6 research outputs found

    A comprehensive mental health care system for Native Americans in New Mexico. A report of the Native American Mental Health Planning Project.

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    This is a comprehensive report of a seven-month study contracted through the State Division of Mental Health to the University of New Mexico, Department of Psychiatry/Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA). A select committee of representatives from New Mexico tribes, appropriate state and federal agencies, private entities, and consumers provided input for the project. The final plan is based on the collection and triangulation of a variety of sources. The primary sources utilized in this document included: 1) literature review; 2) indirect measure of the magnitude of alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health needs using selected measures from current census data; 3) extensive survey of current agencies providing services; 4) clinical programming survey to select from optional mental health care delivery system models and a prioritization of services needed; 5) ideas, visions, suggestions and recommendations of selected committees; and 6) private interviews and focus group discussions with tribal members, service workers, and tribal leaders. The plan provides information on: 1) epidemiology of mental health problems; 2) programmatic issues for mental health services; 3) needs assessment studies and findings; 4) system and program design; 5) program development and management; 6) physical plant requirements; 7) management information system; and 8) ten-year implementation process. Based on the findings of this planning effort, a system of comprehensive mental health care for American Indians was proposed. This continuum of care extends from the tribal communities, to regional centers of care, and to a centralized facility

    Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs

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    A bivalent meningococcal B vaccine in adolescents and young adults

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    BACKGROUND MenB-FHbp is a licensed meningococcal B vaccine targeting factor H-binding protein. Two phase 3 studies assessed the safety of the vaccine and its immunogenicity against diverse strains of group B meningococcus. METHODS We randomly assigned 3596 adolescents (10 to 18 years of age) to receive MenB-FHbp or hepatitis A virus vaccine and saline and assigned 3304 young adults (18 to 25 years of age) to receive MenB-FHbp or saline at baseline, 2 months, and 6 months. Immunogenicity was assessed in serum bactericidal assays that included human complement (hSBAs). We used 14 meningococcal B test strains that expressed vaccine-heterologous factor H-binding proteins representative of meningococcal B epidemiologic diversity; an hSBA titer of at least 1:4 is the accepted correlate of protection. The five primary end points were the proportion of participants who had an increase in their hSBA titer for each of 4 primary strains by a factor of 4 or more and the proportion of those who had an hSBA titer at least as high as the lower limit of quantitation (1:8 or 1:16) for all 4 strains combined after dose 3. We also assessed the hSBA responses to the primary strains after dose 2; hSBA responses to the 10 additional strains after doses 2 and 3 were assessed in a subgroup of participants only. Safety was assessed in participants who received at least one dose. RESULTS In the modified intention-to-treat population, the percentage of adolescents who had an increase in the hSBA titer by a factor of 4 or more against each primary strain ranged from 56.0 to 85.3% after dose 2 and from 78.8 to 90.2% after dose 3; the percentages of young adults ranged from 54.6 to 85.6% and 78.9 to 89.7%, after doses 2 and 3, respectively. Composite responses after doses 2 and 3 in adolescents were 53.7% and 82.7%, respectively, and those in young adults were 63.3% and 84.5%, respectively. Responses to the 4 primary strains were predictive of responses to the 10 additional strains. Most of those who received MenB-FHbp reported mild or moderate pain at the vaccination site. CONCLUSIONS MenB-FHbp elicited bactericidal responses against diverse meningococcal B strains after doses 2 and 3 and was associated with more reactions at the injection site than the hepatitis A virus vaccine and saline. (Funded by Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT01830855 and NCT01352845.)

    MUC1 (CD227): a multi-tasked molecule

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    The transposon-driven evolutionary origin and basis of histone deacetylase functions and limitations in disease prevention

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