27 research outputs found
Biocompatibility of glass-ionomer cements in dentistry
Biocompatibility takes into account the ability of a material to elicit a specific biological response after administration to a living organism. The concept does not define only one quality of the material, but reflects a complex of interactions with the biological environment in which it is placed. Over time, the definition of biocompatibility has gradually changed. Dental cements are the main clinical obturating materials. First created by Wilson and Kent in 1969, glass ionomer (polyalkenoate) cements have become widely used in medicine and dentistry.The purpose of this review is to discuss the biocompatibility of glass ionomer cements.Scientific databases - PubMed and SCOPUS were used to find appropriate studies in English on the topic of this article, with the following keywords - biocompatibility, glass ionomer cements, dentistry. A time period of 2000-2021 was set to screen articles and track the progress of the biocompatibility of dental cements in the new millennium. In addition to the cited scientific databases and articles such as clinical trials, review articles, meta-analyzes, writing of the report included information from Bulgarian and foreign textbooks in English on the subject. After applying the screening criteria, 61 results were displayed in SCOPUS and 215 in PubMed. From them, selected articles that describe experimental productions with testing the properties of cements, incl. to living cells, were reviewed.Science has found that by modifying the composition of the powder and the liquid of the cement, properties and biocompatibility can be affected. Modifications with the addition of nanoparticles hydroxylapatite and silica, carbon nanocompounds, zinc ions, cellulose microfiber and nanocrystals, amorphous calcium phosphate, chlorhexidine, collagen type 1 and peptides have been reported. Cement liquid has also been improved, which changes its properties.In the given time period between 2000-2021 there is a rapid rise of development and improvement of the properties of already synthesized cements. Efforts are being made to study the biocompatibility of materials and their properties to help tissue regeneration. There is also a wider use of materials and their implementation into various fields of medicine and dentistry
Importance of otorhinolaryngology and vestibulogy for posture and balance of the human body
The vestibular system provides the human brain with information about the angular and linear deviation of the head and body in space, as well as the sense of gravity. It is essential for maintaining adequate body position, orientation and performance of motor acts. Synchronous work with other systems – visual and proprioceptive - is observed. Disorientation, staggering and dizziness are provoked by a conflict of the information received by the different sensors. The vestibular system is a constantly engaged system.Scientific databases - PubMed, SCOPUS and MEDLINE - were used to find appropriate studies in English and other languages on the topic of this review, with the following keywords: vestibular disorder, balance, posture, adenoid hypertrophy, hearing loss. A time period of 2010-2021 was set to trace the latest discoveries in the scientific field. Fundamental pieces of scientific research from the second half of the 20th century were also included. In addition to information from the mentioned scientific databases and articles such as clinical trials and review articles, we included information and paid attention to the work of Bulgarian authors on the problems of the topic, including information from articles, abstracts of dissertations.It can be clearly concluded, based on the analyzed literature, that the ability to maintain balance is due to specific information acquired through several sensory processing systems. While vision is important for posture and balance, the ability to hear, the absence of vestibular deficits, the lack of hypertrophic processes in the adenoids contribute to the fine control and regulation of balance. Disorders in one system - visual, audio-vestibular, stomatognathic - affect others, including the whole body, because they are all connected.Patients should be offered a comprehensive diagnosis because, as has been shown many times, the pathology is interrelated and requires appropriate diagnostic methods and treatment plan. This is done in order to improve the quality of life of the patients and reduce the consequences of the disease
Key Etiological Factors Regarding Early Childhood Caries - A Clinical Case Report
