2,560 research outputs found

    Skin microvascular reactivity in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in relation to levels of physical activity and aerobic fitness

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    No studies to date have evaluated the relationship between exercise and microvascular function in youth with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Twenty-nine complication free children and adolescents with T1DM were assessed for skin microvascular reactivity, aerobic fitness (VO2peak) and physical activity. VO2peak but not physical activity was significantly and independently associated with maximal hyperemia of the skin microcirculation (p < .01). No significant associations were found between venoarteriolar reflex (VAR) vasoconstriction and VO2peak or physical activity. Aerobic fitness may be an important indicator or mediator of effective microvascular endothelial function in youth with T1DM

    Non-existence of normal tokamak equilibria with negative central current

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    Recent tokamak experiments employing off-axis, non-inductive current drive have found that a large central current hole can be produced. The current density is measured to be approximately zero in this region, though in principle there was sufficient current drive power for the central current density to have gone significantly negative. Recent papers have used a large aspect-ratio expansion to show that normal MHD equilibria (with axisymmetric nested flux surfaces, non-singular fields, and monotonic peaked pressure profiles) can not exist with negative central current. We extend that proof here to arbitrary aspect ratio, using a variant of the virial theorem to derive a relatively simple integral constraint on the equilibrium. However, this constraint does not, by itself, exclude equilibria with non-nested flux surfaces, or equilibria with singular fields and/or hollow pressure profiles that may be spontaneously generated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physics of Plasmas, Feb. 14, 2003. Revised Feb. 24, 2003. Vers. 2: revised May 29 to clarify points raised by referee, add references to recent work. July 18, accepted for publicatio

    Electromagnetic modes of Maxwell fisheye lens

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    We provide an analysis of the radial structure of TE and TM modes of the Maxwell fisheye lens, by means of Maxwell equations as applied to the fisheye case. Choosing a lens of size R = 1 cm, we plot some of the modes in the infrared range.Comment: 2+6 pages in Latex, 3 figures to be found in the published referenc

    Making electromagnetic wavelets

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    Electromagnetic wavelets are constructed using scalar wavelets as superpotentials, together with an appropriate polarization. It is shown that oblate spheroidal antennas, which are ideal for their production and reception, can be made by deforming and merging two branch cuts. This determines a unique field on the interior of the spheroid which gives the boundary conditions for the surface charge-current density necessary to radiate the wavelets. These sources are computed, including the impulse response of the antenna.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections and addition

    Mode Bifurcation and Fold Points of Complex Dispersion Curves for the Metamaterial Goubau Line

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    In this paper the complex dispersion curves of the four lowest-order transverse magnetic modes of a dielectric Goubau line (ϔ>0,Ό>0\epsilon>0, \mu>0) are compared with those of a dispersive metamaterial Goubau line. The vastly different dispersion curve structure for the metamaterial Goubau line is characterized by unusual features such as mode bifurcation, complex fold points, both proper and improper complex modes, and merging of complex and real modes

    Theory of Tunneling for Rough Junctions

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    A formally exact expression for the tunneling current, for its separation into specular and diffuse components, and for its directionality, is given for a thick tunnel junction with rough interfaces in terms of the properties of appropriately defined scattering amplitudes. An approximate evaluation yields the relative magnitudes of the specular and diffuse components, and the angular dependence of the diffuse component, in terms of certain statistical properties of the junction interfaces.Comment: 4 page

    The Real Scalar Field Equation for Nariai Black Hole in the 5D Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black String Space

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    The Nariai black hole, whose two horizons are lying close to each other, is an extreme and important case in the research of black hole. In this paper we study the evolution of a massless scalar field scattered around in 5D Schwarzschild-de Sitter black string space. Using the method shown by Brevik and Simonsen (2001) we solve the scalar field equation as a boundary value problem, where real boundary condition is employed. Then with convenient replacement of the 5D continuous potential by square barrier, the reflection and transmission coefficients (R,TR, T) are obtained. At last, we also compare the coefficients with usual 4D counterpart.Comment: 10 pages,6 figures.To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Efficient nonlinear room-temperature spin injection from ferromagnets into semiconductors through a modified Schottky barrier

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    We suggest a consistent microscopic theory of spin injection from a ferromagnet (FM) into a semiconductor (S). It describes tunneling and emission of electrons through modified FM-S Schottky barrier with an ultrathin heavily doped interfacial S layer . We calculate nonlinear spin-selective properties of such a reverse-biased FM-S junction, its nonlinear I-V characteristic, current saturation, and spin accumulation in S. We show that the spin polarization of current, spin density, and penetration length increase with the total current until saturation. We find conditions for most efficient spin injection, which are opposite to the results of previous works, since the present theory suggests using a lightly doped resistive semiconductor. It is shown that the maximal spin polarizations of current and electrons (spin accumulation) can approach 100% at room temperatures and low current density in a nondegenerate high-resistance semiconductor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; provides detailed comparison with earlier works on spin injectio

    Differences in level of confidence in diabetes care between different groups of trainees: the TOPDOC diabetes study

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    Background There is an increasing prevalence of diabetes. Doctors in training, irrespective of specialty, will have patients with diabetes under their care. The aim of this further evaluation of the TOPDOC Diabetes Study data was to identify if there was any variation in confidence in managing diabetes depending on the geographical location of trainees and career aspirations. Methods An online national survey using a pre-validated questionnaire was administered to trainee doctors. A 4-point confidence rating scale was used to rate confidence in managing aspects of diabetes care and a 6-point scale used to quantify how often trainees would contribute to the management of patients with diabetes. Responses were grouped depending on which UK country trainees were based and their intended career choice. Results Trainees in Northern Ireland reported being less confident in IGT diagnosis, use of IV insulin and peri-operative management and were less likely to adjust oral treatment, contact specialist, educate lifestyle, and optimise treatment. Trainees in Scotland were less likely to contact a specialist, but more likely to educate on lifestyle, change insulin, and offer follow-up advice. In Northern Ireland, Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) training in diagnosis was felt less adequate, PG training in emergencies less adequate, and reporting of need for further training higher. Trainees in Wales felt UG training to be inadequate. In Scotland more trainees felt UG training in diagnosis and optimising treatment was inadequate. Physicians were more likely to report confidence in managing patients with diabetes and to engage in different aspects of diabetes care. Aspiring physicians were less likely to feel the need for more training in diabetes care; however a clear majority still felt they needed more training in all aspects of care. Conclusions Doctors in training have poor confidence levels dealing with diabetes related care issues. Although there is variability between different groups of trainees according to geographical location and career aspirations, this is a UK wide issue. There should be a UK wide standardised approach to improving training for junior doctors in diabetes care with local training guided by specific needs.</p
