8 research outputs found

    Alternatiewe voorraadklassifikasiemetodes

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    Omdat daar duisende vooraaditems in die tipiese Motorhandelaar se onderdelevoorraad aangehou word genoodsaak dit die een of ander klassifikasiemetode vir die doeleindes van vraagvooruitskatting en bestuursverslaggewmg. Enkele verskillende metodes word kortliks bespreek en vergelyk.The typical Motor Dealer has thousands of spare part items in stock which makes it neccessary to use some method of parts classification for the purposes of demand forecasting and management reporting. A number of different methods are briefly described and compared.http://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Optimal distribution of replicated data in computer networks

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    The rapid development in computer networks has enabled the implementation of new methods of data distribution. There are however, no available tools for supportinq decision making and planning in this application area and operators have to rely on manual methods to design schedules for data and software distribution. This manual approach takes long and typically results 'In distribution projects that are both costly and slow. This article presents 'o new approach to the data distribution scheduling problem that produces schedules for implementation based on minimum distribution cost or minimum distribution time.Die snelle ontwikkeling van rekenaarnetwerke het die implementering van nuwe metodes vir datadistribusie moontlik gemaak. Daar is ongelukkig geen beskikbare hulpmiddels om besluitneming en beplanning in hierdie toepassingsveld te ondersteun nie en gebruikers moet staat maak op handmetodes vir die opstel van data- en programmatuur verspreidingsskedules. Hierdie handmetodes neem lank en resulteer in verspreidingsprojekte wat beide tydsaam en duur is. Hierdie artikel stel 'n nuwe benadering tot die probleem voor wat skedules lewer vir implementering gebaseer op minimum verspredingskoste of minimum verspreidingstyd.http://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Demand forecasting for motor vehicle spare parts

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    Reordering motor vehicle spare parts for the purposes of stock replenishment is an important function of the parts manager in the typical motor dealership. Meaningful reordering requires a reliable forecast of the future demand for items. A variety of alternative forecasting techniques were evaluated for this purpose with the aim of selecting one optimal technique to be implemented in an automatic reordering module of a real time computerized inventory management system.Aanvulling van onderdeelvoorraad is 'n belangrike funksie van die onderdelebestuurder in die tipiese motorhandelsaak. Sinvolle herbestelling vereis 'n betroubare vooruitskatting van die toekomstige vraag na items. 'n Verskeidenheid alternatiewe vooruitskattingstegnieke is evalueer ten einde 'n optimale tegtniek te vind vir implementering in die outomatiese herbestelmodule van 'n intydse gerekenariseerde voorraadbestuurstelselhttp://sajie.journals.ac.z

    Automated software distribution

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    Automated distribution of computer software via electronic means in large corporate networks is growing in popularity. The relative importance of personal computer software, in financial and logistical terms, is described and the developing need for automated software distribution explained. An actual comparitive example of alternative software distribution strategies is presented and discussed proving the viability of Electronic Software Distribution.Geoutomatiseerde verspreiding van rekenaarprogrammatuur met behulp van elektroniese metodes in groot korporatiewe netwerke, is toenemend populer, Die relatiewe belangrikheid van persoonlike rekenaarprogrammatuur in finansiele en logistieke terme word bespreek en die groeiende behoefte na geoutomatiseerde programmatuurverspreiding verduidelik. 'n Werklike vergelykende voorbeeld van alternatiewe programmatuurverspreidingsstrategiee word aangebied en bespreek wat die lewensvatbaarheid van Elektroniese Programmatuurverspreiding bewys.http://sajie.journals.ac.z


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Automated distribution of computer software via electronic means in large corporate networks is growing in popularity. The relative importance of personal computer software, in financial and logistical terms, is described and the developing need for automated software distribution explained. An actual comparitive example of alternative software distribution strategies is presented and discussed proving the viability of Electronic Software Distribution.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geoutomatiseerde verspreiding van rekenaarprogrammatuur met behulp van elektroniese metodes in groot korporatiewe netwerke, is toenemend populer, Die relatiewe belangrikheid van persoonlike rekenaarprogrammatuur in finansiele en logistieke terme word bespreek en die groeiende behoefte na geoutomatiseerde programmatuurverspreiding verduidelik. 'n Werklike vergelykende voorbeeld van alternatiewe programmatuurverspreidingsstrategiee word aangebied en bespreek wat die lewensvatbaarheid van Elektroniese Programmatuurverspreiding bewys.</p&gt

