3 research outputs found

    Correction of metabolic acidosis improves insulin resistance in chronic kidney disease Low protein diets and nutritional therapies in CKD: Investigating the current global trends Clinical Research

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    Background: Correction of metabolic acidosis (MA) with nutritional therapy or bicarbonate administration is widely used in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. However, it is unknown whether these interventions reduce insulin resistance (IR) in diabetic patients with CKD. We sought to evaluate the effect of MA correction on endogenous insulin action in diabetic type 2 (DM2) CKD patients. Methods: A total of 145 CKD subjects (83 men e 62 women) with DM2 treated with oral antidiabetic drugs were included in the study and followed up to 1 year. All patients were randomly assigned 1:1 to either open-label (A) oral bicarbonate to achieve serum bicarbonate levels of 24-28 mmol/L (treatment group) or (B) no treatment (control group). The Homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index was used to evaluate IR at study inception and conclusion. Parametric and non-parametric tests as well as linear regression were used. Results: At baseline no differences in demographic and clinical characteristics between the two groups was observed. Average dose of bicarbonate in the treatment group was 0.7 ± 0.2 mmol/kg. Treated patients showed a better metabolic control as confirmed by lower insulin levels (13.4 ± 5.2 vs 19.9 ± 6.3; for treated and control subjects respectively; p < 0.001), Homa-IR (5.9[5.0-7.0] vs 6.3[5.3-8.2]; p = 0.01) and need for oral antidiabetic drugs. The serum bicarbonate and HOMA-IR relationship was non-linear and the largest HOMA-IR reduction was noted for serum bicarbonate levels between 24 and 28 mmol/l. Adjustment for confounders, suggests that serum bicarbonate rather than treatment drives the effect on HOMA-IR. Conclusions: Serum bicarbonate is related to IR and the largest HOMA-IR reduction is noted for serum bicarbonate between 24 and 28 mmol/l. Treatment with bicarbonate influences IR. However, changes in serum bicarbonate explains the effect of treatment on HOMA index. Future efforts are required to validate these results in diabetic and non-diabetic CKD patients

    Cinacalcet but not vitamin D use modulates the survival benefit associated with sevelamer in the INDEPENDENT study

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    Aims: Whether differences in outcomes of calcium-free vs. calciumcontaining phosphate binder treatments can be amplified by concurrent treatment with a calcium-sensing receptor agonist or vitamin D remains to be elucidated. Material and methods: A post-hoc analysis of the INDEPENDENT study, an open-label randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate the impact of sevelamer (SV) vs. calcium salts (CS) on survival in incident dialysis patients. Results: We recruited 466 middle-aged men and women. Cinacalcet (CC) and vitamin D (VD) were administered to a portion of patients as part of their routine care. We tested the impact of CC and VD on survival in the overall and in both treatment arms of the original study cohort. Overall SV, but not CC or VD, administration was associated with a survival benefit (mean follow-up: 28 (10) months). However, a significant (p = 0.006) interaction of SV and CC on mortality was observed. CC use was associated with improved survival if administered in combination with SV (HR 0.34, 95% CI 0.14 – 0.81, p = 0.01 for subjects receiving or not CC) but not CS (HR 1.28, 95% CI 0.82 – 2.00; p = 0.26 for subjects receiving or not CC). No effect on mortality or interaction of phosphate binder use with VD was noted. Conclusions: Though hypothesis generating, these results lend support to the idea that use of a CC may increase survival in incident hemodialysis patients when used with a calcium-free phosphate binder. Introductio