4 research outputs found
Gentle Warriors: Clara Ueland and the Minnesota Struggle for Woman Suffrage
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
An Isolationist Politician in an Internationalist Era: Senator Henrik Shipstead of Minnesota and the United Nations, 1945â1946
- Author
- Adler Selig
- Alexander DeConde
- Barber Charles
- Billington Ray Allen
- Blegen Theodore C
- Carleton William G
- Cole Wayne S
- Cole Wayne S
- Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census
- Divine Robert
- Doenecke Justus D
- Doenecke Justus D
- Findling John
- Gall Timothy L
- Gallup George H
- Gazell James A
- Geelan Agnes
- Gieske Millard L
- Haynes John E
- Haynes John E
- Holsti Ole R
- John Garraty
- Lemelin Bernard
- Lubell Samuel
- Mitau GTheodore
- Olson James S
- Ostrower Gary
- Paneth Donald
- Paterson Thomas G
- Qualey Carlton C
- Rourke John T
- Schlesinger Arthur M.
- Schoenebaum Eleanora W
- Smith Glenn H
- Stuhler Barbara
- Truman Margaret
- Valelly Richard M
- Wilkins Robert P
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
âNo Weapon Save Argumentâ: Strategic Frame Amplification in the U.S. Woman Suffrage Movements
- Author
- Anthony Susan B.
- Basset T. D. Seymour.
- Blair Karen J.
- Bordin Ruth.
- Brandeis Elizabeth.
- Buechler Steven M.
- Buechler Steven M.
- Cashman Sean Dennis.
- Chambers John Whiteclay.
- Cott Nancy F.
- Deffenbaugh Walter S.
- DuBois Ellen Carol.
- Edwards G. Thomas.
- Flexner Eleanor.
- Ford Linda G.
- Gamson William A.
- Gordon Ann D.
- Graham Sara Hunter.
- Green Elna C.
- Gullet Gayle.
- Harper Ida Husted.
- Hayes Samuel P.
- Hoff Joan.
- Hoffecker Carol E.
- Holly J. McCammon
- Katzenstein Caroline.
- Kessler Lauren.
- Klandermans Bert.
- Kraditor Aileen S.
- Krippendorff Klaus.
- Larson T. A.
- Lee Everett S.
- Link Arthus S.
- Loeb Isidor.
- Lyndi Hewitt
- Mansbridge Jane
- McAdam Doug.
- McAdam Doug.
- McCammon Holly J.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).
- North Dakota Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
- O'Neill William L.
- O'Neill William L.
- Ogburn William F.
- Quarterly Congressional
- Ryan Barbara.
- Sandy Smith
- Snow David A.
- Snow David A.
- Snow David A.
- Stanton Elizabeth Cady
- Stuhler Barbara.
- Taylor A. Elizabeth.
- Taylor A. Elizabeth.
- Taylor A. Elizabeth.
- U.S. Bureau of the Census.
- U.S. Department of Commerce.
- U.S. Office of Education.
- Whittier Nancy.
- Williams Gwyneth I.
- Williams Melissa.
- Woloch Nancy.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Political Animals: Prosopopoeia
- Author
- Bennett Raine.
- Bryan Blankfield
- Cantor Florence.
- Chica. Letter to Fala
- Cosseboom Laura.
- Dehler Taffy
- Dog-friends
- Fala
- Farley Christopher John.
- Fido. Letter to Fala
- Fluffy
- Gies Joseph
- Goodale Greg
- Grier Katherine C.
- Harris Mary Agnes.
- Hauser Gerard A.
- Hawhee Debra.
- Honeycutt Lee
- Kennedy George A.
- Kennedy George A.
- Kerr Robert S.
- Kete Kathleen.
- King Paul.
- Levine Lawrence W.
- Lilly Helen B.
- Liska Jo.
- Llewellyn John.
- McCauley
- McGlynn John. Letter to Stephen Early
- Orlean Susan.
- Pinksie. Letter to Fala
- Preece Rod.
- Pycior Helena.
- Ran Estelle.
- Rentz âBoots.â Letter to Fala
- Roosevelt Franklin D.
- Roosevelt Franklin D.
- Rosenman Samuel I.
- Ryan Halford Ross.
- Serpell James.
- Singer Peter.
- Smith
- Smith Jean Edward.
- Stuckey Mary E.
- Stuckey Mary E.
- Stuhler Barbara.
- Sussmann Leila A.
- Trinka Zdena.
- Van Contren Poochie.
- White E. B.
- âFala or Canute
- âFluffy Vies with Fala: Sheep Dog is âCampaigningâ for Dewey in Pittsburgh
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study