1,132 research outputs found

    Wavelength Dependent PSFs and their impact on Weak Lensing Measurements

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    We measure and model the wavelength dependence of the PSF in the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) survey. We find that PSF chromaticity is present in that redder stars appear smaller than bluer stars in the g,r,g, r, and ii-bands at the 1-2 per cent level and in the zz and yy-bands at the 0.1-0.2 per cent level. From the color dependence of the PSF, we fit a model between the monochromatic PSF trace radius, RR, and wavelength of the form R(λ)∝λbR(\lambda)\propto \lambda^{b}. We find values of bb between -0.2 and -0.5, depending on the epoch and filter. This is consistent with the expectations of a turbulent atmosphere with an outer scale length of ∌10−100\sim 10-100 m, indicating that the atmosphere is dominating the chromaticity. We find evidence in the best seeing data that the optical system and detector also contribute some wavelength dependence. Meyers and Burchat (2015) showed that bb must be measured to an accuracy of ∌0.02\sim 0.02 not to dominate the systematic error budget of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) weak lensing (WL) survey. Using simple image simulations, we find that bb can be inferred with this accuracy in the rr and ii-bands for all positions in the LSST field of view, assuming a stellar density of 1 star arcmin−2^{-2} and that the optical PSF can be accurately modeled. Therefore, it is possible to correct for most, if not all, of the bias that the wavelength-dependent PSF will introduce into an LSST-like WL survey.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Is it climate change? Coverage by online news sites of the 2019 European summer heatwaves in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK

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    In 2019 several countries across Western Europe experienced record breaking temperatures and heatwaves which, in some cases, reached temperatures of over 40°C for three to four consecutive days during June and July. Extreme event attribution (EEA) studies show that anthropogenic climate change increased the likelihood of these events by at least three to ten times (with different results for different countries), and increased the temperature by 1.2°C to 3.0°C. The heatwaves resulted in more than 2,500 deaths. Based on a content analysis of 267 articles taken from 20 of the most visited online news websites in four of the countries most affected by the heatwaves (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK), we find strong variations between countries and media outlets in how much attention journalists pay to links between climate change and the heatwaves (the UK media the most, and politically left-leaning titles more than right-leaning ones); many different types of statements depicting the link but in general, the presence of accurate, science-based descriptions; a strong presence of EEA studies in the coverage; and more quotes from climate scientists than politicians and NGOs, with a minimal presence of climate change skeptics. These results contribute to our understanding of media coverage around extreme weather events in different countries and media outlets, and how such events might serve as opportunities for public engagement with climate change

    Source Selection for Cluster Weak Lensing Measurements in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

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    We present optimized source galaxy selection schemes for measuring cluster weak lensing (WL) mass profiles unaffected by cluster member dilution from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Strategic Survey Program (HSC-SSP). The ongoing HSC-SSP survey will uncover thousands of galaxy clusters to zâ‰Č1.5z\lesssim1.5. In deriving cluster masses via WL, a critical source of systematics is contamination and dilution of the lensing signal by cluster {members, and by foreground galaxies whose photometric redshifts are biased}. Using the first-year CAMIRA catalog of ∌\sim900 clusters with richness larger than 20 found in ∌\sim140 deg2^2 of HSC-SSP data, we devise and compare several source selection methods, including selection in color-color space (CC-cut), and selection of robust photometric redshifts by applying constraints on their cumulative probability distribution function (PDF; P-cut). We examine the dependence of the contamination on the chosen limits adopted for each method. Using the proper limits, these methods give mass profiles with minimal dilution in agreement with one another. We find that not adopting either the CC-cut or P-cut methods results in an underestimation of the total cluster mass (13±4%13\pm4\%) and the concentration of the profile (24±11%24\pm11\%). The level of cluster contamination can reach as high as ∌10%\sim10\% at R≈0.24R\approx 0.24 Mpc/hh for low-z clusters without cuts, while employing either the P-cut or CC-cut results in cluster contamination consistent with zero to within the 0.5% uncertainties. Our robust methods yield a ∌60σ\sim60\sigma detection of the stacked CAMIRA surface mass density profile, with a mean mass of M200c=(1.67±0.05(stat))×1014 M⊙/hM_\mathrm{200c} = (1.67\pm0.05({\rm {stat}}))\times 10^{14}\,M_\odot/h.Comment: 19 pages, 4 tables, 12 figures, accepted to PASJ special issu

    From Ideas to Practice, Pilots to Strategy: Practical Solutions and Actionable Insights on How to Do Impact Investing

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    This report is the second publication in the World Economic Forum's Mainstreaming Impact Investing Initiative. The report takes a deeper look at why and how asset owners began to include impact investing in their portfolios and continue to do so today, and how they overcame operational and cultural constraints affecting capital flow. Given that impact investing expertise is spread among dozens if not hundreds of practitioners and academics, the report is a curation of some -- but certainly not all -- of those leading voices. The 15 articles are meant to provide investors, intermediaries and policy-makers with actionable insights on how to incorporate impact investing into their work.The report's goals are to show how mainstream investors and intermediaries have overcome the challenges in the impact investment sector, and to democratize the insights and expertise for anyone and everyone interested in the field. Divided into four main sections, the report contains lessons learned from practitioner's experience, and showcases best practices, organizational structures and innovative instruments that asset owners, asset managers, financial institutions and impact investors have successfully implemented

    Neurotransmitter signaling regulates distinct phases of multimodal human interneuron migration

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    Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons migrate over long distances from their extracortical origin into the developing cortex. In humans, this process is uniquely slow and prolonged, and it is unclear whether guidance cues unique to humans govern the various phases of this complex developmental process. Here, we use fused cerebral organoids to identify key roles of neurotransmitter signaling pathways in guiding the migratory behavior of human cortical interneurons. We use scRNAseq to reveal expression of GABA, glutamate, glycine, and serotonin receptors along distinct maturation trajectories across interneuron migration. We develop an image analysis software package, TrackPal, to simultaneously assess 48 parameters for entire migration tracks of individual cells. By chemical screening, we show that different modes of interneuron migration depend on distinct neurotransmitter signaling pathways, linking transcriptional maturation of interneurons with their migratory behavior. Altogether, our study provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis of human interneuron migration and its functional modulation by neurotransmitter signaling

    Discovery of Two Gravitationally Lensed Quasars with Image Separations of 3 Arcseconds from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We report the discovery of two doubly-imaged quasars, SDSS J100128.61+502756.9 and SDSS J120629.65+433217.6, at redshifts of 1.838 and 1.789 and with image separations of 2.86'' and 2.90'', respectively. The objects were selected as lens candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Based on the identical nature of the spectra of the two quasars in each pair and the identification of the lens galaxies, we conclude that the objects are gravitational lenses. The lenses are complicated; in both systems there are several galaxies in the fields very close to the quasars, in addition to the lens galaxies themselves. The lens modeling implies that these nearby galaxies contribute significantly to the lens potentials. On larger scales, we have detected an enhancement in the galaxy density near SDSS J100128.61+502756.9. The number of lenses with image separation of ~3'' in the SDSS already exceeds the prediction of simple theoretical models based on the standard Lambda-dominated cosmology and observed velocity function of galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
