously reported on electronically excited systems: (1) the thermodynamics of hydrogen compressed up to ten times liquid density and heated up to 200 000 K; and (2) the dynamics of Auger fragmentation in a diamond nanoparticle, where hundreds of electron volts of excitation energy are dissipated over tens of femtoseconds. These cases represent the first steps toward using eFF to model highly excited electronic processes in complex materials

    Excited Electron Dynamics Modeling of Warm Dense Matter

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    We present a model (the electron force field, or eFF) based on a simplified solution to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation that with a single approximate potential between nuclei and electrons correctly describes many phases relevant for warm dense hydrogen. Over a temperature range of 0 to 100 000 K and densities up to 1 g/cm^3, we find excellent agreement with experimental, path integral Monte Carlo, and linear mixing equations of state, as well as single-shock Hugoniot curves from shock compression experiments. In principle eFF should be applicable to other warm dense systems as well

    High-temperature high-pressure phases of lithium from electron force field (eFF) quantum electron dynamics simulations

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    We recently developed the electron force field (eFF) method for practical nonadiabatic electron dynamics simulations of materials under extreme conditions and showed that it gave an excellent description of the shock thermodynamics of hydrogen from molecules to atoms to plasma, as well as the electron dynamics of the Auger decay in diamondoids following core electron ionization. Here we apply eFF to the shock thermodynamics of lithium metal, where we find two distinct consecutive phase changes that manifest themselves as a kink in the shock Hugoniot, previously observed experimentally, but not explained. Analyzing the atomic distribution functions, we establish that the first phase transition corresponds to (i) an fcc-to-cl16 phase transition that was observed previously in diamond anvil cell experiments at low temperature and (ii) a second phase transition that corresponds to the formation of a new amorphous phase (amor) of lithium that is distinct from normal molten lithium. The amorphous phase has enhanced valence electron-nucleus interactions due to localization of electrons into interstitial locations, along with a random connectivity distribution function. This indicates that eFF can characterize and compute the relative stability of states of matter under extreme conditions (e.g., warm dense matter)

    Enhancing 2-Iodoxybenzoic Acid Reactivity by Exploiting a Hypervalent Twist

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    A rearrangement of hypervalent bonds, or twisting, proves to be the rate-determining step in the 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) oxidation of alcohols. From this insight, derived from density functional theory calculations, we explain why IBX oxidizes large alcohols faster than small ones and propose a modification to the reagent predicted to make it more active

    Drosophila Bruce Can Potently Suppress Rpr- and Grim-Dependent but Not Hid-Dependent Cell Death

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    Bruce is a large protein (530 kDa) that contains an N-terminal baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) and a C-terminal ubiquitin conjugation domain (E2) 1, 2. BRUCE upregulation occurs in some cancers and contributes to the resistance of these cells to DNA-damaging chemotherapeutic drugs [2]. However, it is still unknown whether Bruce inhibits apoptosis directly or instead plays some other more indirect role in mediating chemoresistance, perhaps by promoting drug export, decreasing the efficacy of DNA damage-dependent cell death signaling, or by promoting DNA repair. Here, we demonstrate, using gain-of-function and deletion alleles, that Drosophila Bruce (dBruce) can potently inhibit cell death induced by the essential Drosophila cell death activators Reaper (Rpr) and Grim but not Head involution defective (Hid). The dBruce BIR domain is not sufficient for this activity, and the E2 domain is likely required. dBruce does not promote Rpr or Grim degradation directly, but its antiapoptotic actions do require that their N termini, required for interaction with DIAP1 BIR2, be intact. dBruce does not block the activity of the apical cell death caspase Dronc or the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member Debcl/Drob-1/dBorg-1/Dbok. Together, these results argue that dBruce can regulate cell death at a novel point

    Accurate Energies and Structures for Large Water Clusters Using the X3LYP Hybrid Density Functional

