7 research outputs found


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    Impact of a sight-saver clinic on the prevalence of blindness in northern KwaZulu

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    The prevalence of blindness in the Ingwavuma district of northern Kwazulu was 1% (95% confidence interval 0,75 - 1,25) in 1990, and the prevalence of blindness due solely to age-related cataract was 0,39% (95% Cl 0,24 - 0,54). Eight sight-saver clinics were held between 1990 and 1993. Nine hundred and thirteen patients were seen and 113 cataract extractions performed at a cost of R62 000. The prevalence of blindness due solely to agerelated cataract was reduced by 25% to 0,29% (95% Cl 0,17 - 0,41). The overall prevalence of blindness was reduced by 4% to 0,96% (95% Cl 0,72 - 1,20). The. provision of aphakic spectacles to aphakic patients whose spectacles have either been lost or broken would effect a further 11 % reduction to 0,85% (95% Cl 0,63 - 1,07). The establishment of a permanent sight-saver clinic staffed by an ophthalmic medical assistant who is working full-time in this capacity would facilitate an improvement in the delivery of eye care in the area

    Results of laser treatment for sub-retinal neovascular membranes

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    A retrospective study was carried out to determine the results of laser treatment for choroidal neovascular membranes in age-related macular degeneration in 92 patients in whom fluorescein angiography was performed for this condition over a 7-year period. Twenty-nine of these patients, treated with the argon laser, were followed up regularly for 15 months. The treatment comprised overlapping laser spots of 200 J.Lm and an average power of 390 mW. The results of this study demonstrated that: (i) the majority of membranes were closer ·than 500 J.Lm from the foveola; (ii) the second eye involvement rate in the same patient was 15,79% over 15 months; and (iii) a 37,5% significant visual' loss or 41% two lines or greater visual loss was seen after 15 months, which compares favourably with results of laser treatment reported by other institutions