1,319 research outputs found

    Plurisubharmonic functions and subellipticity of the dbar-Neumann problem on nonsmooth domains

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    We show subellipticity of the d-bar Neumann problem on domains with Lipschitz boundary in the presence of plurisubharmonic functions with Hessians of algebraic growth. In particular, a subelliptic estimate holds near a point where the boundary is piecewise smooth of finite type

    Compactness of the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann operator on the intersection of two domains

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    Assume that Ω1\Omega_{1} and Ω2\Omega_{2} are two smooth bounded pseudoconvex domains in C2\mathbb{C}^{2} that intersect (real) transversely, and that Ω1∩Ω2\Omega_{1} \cap \Omega_{2} is a domain (i.e. is connected). If the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann operators on Ω1\Omega_{1} and on Ω2\Omega_{2} are compact, then so is the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann operator on Ω1∩Ω2\Omega_{1} \cap \Omega_{2}. The corresponding result holds for the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann operators on (0,n−1)(0,n-1)-forms on domains in Cn\mathbb{C}^{n}

    Estimates for the complex Green operator: symmetry, percolation, and interpolation

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    Let MM be a pseudoconvex, oriented, bounded and closed CR submanifold of Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} of hypersurface type. We show that Sobolev estimates for the complex Green operator hold simultaneously for forms of symmetric bidegrees, that is, they hold for (p,q)(p,q)--forms if and only if they hold for (m−p,m−1−q)(m-p,m-1-q)--forms. Here mm equals the CR dimension of MM plus one. Symmetries of this type are known to hold for compactness estimates. We further show that with the usual microlocalization, compactness estimates for the positive part percolate up the complex, i.e. if they hold for (p,q)(p,q)--forms, they also hold for (p,q+1)(p,q+1)--forms. Similarly, compactness estimates for the negative part percolate down the complex. As a result, if the complex Green operator is compact on (p,q1)(p,q_{1})--forms and on (p,q2)(p,q_{2})--forms (q1≤q2q_{1}\leq q_{2}), then it is compact on (p,q)(p,q)--forms for q1≤q≤q2q_{1}\leq q\leq q_{2}. It is interesting to contrast this behavior of the complex Green operator with that of the ∂‾\overline{\partial}--Neumann operator on a pseudoconvex domain.Comment: Added a reference to related work, removed a reference that was not quoted. To appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    Observations regarding compactness in the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann problem

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    We show that compactness of the ∂‾\overline{\partial}-Neumann operator is independent of the metric, and we give a new proof of this independence for subellipticity. We define an abstract obstruction to compactness, namely the common zero set of all the compactness multipliers, and we identify this subset of the boundary for convex domains in Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} and for complete Hartogs domains in C2\mathbb{C}^{2}

    Geometric sufficient conditions for compactness of the complex Green operator

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    We establish compactness estimates for ∂ˉM\bar{\partial}_{M} on a compact pseudoconvex CR-submanifold MM of Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} of hypersurface type that satisfies the (analogue of the) geometric sufficient conditions for compactness of the ∂ˉ\bar{\partial}-Neumann operator given by the authors earlier. These conditions are formulated in terms of certain short time flows in complex tangential directions.Comment: 19 page

    Levi foliations in pseudoconvex boundaries and vector fields that commute approximately with d-bar

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    Boas and Straube proved a general sufficient condition for global regularity of the d-bar Neumann problem in terms of families of vector fields that commute approximately with d-bar. In this paper, we study the existence of these vector fields on a compact subset of the boundary whose interior is foliated by complex manifolds. This question turns out to be closely related to properties of interest from the point of view of foliation theory

    Plurisubharmonic defining functions, good vector fields, and exactness of a certain one form

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    We show that the approaches to global regularity of the d-bar Neumann problem via the methods listed in the title are equivalent when the conditions involved are suitably modified. These modified conditions are also equivalent to one that is relevant in the context of Stein neighborhood bases and Mergelyan type approximation

    Sobolev estimates for the complex Green operator on CR submanifolds of hypersurface type

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    Let MM be a pseudoconvex, oriented, bounded and closed CR submanifold of Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} of hypersurface type. Our main result says that when a certain 11-form on MM is exact on the null space of the Levi form, then the complex Green operator on MM satisfies Sobolev estimates. This happens in particular when MM admits a set of plurisubharmonic defining functions or when MM is strictly pseudoconvex except for the points on a simply connected complex submanifold

    Compactness of the Complex Green Operator

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    Let \Omega\subset\C^n be a bounded smooth pseudoconvex domain. We show that compactness of the complex Green operator GqG_{q} on (0,q)(0,q)-forms on bΩb\Omega implies compactness of the ∂ˉ\bar{\partial}-Neumann operator NqN_{q} on Ω\Omega. We prove that if 1≤q≤n−21 \leq q \leq n-2 and bΩb\Omega satisfies (Pq)(P_q) and (Pn−q−1)(P_{n-q-1}), then GqG_{q} is a compact operator (and so is Gn−1−qG_{n-1-q}). Our method relies on a jump type formula to represent forms on the boundary, and we prove an auxiliary compactness result for an `annulus' between two pseudoconvex domains. Our results, combined with the known characterization of compactness in the ∂ˉ\bar{\partial}-Neumann problem on locally convexifiable domains, yield the corresponding characterization of compactness of the complex Green operator(s) on these domains.Comment: 17 pages. We added an appendix, fixed the proof of a main theorem, and revised the statement of another theorem. Also, we fixed some other typo

    The Bergman kernel function: explicit formulas and zeroes

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    We show how to compute the Bergman kernel functions of some special domains in a simple way. As an application of the explicit formulas, we show that the Bergman kernel functions of some convex domains, for instance the domain in C^3 defined by the inequality |z_1|+|z_2|+|z_3|<1, have zeroes
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