    Supply planning in the South African automotive industry

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    Supply planning in the automotive industry is a vital ingredient for supply chain integration. The role and function of a supply planner, although clearly defined in European developed methods, lacks the practical dimension. This paper describes such a practical approach that was developed for supply planning in the South African automotive industry. The framework highlights all the aspects – from a business and functional perspective – that need to be considered on a global and local scale. The framework describes the role and responsibilities of the supply planner as an active supply chain designer during the product/production development process.Voorsieningsbeplanning in die motorindustrie is ‘n noodsaaklike element van voorsieningskanaalintegrasie. Die rol en funksie van die voorsieningsbeplanner, alhoewel duidelik gedefinieer in Europese benaderings, kort ‘n praktiese dimensie. Hierdie artikel beskryf so ‘n praktiese benadering wat ontwikkel is vir voorsieningsbeplanning in die Suid-Afrikaanse motorindustrie. Die raamwerk lig alle aspekte uit – vanuit ‘n besigheids- en funksionele perspektief – wat oorweeg moet word op ‘n globale en plaaslike vlak. Die raamwerk beskryf die rol en verantwoordelikhede van die voorsieningsbeplanner as ‘n aktiewe ontwerper van die voorsieningskanaal gedurende die produk/produksie-ontwikkelingsproses

    Integrated automotive manufacturing supply

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    Supply planning and traffic flow planning are major activities in the automotive manufacturing environment worldwide. Traditionally, the impact of supply planning strategies on plant traffic is rarely considered. This paper describes the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) that will assist automotive manufacturers to analyse the effect of supply planning decisions on plant traffic during the supply planning phase of their logistics planning process. In essence, this DSS consists of a Supply Medium Decision Support Tool (SMDST) (an interactive MS-Excel model with Visual Basic interfacing) and a traffic flow simulation model tool (using eMPlant simulation software).Verskaffingsbeplanning en verkeersvloeibeplanning is belangrike aktiwiteite in die motorvervaardigingsbedryf wêreldwyd. Tradisioneel word die uitwerking van verskaffings-beplanningsstrategië op aanlegverkeer selde in ag geneem. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling van ’n Besluitnemings Ondersteuningstelsel (DSS) wat motorvervaardigers sal ondersteun in die analise van die effek van verskaffingsbeplanningbesluite op aanlegverkeer tydens die verskaffingsbeplanningsfase van hulle logistieke beplanningsproses. Hierdie DSS bestaan hoofsaaklik uit ’n Verskaffings-vervoermiddel Besluitnemingshulpmiddel (SMDST) (’n interaktiewe MS-Excel model met “Visual Basic” koppelling) asook ’n simulasiemodel van verkeersvloei (met eM-Plant simulasiesagteware)


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Supply planning and traffic flow planning are major activities in the automotive manufacturing environment worldwide. Traditionally, the impact of supply planning strategies on plant traffic is rarely considered. This paper describes the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) that will assist automotive manufacturers to analyse the effect of supply planning decisions on plant traffic during the supply planning phase of their logistics planning process. In essence, this DSS consists of a Supply Medium Decision Support Tool (SMDST) (an interactive MS-Excel model with Visual Basic interfacing) and a traffic flow simulation model tool (using eMPlant simulation software).</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskaffingsbeplanning en verkeersvloeibeplanning is belangrike aktiwiteite in die motorvervaardigingsbedryf wêreldwyd. Tradisioneel word die uitwerking van verskaffings-beplanningsstrategië op aanlegverkeer selde in ag geneem. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling van ’n Besluitnemings Ondersteuningstelsel (DSS) wat motorvervaardigers sal ondersteun in die analise van die effek van verskaffingsbeplanningbesluite op aanlegverkeer tydens die verskaffingsbeplanningsfase van hulle logistieke beplanningsproses. Hierdie DSS bestaan hoofsaaklik uit ’n Verskaffings-vervoermiddel Besluitnemingshulpmiddel (SMDST) (’n interaktiewe MS-Excel model met “Visual Basic” koppelling) asook ’n simulasiemodel van verkeersvloei (met eM-Plant simulasiesagteware).</p&gt