7 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of the MEKK Ste11p by the PAK-like kinase Ste20p is required for MAP kinase signaling in vivo.

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    BACKGROUND: Many signals are transduced from the cell surface to the nucleus through mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades. Activation of MAP kinase requires phosphorylation by MEK, which in turn is controlled by Raf, Mos or a group of structurally related kinases termed MEKKs. It is not understood how MEKKs are regulated by extracellular signals. In yeast, the MEKK Ste11p functions in multiple MAP kinase cascades activated in response to pheromones, high osmolarity and nutrient starvation. Genetic evidence suggests that the p21-activated protein kinase (PAK) Ste20p functions upstream of Ste11p, and Ste20p has been shown to phosphorylate Ste11p in vitro. RESULTS: Ste20p phosphorylated Ste11p on Ser302 and/or Ser306 and Thr307 in yeast, residues that are conserved in MEKKs of other organisms. Mutating these sites to non-phosphorylatable residues abolished Ste11p function, whereas changing them to aspartic acid to mimic the phosphorylated form constitutively activated Ste11p in vivo in a Ste20p-independent manner. The amino-terminal regulatory domain of Ste11p interacted with its catalytic domain, and overexpression of a small amino-terminal fragment of Ste11p was able to inhibit signaling in response to pheromones. Mutational analysis suggested that this interaction was regulated by phosphorylation and dependent on Thr596, which is located in the substrate cleft of the catalytic domain. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that, in response to multiple extracellular signals, phosphorylation of Ste11p by Ste20p removes an amino-terminal inhibitory domain, leading to activation of the Ste11 protein kinase. This mechanism may serve as a paradigm for the activation of mammalian MEKKs

    ε-Tubulin Is an Essential Component of the Centriole

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    Centrioles and basal bodies are cylinders composed of nine triplet microtubule blades that play essential roles in the centrosome and in flagellar assembly. Chlamydomonas cells with the bld2-1 mutation fail to assemble doublet and triplet microtubules and have defects in cleavage furrow placement and meiosis. Using positional cloning, we have walked 720 kb and identified a 13.2-kb fragment that contains ε-tubulin and rescues the Bld2 defects. The bld2-1 allele has a premature stop codon and intragenic revertants replace the stop codon with glutamine, glutamate, or lysine. Polyclonal antibodies to ε-tubulin show peripheral labeling of full-length basal bodies and centrioles. Thus, ε-tubulin is encoded by the BLD2 allele and ε-tubulin plays a role in basal body/centriole morphogenesis

    Human MPS1 Kinase Is Required for Mitotic Arrest Induced by the Loss of CENP-E from Kinetochores

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    We have determined that the previously identified dual-specificity protein kinase TTK is the human orthologue of the yeast MPS1 kinase. Yeast MPS1 (monopolar spindle) is required for spindle pole duplication and the spindle checkpoint. Consistent with the recently identified vertebrate MPS1 homologues, we found that hMPS1 is localized to centrosomes and kinetochores. In addition, hMPS1 is part of a growing list of kinetochore proteins that are localized to nuclear pores. hMPS1 is required by cells to arrest in mitosis in response to spindle defects and kinetochore defects resulting from the loss of the kinesin-like protein, CENP-E. The pattern of kinetochore localization of hMPS1 in CENP-E defective cells suggests that their interaction with the kinetochore is sensitive to microtubule occupancy rather than kinetochore tension. hMPS1 is required for MAD1, MAD2 but not hBUB1, hBUBR1 and hROD to bind to kinetochores. We localized the kinetochore targeting domain in hMPS1 and found that it can abrogate the mitotic checkpoint in a dominant negative manner. Last, hMPS1 was found to associate with the anaphase promoting complex, thus raising the possibility that its checkpoint functions extend beyond the kinetochore

    Polarity Protein Complex Scribble/Lgl/Dlg And Epithelial Cell Barriers

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    Gene silencing through RNA interference: Potential for therapeutics and functional genomics

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