4 research outputs found

    Design of a stigmatic lens with minimal Fresnel losses

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    Рассмотрен метод расчёта линз с двумя асферическими поверхностями, имеющих минимальные френелевские потери в классе стигматических линз. Минимизация френелевских потерь достигается за счёт одинаковых углов девиации лучей на поверхностях линзы. Расчёт линз с минимальными френелевскими потерями сведен к решению обыкновенного дифференциального уравнения, разрешённого относительно производной. Для профилей линз также получены простые аналитические аппроксимации. A method for designing double aspheric lenses enabling minimal Fresnel losses in the class of stigmatic lenses is considered. Minimization of the Fresnel losses is provided by ensuring equal ray-deviation angles on both aspheric surfaces of the lens. The design of the lens is reduced to the integration of an explicit ordinary differential equation. Simple analytical approximations for the lens profiles are also presented.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ (проект № 18-29-03067) в части разработки метода расчёта линзы, Российского научного фонда (проект № 20-19-00081) в части численного исследования оптических свойств линзы и Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ в рамках выполнения работ по Государственному заданию ФНИЦ «Кристаллография и фотоника» РАН в части создания программных средств для расчёта линзы

    Design of a stigmatic lens with minimal Fresnel losses

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    A method for designing double aspheric lenses enabling minimal Fresnel losses in the class of stigmatic lenses is considered. Minimization of the Fresnel losses is provided by ensuring equal ray-deviation angles on both aspheric surfaces of the lens. The design of the lens is reduced to the integration of an explicit ordinary differential equation. Simple analytical approximations for the lens profiles are also presented

    Optimization, fabrication and characterization of a binary subwavelength cylindrical terahertz lens

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    A problem of optimizing the subwavelength microrelief of a binary cylindrical transmissive diffractive lens (DL) with a 300-mm focal length for a wavelength of λ=141 μm was considered. High-resistivity silicon was chosen as the DL substrate material. The angle of incidence of the illuminating beam was taken to be π/6. The optimization parameters were the height of the DL profile and the fill factor of the groove. The main goal of optimizing the design was to increase the diffraction efficiency of the lens. The DL diffraction efficiency was calculated using a Fourier mod method. The DL was fabricated by plasma-chemical etching (Bosch process) of the surface of a silicon substrate. The diffraction efficiency of the calculated lens was estimated to be 70%. However, a full-scale experiment showed the real efficiency to be much lower. These differences are related to both errors in the manufacturing process of the DL and non-ideal thickness parameters of the silicon wafers

    A catalogue of the nominal species of the monogenean genus Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 and their host genera

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