2,474 research outputs found

    Implementation of Teaching Methods to Develop Plant Identification Mastery among College Students

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    Students enrolled in Agronomy 330: Crop and Seed Identification Laboratory work to master the skill of plant identification of several crops, forages, and weeds. Prior to the beginning of the Fall 2017 semester, the course content was reorganized by taxonomic families and revised to stress vegetative identification. Adjustments were made to promote mastery by setting an expected performance level each student must achieve before proceeding to new material. Additionally, new course materials were developed weekly to facilitate learning with an emphasis on anatomical drawing. Students were required to achieve a passing score of 90% on each quiz. A supplemental quiz was offered weekly for students to improve upon their score. On average, 25% of students fell into this category, but it varied from 10-50%. Data in terms of students’ performance in the course cannot be directly compared to previous semesters, due to the difference in human subjects, and there was no control group in this traditional classroom setting. It was determined the implementation of the changes to the course and new teaching methods was relatively more effective in developing mastery in a greater percentage of students this semester compared to past semesters

    The Differing Representations of Imperial Women by Plutarch and Tacitus

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    This research examines the different representations of imperial women by two ancient Roman historians, Plutarch and Tacitus. While both historians wrote during the period from 60-117 C.E., their different positions within Roman imperial life affected their views of the empire and its people. I will argue that their individual ideas about morality and the Roman Empire contributed to their divergent depictions and descriptions. By analyzing each historian’s own ideals, the historical context in which they wrote, and the varied scholarship regarding Roman imperial women, I hope to contribute a significant and original argument to this discussion. This comparative approach of two of Roman history’s most influential writers will be integral to understanding more about imperial women during the Roman Empire.B.A. (Bachelor of Arts

    Simulation model for optimization of a landside harbor logistic chain of container terminals.

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    The world wide transportation of all kind of goods with containers is a fast growing business. The challenge is to transport in the shortest time to the lowest cost. The vessels therefore become bigger and bigger. The biggest vessel with 16000 TEU is since December 2012 in service. But the next generation with 18000-22000 TEU is already being built. This raises questions in acceleration of loading and unloading process, the handling in the yards of the harbors and the transportation of the containers to Hinterland. The most common way is still to transport the container from the yard by truck, which causes a lot of traffic jams and pollution. With the growth of the volume and the limited space in most harbours the throughput in the yards must be dramatically increased. One possibility is to reduce multiple handling of the containers and to decentralize the transport to Hinterland. The idea of Dryports emerged several years ago. In this research a simulation model of all processes in the logistic chain is designed, with which all steps are linked together. A direct flow of the containers without any intermediate stocking in the yard. Todays average staytime of the containers in the yard of 3-4 days is completely deleted. The multiple handling is avoided. The variability of all input figures and constraints allows that the most real situations can be considered. Three different modalsplits are run in simulation. The results show, that it is possible to reduce the throughput time of the containers and the overall loading and unloading process of vessels in the harbor and to gain a high productivity. With the satellite model ( Dryport ) it is possible to reduce traffic in the yard and to avoid a lot of pollution. Overall shorter service times give an answer to the challenge of managing the future growth of the container business. The feasibility of the proposed model is confirmed

    Prevalence of eating disorders among blacks in the national survey of American life

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    Objective: To provide information on the characteristics of eating disorders based on nationally representative samples of African American and Caribbean Black adults and adolescents. Method: Conducted between 2001 and 2003 the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) interviewed adults ( n = 5,191) and adolescents ( n = 1,170) in their homes. Professionally trained interviewers used the WMH Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI-WHO Organization 2004-modified) to assess DSM-IV TR eating disorders. Results: Anorexia was the rarest eating disorder among African American adults and adolescents, with age of onset for adults in mid adolescence. No 12-month case of anorexia was found among Caribbean Black adults. Binge eating was the most prevalent eating disorder among adults and adolescents. Persistence of disorders was lowest for anorexia and highest for binge eating disorder among adults. Conclusion: Prevalence of eating disorders within the U.S. Black population varies by type of disorder, age cohort, gender, and ethnic group among adults, and by type of disorder among adolescents. Clinicians need preparation and training to recognize and treat eating disorders in ethnically-diverse patient populations. Int J Eat Disord 2007 © 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57356/1/20451_ftp.pd
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