2,519 research outputs found

    Restoration of chiral symmetry in light-front finite temperature field theory

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    We investigate the properties of qqqq and qqˉq\bar q states in hot and dense quark matter in the framework of light-front finite temperature field theory. Presently we use the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model of QCD and derive the gap equation at finite temperature and density. We study pionic and scalar diquark dynamics in quark matter and calculate the masses and the Mott dissociation as a function of the temperature TT and the chemical potential μ\mu. For the scalar diquark we determine the critical temperature of color superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Presented by S.Strau\ss at Light-Cone 2004, Amsterdam, 16 - 20 Augus

    Assessing the Effects of the Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Economy

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    The terrorist attacks of September 11 have challenged the view that the U.S. economy is on the brink of recovery. This article discusses the effects of the attacks on real GDP taking the Kiel Institute's forecast of September 10 as the baseline scenario. The focus is on assessing the direct production losses in the week of September 10?16. Anecdotal evidence is combined with economic reasoning (on the non storability of services, the role of air transports and on the complementarity between services). As to the indirect effects, I assume that the downturn in sentiment will be severe but short-lived. Under the technical assumption of a stabilizing political situation economic activity in 2002 will recover more vigorously than previously thought due to postponed purchases and a more expansionary stance of economic policies

    Euroland's trade with the rest of the world: An SNA-based estimation

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    The paper presents an estimation of Euroland's foreign trade with the rest of the world based on the exports and imports of the eleven member states of the European Monetary Union according to their Systems of National Accounts (SNA). In order to isolate the trade with the rest of the world from intra- European trade flows, the share of intra-trade is derived from customs statistics. Once the time series are constructed, real exports are regressed on indexes of industrial production abroad and the real external value of the ecu - both calculated with respect to the 20 most important trading partners - using an error correction model. The estimation results are used to forecast Euroland's exports in 1998 and 1999

    Generationengerechtigkeit im Betrieb

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    Anwendungsorientierte Forschung im Themenfeld "Demografischer Wandel und Arbeit" hat zurzeit Konjunktur. Gleichzeitig wird ein Auseinanderklaffen von reichhaltigen Forschungsergebnissen und noch recht spärlichen betrieblichen Aktivitäten zur Bewältigung alternder Belegschaften beklagt. Der vorliegende Beitrag vertritt die These, dass dieses Missverhältnis auch auf Defizite der Forschung zurückzuführen ist. Solche Defizite bestehen insbesondere in der Vernachlässigung mikropolitischer Dimensionen von Betrieben, in einer weitgehenden Ausblendung von sozialmoralischen Standards, die sich auf "Alte" und "Junge" in Betrieben beziehen und in einer Ausblendung des Wandels dieser Normen und Werte. Diese These wird am Beispiel von Betriebsräten als betriebspolitischen Akteuren und deren Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen im Hinblick auf unterschiedliche Generationen im Betrieb entfaltet. Dabei erweist sich, dass ein entsprechendes Forschungsdesign bisher weitgehend separierte Forschungslinien wie Generationenforschung, empirische Gerechtigkeitsforschung und Forschung zu industriellen Beziehungen verzahnen muss.Applied research in the subject area "demographic change and work" is booming. At the same time there is a lament about a gap between a wealth of research results and poor company activities coping with their aging workforce. This contribution points out that the above-mentioned disproportion leads back to research deficits, in particular to ignore the microstructure of companies and to fade out moral standards relating to "young" and "old" in companies as well as the change of these standards. The article develops this thesis dealing with work councils as political protagonists in companies and their ideas of justice between age groups and generations. It turns out that an appropriate research design has to combine research areas till now existing separately, for example research on generations, empirical research on justice and research on industrial relations

    Cointegration Analysis in an Inflationary Environment: What Can We Learn from Ukraine's Nominal Exports?

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    Ukrainian exports can be explained by standard demand theory in the long run. Using the Johansen procedure the data do not reject the hypothesis of a unit foreign-production elasticity of Ukrainian exports, which are rather price-elastic inputs for foreign producers. It is argued that due to high domestic inflation and substantial real appreciation of the hryvnia there might be a deterministic element in the long-run relationships. When allowing for a trend in the co­integration space, the identifying restriction of an infinitely price-elastic export supply curve produces best results. However, due to missing export price statistics long-run interpretations are to be taken with care because they are conditional upon assumptions on how costs and exchange-rates are passed through on export prices