46 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    thesisA multiple-box model was designed to determine how anthropogenic, biological, and meteorological processes combine to produce diel cycles of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations within the urban Salt Lake Valley (uSLV). The model was forced by an anthropogenic CO2 emissions inventory, observed winds, sounding-derived mixing depths, and net biological flux estimates based on temperature, solar radiation, day of year, and ecosystem type. The model was validated using hourly CO2 data from a network of sensors around the uSLV for years 2005-2009. The model accounted for 53% of the observations on an hourly basis and accounted for 90-94% of the mean diel cycle of the observations depending on the season. Salt Lake Valley suffers from prolonged temperature inversions during the winter that trap pollutants and gases at the surface. The CO2 network (co2.utah.edu) was compared with the CO2 multiple-box model to determine whether the model could capture the main drivers of CO2 variability during the Persistent Cold Air Pool Study (PCAPS). Time-height analyses were performed to facilitate investigation and explanation of CO2 variability during PCAPS intensive observation periods (IOPs). The analyzed data included atmospheric soundings, CO2 network data, quasivertical CO2 profiles collected ascending by foot or vehicle, and laser-ceiliometer data

    Electron-nuclear interaction in 13C nanotube double quantum dots

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    For coherent electron spins, hyperfine coupling to nuclei in the host material can either be a dominant source of unwanted spin decoherence or, if controlled effectively, a resource allowing storage and retrieval of quantum information. To investigate the effect of a controllable nuclear environment on the evolution of confined electron spins, we have fabricated and measured gate-defined double quantum dots with integrated charge sensors made from single-walled carbon nanotubes with a variable concentration of 13C (nuclear spin I=1/2) among the majority zero-nuclear-spin 12C atoms. Spin-sensitive transport in double-dot devices grown using methane with the natural abundance (~ 1%) of 13C is compared with similar devices grown using an enhanced (~99%) concentration of 13C. We observe strong isotope effects in spin-blockaded transport, and from the dependence on external magnetic field, estimate the hyperfine coupling in 13C nanotubes to be on the order of 100 micro-eV, two orders of magnitude larger than anticipated theoretically. 13C-enhanced nanotubes are an interesting new system for spin-based quantum information processing and memory, with nuclei that are strongly coupled to gate-controlled electrons, differ from nuclei in the substrate, are naturally confined to one dimension, lack quadrupolar coupling, and have a readily controllable concentration from less than one to 10^5 per electron.Comment: supplementary discussion at http://marcuslab.harvard.edu/13CSupp.pd

    Relaxation and Dephasing in a Two-Electron 13C Nanotube Double Quantum Dot

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    We use charge sensing of Pauli blockade (including spin and isospin) in a two-electron 13C nanotube double quantum dot to measure relaxation and dephasing times. The relaxation time, T1, first decreases with parallel magnetic field then goes through a minimum in a field of 1.4 T. We attribute both results to the spin-orbit-modified electronic spectrum of carbon nanotubes, which suppresses hyperfine mediated relaxation and enhances relaxation due to soft phonons. The inhomogeneous dephasing time, T2*, is consistent with previous data on hyperfine coupling strength in 13C nanotubes.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    A Model for the Origin and Properties of Flicker-Induced Geometric Phosphenes

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    We present a model for flicker phosphenes, the spontaneous appearance of geometric patterns in the visual field when a subject is exposed to diffuse flickering light. We suggest that the phenomenon results from interaction of cortical lateral inhibition with resonant periodic stimuli. We find that the best temporal frequency for eliciting phosphenes is a multiple of intrinsic (damped) oscillatory rhythms in the cortex. We show how both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the patterns change with frequency of stimulation and provide an explanation for these differences. We use Floquet theory combined with the theory of pattern formation to derive the parameter regimes where the phosphenes occur. We use symmetric bifurcation theory to show why low frequency flicker should produce hexagonal patterns while high frequency produces pinwheels, targets, and spirals

    A guide to the elements, Ed. 2

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    Baik246 hlm.; 25 cm

    A Guide to the Elements

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    246 p. : il.; 28 cm

    The water balance of the urban Salt Lake Valley: a multiple-box model validated by observations

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    A main focus of the recently awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) EPSCoR Track-1 research project \u27innovative Urban Transitions and Arid-region Hydro-sustainability (iUTAH)\u27 is to quantify the primary components of the water balance for the Wasatch region, and to evaluate their sensitivity to climate change and projected urban development. Building on the multiple-box model that we developed and validated for carbon dioxide (Strong et al 2011), mass balance equations for water in the atmosphere and surface are incorporated into the modeling framework. The model is used to determine how surface fluxes, ground-water transport, biological fluxes, and meteorological processes regulate water cycling within and around the urban Salt Lake Valley. The model is used to evaluate the hypotheses that increased water demand associated with urban growth in Salt Lake Valley will (1) elevate sensitivity to projected climate variability and (2) motivate more attentive management of urban water use and evaporative fluxes

    Weekends at Mary’s

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