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    We predict structures and energies of water clusters containing up to 19 waters with X3LYP, an extended hybrid density functional designed to describe noncovalently bound systems as accurately as covalent systems. Our work establishes X3LYP as the most practical ab initio method today for calculating accurate water cluster structures and energies. We compare X3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ energies to the most accurate theoretical values available (n = 2−6, 8), MP2 with basis set superposition error (BSSE) corrections extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Our energies match these reference energies remarkably well, with a root-mean-square difference of 0.1 kcal/mol/water. X3LYP also has ten times less BSSE than MP2 with similar basis sets, allowing one to neglect BSSE at moderate basis sizes. The net result is that X3LYP is ∌100 times faster than canonical MP2 for moderately sized water clusters

    An Electron Force Field for Simulating Large Scale Excited Electron Dynamics

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    We introduce an electron force field (eFF) that makes simulation of large scale excited electron dynamics possible and practical. The forces acting on thousands of electrons and nuclei can be computed in less than a second on a single modern processor. Just as conventional force fields parameterize the ground state potential between nuclei, with electrons implicitly included, electron force fields parameterize the potential between nuclei and simplified electrons, with more detailed degrees of freedom implicitly included. The electrons in an electron force field are Gaussian wave packets whose only parameters are its position and its size. Using a simple version of the electron force field, we compute the dissociation and ionization behavior of dense hydrogen, and obtain equations of state and shock Hugoniot curves that are in agreement with results obtained from vastly more expensive path integral Monte Carlo methods. We also compute the Auger dissociation of hydrocarbons, and observe core hole decays, valence electron ionizations, and nuclear fragmentation patterns consistent with experiment. We show we can describe p-like valence electrons using spherical Gaussian functions, enabling us to compute accurate ionization potentials and polarizabilities for first row atoms, and accurate dissociation energies and geometries of atom hydrides and hydrocarbons. We show also that we can describe delocalized electrons in a uniform electron gas using localized eFF orbitals. We reproduce the energy of a uniform electron gas, including correlation effects; and following the historical development of density functional theory, we develop a preliminary eFF that can compute accurate exchange and correlation energies of atoms and simple molecules.</p

    Characteristics and Products of the Reductive Degradation of 3-Nitro-1,2,4-Triazol-5-One (NTO) and 2,4-Dinitroanisole (DNAN) in a Fe-Cu Bimetal System

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    It has been shown previously that, under acidic conditions, 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) and 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN) degrade in the presence of iron/copper bimetal particles; the reactions can be modeled by pseudo-first-order kinetics. This study investigates the reaction mechanisms of the degradation processes under different conditions. Batch studies were conducted using laboratory-prepared solutions and an industrial insensitive munition-laden (IMX) wastewater. The influence of parameters such as initial pH of the solution, copper/iron (Fe-Cu) contact, and solid/liquid ratio were systematically investigated to assess their impact on the reaction kinetics. These parameters were subsequently incorporated into pseudo-first-order decomposition models for NTO and DNAN. The activation energies for the degradation reactions were 27.40 and 30.57 kJ mol−1, respectively. Degradation intermediates and products were identified. A nitro-to-amino pathway, which ultimately may lead to partial mineralization, is postulated. The amino intermediate, aminonitroanisole, was detected during DNAN degradation, but for NTO, aminotiazolone is suggested. Additionally, urea was identified as a degradation product of NTO

    Substituent Effects and Nearly Degenerate Transition States: Rational Design of Substrates for the Tandem Wolff−Cope Reaction

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    The substrate scope for a ketene-assisted Cope (tandem Wolff−Cope) reaction is elucidated from first-principles quantum mechanics. An alternate pathway (trans) leading to an undesired and unstable product lies perilously close (∌2.5 kcal/mol) to the primary (cis) reaction pathway; this near-degeneracy arises from preferential ketene stabilization of a radicaloid trans transition state over an aromatic cis transition state. Normally, substitution at “forbidden” sites causes the alternate pathway to be favored and the reaction to fail, but using simple conformational analysis principles we design substrates that defy this rule
