184 research outputs found

    High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100

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    We present high-resolution, near-infrared imaging of the circumnuclear region of the barred spiral galaxy M100 (=NGC 4321), accompanied by near-infrared spectroscopy. We identify a total of 43 distinct regions in the K-band image, and determine magnitudes and colours for 41 of them. By comparison with other near-infrared maps we also derive colour excesses and K-band extinctions for the knots. Combining the imaging and spectroscopic results, we conclude that the knots are the result of bursts of star formation within the last 15-25 Myr. We discuss the implications of these new results for our dynamical and evolutionary understanding of this galaxy.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, uses mn-1.4.sty. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    A postmortem investigation of the Type IIb supernova 2001ig

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    We present images taken with the GMOS instrument on Gemini-South, in excellent (<0.5 arcsec) seeing, of SN 2001ig in NGC 7424, ~1000 days after explosion. A point source seen at the site of the SN is shown to have colours inconsistent with being an H II region or a SN 1993J-like remnant, but can be matched to a late-B through late-F supergiant with A_V<1. We believe this object is the massive binary companion responsible for periodic modulation in mass loss material around the Wolf-Rayet progenitor which gave rise to significant structure in the SN radio light curve.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Fig. 1 resolution degraded to meet size limitations; full resolution version available from http://www.aao.gov.au/local/www/sdr/pubs/sn2001ig_gmos.ps.g

    Neutral Hydrogen in the Ringed Barred Galaxies NGC 1433 and NGC 6300

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    We have made observations of the \ion{H}{1} in the southern ringed barred spiral galaxies NGC~1433 and NGC~6300 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the main goal being to test the resonance theory for the origin of these rings. NGC~1433 is the prototypical ringed barred spiral, and displays distinct \ion{H}{1}~counterparts to its nuclear ring, inner ring, outer pseudoring, and plume-like features. The L4L_{4} and L5L_{5} regions at corotation, as well as the bar itself, are relatively devoid of neutral atomic hydrogen. By associating the inner ring of NGC~1433 with the inner second harmonic resonance, and its outer pseudoring with the outer Lindblad resonance, we are able to infer a bar pattern speed for NGC~1433 of 26±526\pm5~km~s1^{-1}~kpc1^{-1}. By way of contrast, NGC~6300 possesses a much more extended \ion{H}{1}~disk than NGC~1433. There is a gas ring underlying the inner pseudoring, but it is both broader and slightly larger in diameter than the optical feature. By again linking this inner ring feature to the inner second harmonic resonance, we derive a bar pattern speed for NGC~6300 of 27±827\pm8~km~s1^{-1}~kpc1^{-1}, but in this case, neither the outer pseudoring nor the nuclear ring predicted by the resonance-ring theory can be identified in NGC~6300. Although it may be the case that the ring in NGC~6300 is not related to a resonance with the bar at all, we postulate instead that NGC~6300 is merely a less well-developed example of a resonance-ring galaxy than is NGC~1433.Comment: 21 pages, aas2pp4 LaTeX, no figures included. Accepted for April 1 1996 ApJ. Full paper (with figures) available from http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~sdr/prep.htm

    UNSWIRF: A Tunable Imaging Spectrometer for the Near-Infrared

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    We describe the specifications, characteristics, calibration, and analysis of data from the University of New South Wales Infrared Fabry-Perot (UNSWIRF) etalon. UNSWIRF is a near-infrared tunable imaging spectrometer, used primarily in conjunction with IRIS on the AAT, but suitable for use as a visitor instrument at other telescopes. The etalon delivers a resolving power in excess of 4000 (corresponding to a velocity resolution ~75 km/s), and allows imaging of fields up to 100" in diameter on the AAT at any wavelength between 1.5 and 2.4 microns for which suitable blocking filters are available.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, uses psfig.sty and html.sty (included). To appear in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australi

    Ultraviolet Detection of the Binary Companion to the Type IIb SN 2001ig

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    We present HST/WFC3 ultraviolet imaging in the F275W and F336W bands of the Type IIb SN 2001ig at an age of more than 14 years. A clear point source is detected at the site of the explosion having mF275W=25.39±0.10m_{\rm F275W}=25.39 \pm 0.10 and mF336W=25.88±0.13m_{\rm F336W}=25.88 \pm 0.13 mag. Despite weak constraints on both the distance to the host galaxy NGC 7424 and the line-of-sight reddening to the supernova, this source matches the characteristics of an early B-type main sequence star having 19,000<Teff<22,00019,000 < T_{\rm eff} < 22,000 K and log(Lbol/L)=3.92±0.14\log (L_{\rm bol}/L_{\odot})=3.92 \pm 0.14. A BPASS v2.1 binary evolution model, with primary and secondary masses of 13 M_{\odot} and 9 M_{\odot} respectively, is found to resemble simultaneously in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram both the observed location of this surviving companion, and the primary star evolutionary endpoints for other Type IIb supernovae. This same model exhibits highly variable late-stage mass loss, as expected from the behavior of the radio light curves. A Gemini/GMOS optical spectrum at an age of 6 years reveals a narrow He II emission line, indicative of continuing interaction with a dense circumstellar medium at large radii from the progenitor. We review our findings on SN 2001ig in the context of binary evolution channels for stripped-envelope supernovae. Owing to the uncrowded nature of its environment in the ultraviolet, this study of SN 2001ig represents one of the cleanest detections to date of a surviving binary companion to a Type IIb supernova.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Resubmitted to ApJ after minor changes requested by refere