20 research outputs found

    Molecular techniques revolutionize knowledge of basidiomycete evolution

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    Detectable vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)–specific humoral and cellular immune responses following VSV–Ebola virus vaccination in humans

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    In response to the Ebola virus (EBOV) crisis 2013-2016, a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-based EBOV vaccine was clinically tested. A single-dose regimen of VSV-EBOV revealed a safe and immunogenic profile and demonstrated clinical efficacy. While EBOV-specific immune responses to this candidate vaccine have previously been investigated, limited human data on immunity to the VSV-vector are available. Within the scope of a Phase I study, we performed a comprehensive longitudinal analysis of humoral and cellular immune responses to internal VSV-proteins following VSV-EBOV immunization. While no pre-existing immunity to the vector was observed, up to 1/3 of subjects showed VSV-specific CTL-responses and antibodies

    Secretory IgA's complex roles in immunity and mucosal homeostasis in the gut.

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    Secretory IgA (SIgA) serves as the first line of defense in protecting the intestinal epithelium from enteric toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. Through a process known as immune exclusion, SIgA promotes the clearance of antigens and pathogenic microorganisms from the intestinal lumen by blocking their access to epithelial receptors, entrapping them in mucus, and facilitating their removal by peristaltic and mucociliary activities. In addition, SIgA functions in mucosal immunity and intestinal homeostasis through mechanisms that have only recently been revealed. In just the past several years, SIgA has been identified as having the capacity to directly quench bacterial virulence factors, influence composition of the intestinal microbiota by Fab-dependent and Fab-independent mechanisms, promote retro-transport of antigens across the intestinal epithelium to dendritic cell subsets in gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and, finally, to downregulate proinflammatory responses normally associated with the uptake of highly pathogenic bacteria and potentially allergenic antigens. This review summarizes the intrinsic biological activities now associated with SIgA and their relationships with immunity and intestinal homeostasis