323 research outputs found

    IMRT for Craniospinal Irradiation: A Dosimetric Comparison

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    Purpose: This work tests the possibility of using IMRT to promote organ sparing for the treatment of CSI. The traditional CSI technique uses opposed lateral fields to treat the brain and posterior fields to treat the spine. Published manuscripts focusing on the possibility of IMRT for CSI have only looked at pediatric cases. Here, we will plan IMRT for CSI on adult patients to quantify the dosimetric gains when compared to traditional techniques. American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 52nd Annual Meeting July 18-22, Philadelphia, P

    Uncertainty and Margin Study for IMRT, VMAT, and Proton Beam Therapy for Treatment After Radical Prostatectomy

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    Purpose/Objective(s): To compare the uncertainties of 3D dose distributions, caused by the geometrical uncertainty of patient setup, in IMRT, VMAT, and proton plans for post-prostatectomy treatment. To test the effectiveness of a common margin recipe in these three types of treatment plans. American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, San Diego, C

    Dosimetric Comparison of VMAT, IMRT and Proton Therapy for Post- Prostatectomy Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer

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    Purpose/Objectives: Radiation therapy (RT) for the treatment of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy (RP) is widely accepted. With technological advances, radiation treatment technique and dosimetry may vary. The purpose of this study is to quantify dosimetric difference of proton therapy versus VMAT and IMRT focusing on bladder and rectal dose sparing and target coverage. American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, San Diego, C

    IGRT After Prostatectomy: Evaluation of Corrective Shifts and Toxicity Using Online Cone Beam CT vs. Weekly Port Films for Target Localization

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    Purpose/Objective(s): Image guidance (IG) may permit higher radiotherapy (RT) doses (\u3e65 Gy) after radical prostatectomy (RP) without increased toxicity, with improved accuracy and smaller margins. Conebeam (CBCT) allows IGRT with volumetric images. This study evaluated CBCT shifts and toxicity after conformal IGRT, compared to RT with port films. American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, San Diego, C

    Do-it-yourself digital: the production boundary, the productivity puzzle and economic welfare

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    Part of the debate about the ‘productivity puzzle’ concerns potential mismeasurement of GDP due to digital activities. This paper discusses some measurement issues arising from digitally-enabled substitutions in activity across the conventional production boundary. Production boundary issues are not new, as conventionally defined GDP statistics account for the monetary cost but not the time cost of consumption and production. This means changes in the way time is allocated between market and home production affect measured growth and productivity. Just as technological innovation in domestic appliances led to a substitution from home production into market consumption in the second half of the 20th century, today’s digital innovations are driving some reverse substitution out of the market into home production. Statistical agencies do not currently collect the data needed to measure the scale of the switch, but the available evidence suggests it may be enough to make a contribution to understanding the puzzling behaviour of measured productivityEconomics Statistics Centre of Excellenc

    Assessing Walking Ability in People with HTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy Using the 10 Meter Timed Walk and the 6 Minute Walk Test

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    Five to ten million persons, are infected by HTLV-1 of which 3% will develop HTLV-1-associated myelopathy (HAM) a chronic, disabling inflammation of the spinal cord. Walking, a fundamental, complex, multi-functional task is demanding of multiple body systems. Restricted walking ability compromises activity and participation levels in people with HAM (pwHAM). Therapy aims to improve mobility but validated measures are required to assess change.Prospective observational study.To explore walking capacity in pwHAM, walking endurance using the 6 minute walk (6MW), and gait speed, using the timed 10m walk (10mTW).Out-patient setting in an inner London Teaching hospital.Prospective documentation of 10mTW and 6MW distance; walking aid usage and pain scores measured twice, a median of 18 months apart.Data analysis was completed for twenty-six pwHAM, (8♂; 18♀; median age: 57.8 years; median disease duration: 8 years). Median time at baseline to: complete 10m was 17.5 seconds, versus 21.4 seconds at follow up; 23% completed the 6MW compared to 42% at follow up and a median distance of 55m was covered compared to 71m at follow up. Using the 10mTW velocity to predict the 6MW distance, overestimated the distance walked in 6 minutes (p<0.01). Functional decline over time was captured using the functional ambulation categories.The 10mTW velocity underestimated the degree of disability. Gait speed usefully predicts functional domains, shows direction of functional change and comparison with published healthy age matched controls show that these patients have significantly slower gait speeds. The measured differences over 18 months were sufficient to reliably detect change and therefore these assessments can be useful to detect improvement or deterioration within broader disability grades. Walking capacity in pwHAM should be measured using the 10mTW for gait speed and the 6MW for endurance

    Potential for Dose-escalation in the Post-prostatectomy Setting with Intensitymodulated Radiation Therapy: A Dosimetric Study Using EORTC Consensus Guidelines for Target Volume Contours

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    Purpose: Radiation therapy (RT) is delivered after radical prostatectomy (RP) for prostate cancer (PC). Although intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has become standard in definitive RT for PC, dosimetric data in support of post-RP IMRT are limited. This study was designed to quantify benefits of IMRT versus 3D conformal RT (3DCRT) with respect to dose sparing of rectum and bladder and target volume coverage. Motivated by the desire to deliver higher radiation doses and to quantify the dosimetric impact of IMRT, we retrospectively analyzed images in order to: 1) identify a preferred IMRT beam arrangement; 2) evaluate the dosimetric advantages of IMRT compared to 3DCRT; and 3) assess the variation of dosimetric parameters during the RT course using conebeam CT (CBCT) images. American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, San Diego, C