404 research outputs found

    Methods to Compute Turbulent Diffusion Equation in Case of Swirling Fluid Flows

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    AbstractOne of the most important problems of air purification in the industrial construction industry is setting up a proper efficient air-purification system. There are some methods to evaluate air purification performance, but not all the methods offer such distinct features as turbulence impacts on dust dispersion when settling. Solutions for proper methods to be used have been specified in this article

    FlyBase: anatomical data, images and queries

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    FlyBase () is a database of genetic and genomic data on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and the entire insect family Drosophilidae. The FlyBase Consortium curates, annotates, integrates and maintains a wide variety of data within this domain. Access to the data is provided through graphical and textual user interfaces tailored to particular types of data. FlyBase data types include maps at the cytological, genetic and sequence levels, genes and alleles including their products, functions, expression patterns, mutant phenotypes and genetic interactions as well as aberrant chromosomes, annotated genomes, genetic stock collections, transposons, transgene constructs and insertions, anatomy and images, bibliographic data, and community contact information

    LES-based evaluation of a microjet noise reduction concept in static and flight conditions

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    AbstractThe Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) numerical system established since 2002 for jet-noise computation is first evaluated in terms of recent gains in accuracy with increased computer resources, and is then used to explore the relatively new “microjet” noisereduction concept (injection of high-pressure microjets in the vicinity of the main jet nozzle exit), which currently attracts significant attention in the aeroacoustic community. The simulations are found to capture the essential features of the flow/turbulence and the far-field noise alteration by the microjets observed in experiments, and to reveal the subtle flow features responsible for the effect of injection on noise. They also confirm the experimental observation that in static conditions microjets provide a noise reduction comparable with that from chevrons in the low-frequency range, and probably have a less pronounced high-frequency penalty. This positive evaluation of the microjets concept is, however, mitigated by results of simulations in flight conditions, which were never studied experimentally. The latter results, which are awaiting an experimental verification, make a practical use of the concept in its current form rather unlikely

    Asiakastyytyväisyyskysely tilitoimiston palveluista

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on Turussa sijaitseva tilitoimisto. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyttä tilitoimiston palveluihin. Aikaisemmin tilitoimisto ei ole tehnyt asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyjä, joten työni oli hyödyllinen ja tuloksia odotettiin suurella mielenkiinnolla. Opinnäytetyö koostuu johdannosta, teoriaosuudesta ja kyselystä. Johdannossa esitellään toimeksiantaja, kerrotaan opinnäytetyön tavoitteet ja hahmotellaan opinnäytetyön rakenne. Teoriaosuus on jaettu kahteen osa-alueeseen. Ensimmäinen osa keskittyy palveluun. Siinä käsitellään tilitoimiston palveluja, palvelun laatua ja palveluvirheitä. Toinen osa keskittyy asiakastyytyväisyyteen. Siinä määritellään asiakastyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavat tekijät, asiakastyytyväisyyden mittausprosessi ja asiakastyytymättömyys. Asiakastyytyväisyyskysely toteutettiin lokakuussa 2013. Kysely lähetettiin sähköisesti asiakkaille Webropol kyselyohjelman avulla. Otokseen valittiin asiakkaita, joiden kirjanpitoa tehdään kuukausittain tai neljännesvuosittain. Yhteensä lähetettiin 171 kyselyä. Kyselyn vastausprosentiksi muodostui 38. Saatujen vastauksien perusteella asiakkaat olivat tyytyväisiä tilitoimiston palveluihin. Enemmistö vastaajista oli tyytyväisiä tilitoimiston asiakaspalveluun, henkilökunnan ammattitaitoon, kirjanpitäjien neuvontapalveluihin ja kirjanpitopalveluihin. Tilitoimisto sai hyvän kokonaisarvosanan, ja vastaajien mukaan tilitoimisto vastasi odotuksia. Parannettavia kohteita löytyi. Vapaassa palautteessa niistä saa hyvän kuvan. Toimeksiantajalle laadittiin raportti asiakkaiden vastauksista. Toimeksiantajayritys koki työn hyödylliseksi. Tuloksia tullaan analysoimaan yhdessä henkilökunnan kanssa. Näin löydetään erilaisia näkökulmia asiaan ja pystytään kehittämään toimintaa asiakkaiden toivomaan suuntaan.The present bachelor’s thesis was commissioned by an accounting company which is located in Turku. The aim of the thesis is to explore how satisfied the customers are with the accounting company’s services. The thesis consists of an introduction part, a theoretical part and the satisfaction survey. The introduction part presents the company, discusses the objectives and describes the structure of the thesis. The theory section is divided into two parts. The first part concentrates on the service and discusses the accounting companies’ services, the quality of services and service flaws. The second part focuses on the customer satisfaction. The theory part defines the factors influencing customer satisfaction, describes the measuring of customer satisfaction and discusses customer dissatisfaction. The customer satisfaction survey was carried out in October 2013. The survey was sent to the customers by Webropol survey program. The survey was sent to the customers whose accounting is conducted monthly or quarterly. Overall, 171 questionnaires were sent and the survey response rate was 38 percent. According to this research, the customers were satisfied with the accounting company’s services. The majority of the respondents were satisfied with the accounting company’s customer service, the skills of the personnel, the accountants’ consultation skills and with the accounting services. The accounting company received a good total grade and the respondents said that the accounting company met their expectations. However, based on the free feedback, also some areas to be improved were identified. A report summarising the customers’ responses was compiled for the company and the management found the study results useful. The results will be further analysed together with the staff. This will provide a variety of opinions on the matter and the accounting company can develop its operations according to the customers’ expectations

    Проект подвесного консольного крана с ручным и механическим приводом основных механизмов

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    В данной работе рассмотрен проект крана на колонне, которая крепится болтами к потолку или к другим строительным конструкциям в верхней части зданий. Основу сварной металлоконструкции крана составляют вращающаяся в подшипниках вертикальная колонна и горизонтальная консольная стрела, поддерживаемая растяжками. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/619

    Використання інтернету для самопідготовки з дисципліни ''Деталі машин''

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    У даній роботі розглянуто використання Інтернету для якнайкращого вивчення та засвоєння матеріалу з курсу деталей машин. Сучасна людина вже майже не уявляє свого життя без “всесвітньої павутини”: не треба йти до пошти, щоб відправити листа, чи йти за покупками до магазину. З кожним днем на електронних носіях накопичується все більше технічної інформації, тому відповідні інтернет-матеріали можуть суттєво допомогти студентам при самопідготовці по складним темам. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3185

    Велосипед как объект изучения в курсе деталей машин

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    Дисциплина детали машин включает в себя четыре раздела: основы проектирования; соединения деталей; передачи; детали, обеспечивающие вращение. При изучении теоретического материала этих разделов, выполнении практических и лабораторных заданий, а также работы над курсовым проектом по деталям машин используют и рассматривают в качестве универсального примера и базового технического объекта редуктор с его деталями и узлами. В данной работе предпринята попытка обосновать, что при изучении курса деталей машин редуктор можно заменить велосипедом