3 research outputs found

    The LADM Valuation Information Model and its application to the Turkey case

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    Spatial data in a Land Administration (LA) establish a fundamental geospatial data theme (see UN GGIM, 2018) and the integrated geospatial information framework for any Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Domain-specific standards, an integral component of the SDI, play an essential role to represent the semantics of domains, specify links between distributed registries and databases, and stimulate the development and implementation for Land Administration Systems (LAS). As an international descriptive standard providing an abstract conceptual schema, the ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been used and is being used as a reference for the implementation of LAS. Various approaches have been used for the LADM implementation that includes elaborating (via a country profile) and realizing a technical model suitable for the implementation (van Oosterom and Lemmen, 2015). LADM focuses on a specific function of LA that is interested in Rights, Responsibilities and Restrictions (RRR) affecting land, and the geometrical components thereof. The land value function of LA is considered outside the scope in the first edition. Recently, for extending the flexible and modular basis of the LADM, a valuation information model is developed for the specification of valuation information maintained by public authorities. It identifies the links between property valuation and the other LA registries and databases (e.g., cadastre, land registry, building and dwelling registries) that may enable interoperability across systems. The conceptual schema of the model provides a common basis to direct the development of local and national valuation databases and information technology products and services, following an approach similar to the LADM implementation. The proposed LADM Valuation Information Model is on the agenda of the development of the second edition of LADM within ISO/TC211. The operability of the newly proposed conceptual model needs to be evaluated through technical implementation. This paper describes the development of a prototype for the implementation of the LADM Valuation Information Model and assesses its operability through a case study for Turkey. The primary aim of the paper is to test the capabilities of the LADM Valuation Information Model using the required and produced data in recurrent valuation processes, but not to build a specific information management system for Turkey. As the implementation of a LADM compliant prototype initially requires the development of a country profile at conceptual level, methodologies applied for LADM profile development are examined and then a Turkish LADM Valuation Information Model country profile is proposed using the Conceptual Schema Languages (CSL) of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and INTERLIS. INTERLIS is a formal language as well as a set of software tools that support LADM implementations. Subsequently, approaches and tools used in the LADM implementation are investigated and utilized for the automated transformations from the country profile to several technical models. In this context, the article presents the experiences gained during the implementations. Moreover, strategies for implementing and managing property valuation information more efficiently (e.g. bi-temporal aspects of valuation information management) are also studied and applied to the implementation. The generated technical models are then populated with sample datasets related to recurrent property valuation including the geometries of valuation units, as well as valuation information covering several years. The developed prototype is then tested through a number of queries to assess whether the LADM Valuation Information Model fulfils information management needs of recurrent valuations. The main contribution of this paper is to provide a holistic approach on how to develop an LADM conformant prototype for managing property valuation information.GIS Technologi

    Developing the refined survey model for the LADM revision supporting interoperability with LandInfra

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    The origin of surveying has a close connection with the designation of land boundaries, while cadastral surveying is a means of defining the limits of properties, thus forming the basis for land administration, serving as an important tool to gather, assess, and update geographical spatial data. Accurate description and record of land are the fundamentals to their rational use and conservation and form the core of wellestablished Land Admini stration Systems (LASs). Although surveying models and approaches are important for Cadastres and LASs, they are not always documented in detail, while with the rapid advances in technology and geoinformation they need to be revised quite often. The ISO 1 9152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), which focuses on standardised modelling of information at the conceptual level, has a dedicated sub package for Spatial and Surveying representation. The first edition of the standard provides multiple spa tial representations, and the ongoing LADM revision shall support a broad range in surveying and data acquisition approaches and accuracies, considering the evolution of technology and the encodings used in practice. A conceptual model of the refined surve y model is expected to be included in Part 2 of the new edition of the standard, while its technical implementation(s) covering both 2D and 3D boundaries in Part 6. This paper aims to present the fundamentals of the refined Survey Model of LADM Edition I considering the need to support the interconnection with the everI, evolving surveying methods and acquisition techniques in a standardised way, including among others the Galileo High Accuracy Services requirements and the alignment with other standards, as well as participatory methods. One of the standards which synergy with LADM is investigated in this paper is the OGC LandInfra, and specifically Part 6 “Survey”, that provides a framework for information about observations, processes and their results collected during survey. The development of the proposed model was informed by two case studies using survey plans according to Danish practice and cadastral data from the Hellenic Cadastre.GIS Technologi

    Formalisation of Code Lists and Their Values – The Case of ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model

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    A code list in Unified Modeling Language (UML), a simple list of values without any structure, can be employed as a simple data type to further capture the semantics of a domain. The code list values as used in international standards (e.g. ISO and OGC) are generally presented without definition, reference to the source of a definition, multi-lingual alternative term support and semantic relationships (e.g. hierarchical, associative). Moreover, managing, implementing, and maintaining UML code lists can be considered as a difficult task since they generally do not provide structured and semantically enriched values. This is also true in the case of ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), which is currently under systematic review and adding more content, meaning and structure to code list values could be considered an improvement. In last decade, there is a growing interest in representing terms as well as code list values using Semantic Web technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL, SKOS, SPARQL) and making them available on a registry (e.g. ISO/TC211 Geolexica, OGC Definitions Server, INSPIRE code list register, BARTOC), including land administration domain (e.g. CaLAThe, LandVoc). However, there is no joint understanding in structuring, extending and maintaining code list values, which may be achieved through an agreed metamodel. Such a metamodel should also provide insight into content, localisation (multi-lingual support), versioning and implementation. The aim of this study is to propose a framework (basically a metamodel) for structuring, extending, maintaining and implementing semantically enriched code lists, and to discuss the application of the proposed framework to be included in the revision of LADM. To achieve this aim, the requirements for refined code list values are firstly collected considering existing thesauri, vocabularies and standards. Subsequently, a metamodel is proposed for the refined code list. The proposed metamodel is applied to a code list of LADM as well as a part of a selected country profile.GIS Technologi