62 research outputs found

    Potential Effects of Industrial Air Pollution and Wood-Product Supply and Demand, and Structure of the Wood-Products Industry, in Poland

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    This study aimed to determine potential changes in the production structure of the wood-processing industry up to 2020, resulting from unfavorable impact of industrial pollutants upon forests in Poland. The paper consists of four chapters. In the first section, forecasts of consumer demand for forest products, based on patterns of actual demand, are presented. The structure of industrial demand for wood assortments, and the degree to which it is met, are the topics of the second chapter. In the third chapter, we present forecasts of the possibilities of wood-raw-material consumption by industry with regard to the unfavorable impact of industrial pollution. The last chapter contains forecasts of production regarding foreseen changes in the structure of the wood-processing industry, taking into account qualitative changes in wood raw-material and expected changes in techniques and technology. Our results show that, up to 2020, negative effects of industrial pollutants on forests will have a significant influence on the degree of meeting consumer demands for wood products

    Unification of New Zealand's local vertical datums: iterative gravimetric quasigeoid computations

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    New Zealand uses 13 separate local vertical datums (LVDs) based on normal-orthometric-corrected precise geodetic levelling from 12 different tide-gauges. We describe their unification using a regional gravimetric quasigeoid model and GPS-levelling data on each LVD. A novel application of iterative quasigeoid computation is used, where the LVD offsets computed from earlier models are used to apply additional gravity reductions from each LVD to that model. The solution converges after only three iterations yielding LVD offsets ranging from 0.24 m to 0.58 m with an average standard deviation of 0.08 m. The so-computed LVD offsets agree, within expected data errors, with geodetically levelled height differences at common benchmarks between adjacent LVDs. This shows that iterated quasigeoid models do have a role in vertical datum unification

    Pattern formation outside of equilibrium

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    Report on the annual conference of the European Forest Institute

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    The Annual Conference of the European Forest Institute (EFI) was organised on 15th October 2010 in Dresden. The Conference was accompanied by a seminar on biomass from forests and other lands

    Important past, but even more important future

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    Działalność naukowa profesora Ryszarda Babickiego

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    Wood promotion under conditions of its limited supply

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    Aktualne uwarunkowania opracowania prognoz dla sektora leśnodrzewnego (Forest Sector Outlook Study - FSOS)

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    Conditions of the preparation of the European Forest-Based Sector Development Programmes (Forest Sector Outlook Study - FSOS). The article in a synthetic manner presents Information resulting from the authorʼs own experience from his activity in the ECE/FAO Timber Committee in Geneva in the years 1980- 2014. The experience concerns preparation of forest sector development programmes for particular regions of the world by global agencies, mainly the UN (including the FAO). These programmes are based on the available source materials from individual countries and on the own estimation of these organizations. They also benefit from the available research methods and the involvement of experts and country correspondents. The programmes that were drawn up are used by scientists, politicians, and various specialists in strategic and operational activity, and also for scientific and didactic purposes.Aktualne uwarunkowania opracowywania prognoz dla sektora leśno- drzewnego (Forest Sector Outlook Study - FSOS). W artykule przedstawiono w sposób syntetyczny informacje wynikające z własnych doświadczeń działalności w Komitecie Drzewnym ECE/FAO w Genewie w latach 1980-2014, dotyczące przygotowywania przez organizacje o charakterze globalnym głównie ONZ (w tym FAO) programów rozwoju sektorów leśnych poszczególnych regionów świata na podstawie dostępnych materiałów źródłowych z poszczególnych państw i szacunków własnych tych organizacji, z wykorzystaniem dostępnych metod badawczych z udziałem ekspertów i korespondentów krajowych. Opracowane programy są wykorzystywane przez pracowników naukowych, polityków i różnych specjalistów w działalności strategicznej i operacyjnej, a także do celów naukowych i dydaktycznych

    Awards in the field of wood science

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    Profesorowie: Juliusz Pernak i Jerzy Ważny, zostali wyróżnieni przez Fundację Nauki Polskiej i Prezesa Rady Ministrów RP za wybitny dorobek naukowy.Professors: Juliusz Pernak and Jerzy Ważny were awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for outstanding scientific achievements