УВОД: Кариесът на ранното детство е най-широко разпространеното хронично, бактериално и поведенческо заболяване на твърдите зъбни тъкани, което засяга най-често циркулярно вестибуларните или лингвалните повърхности на горните временни резци и молари на деца в ранна детска възраст. Според международната научна номенклатура ранната детска възраст обхваща периода от 1 до 3 години. Скоростта на развитие на кариозните лезии се детерминира от няколко фактора. Сред основните етиологични фактори се отличават: наличието на податлив макроорганизъм, ранна трансмисия на кариесогенни микроорганизми Str. mutans и Str. sobrinus; консумация на храни, богати на дизахариди; количествен и качествен състав на слюнката; степен на орална хигиена. За кариеса на ранното детство не без значение са и фактори като: по-късно започване на четкането на зъбите, по-дълъг период на кърмене, безразборно кърмене при поискване, хранене с биберон преди заспиване, нисък социално-икономически статус и занижен образователен ценз на родителите, респ. липса на здравно обучение и възпитание. Целта на представянето на настоящия клиничен случай е да се оцени значимостта на ключови етиологични фактори относно спецификите на оралния статус на деца с диагностицирано заболяване кариес на ранното детство.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДИ: Представя се клиничен случай на двама пациенти близнаци, от женски пол, които посещават Факултета по дентална медицина в гр. Варна. Приложени са клинични, епидемиологични и социологични методи на изследване с оглед охарактеризиране и оценяване оралния статус на двете деца.РЕЗУЛТАТИ И ОБСЪЖДАНЕ: На базата на задълбочено снетата анамнеза и клиничния преглед се установи диагноза кариес на ранното детство и при двете деца. Съставен бе план на лечение, който включва както оперативен и неоперативен подход за третиране на кариозните лезии, така и промяна на поведенческите нагласи у пациентите.ИЗВОДИ: Лекарите по дентална медицина и хуманните лекари трябва да работят в тясно сътрудничество, за да посрещат и адекватно да удовлетворяват нуждите на пациентите в ранна детска възраст от комплексни терапевтични и профилактични грижи както с цел съхранение и подобрение на общото им здравословно състояние, така и по отношение на обезпечаването на добро орално здраве.INTRODUCTION: Early childhood caries is the most common chronic bacterial and behavioral disease of the hard tooth tissues. It manifests with circular lesions on both vestibular and lingual surfaces of upper deciduous incisors and molars of children in early childhood. According to the international nomenclature early childhood concerns the period between one and three years of age. The pace with which the carious lesions are developing is determined by various factors. Key etiological factors are: susceptible macro-organism, early maternal transmission of infectious agents connected with dental caries such as Str. mutans et Str. sobrinus; increased consumption of food rich in disaccharides, especially sugar-containing products; quantitative and qualitative features of the saliva; oral hygiene level. Discussing the specifics of early childhood caries, we have to put emphasis on: delayed beginning of teeth brushing, incessant breastfeeding with prolonged duration, bottle-feeding before sleeping, low socio-economic and educational status of parents, respectively absence of health education and culture, as well as lack of behavioral control.AIM: The aim of the present clinical case report is to assess the significance of the key etiological factors regarding the oral status of pediatric patients who are diagnosed with early childhood caries.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present a clinical case report of two twin patients, 4 years old, who visited the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Medical University of Varna. Clinical, epidemiological and sociological methods were used to characterize and assess the oral status of the patients.RESULTS: After a careful anamnesis data recording and a profound clinical examination, the diagnosis of early childhood caries has been established in both patients. A treatment plan has been composed, including both operative and non-operative methods of treatment of the registered carious lesions. Dietary habits and attitude of patients towards oral hygiene procedures must be revised.CONCLUSION: Doctors of dental medicine and human doctors should work together in order to meet and adequately respond to the needs of young patients for complex therapeutic and prophylactic care, with the purpose of ensuring and improving their general health status, as well as providing and maintaining proper oral health
Dynamic analysis of the body's balance with the aid of PODATA platform in patients with vestibular disorders and malocclusions
Introduction: Human posture is linked to a certain stable anatomic position between head, body, and upper and lower limbs. Posturology is the science for the human posture. The connections between the vestibular, ocular, stomatognathic, postural, and proprioceptive systems are studied due to their muscular chains interconnections.Aim: The present research aims to study the characteristics of the body’s balance in patients with vestibular disorders and orthodontic malocclusions, utilizing the PODATA platform.Materials and Methods: A total of 83 patients in the time period November–July 2022 were included. All patients filled out written informed consent forms in order to participate. The study received approval by the Medical University of Varna’s Ethics Committee. Patients were also provided with questionnaires in order to assess their symptoms. An ENT specialist and a dentist examined all patients. Patients were divided into several diagnostic groups.Results: When examined on the platform, patients shifted the center of gravity (CoG) of the body more often backwards and to the right side. Most patients with a shift of CoG backwards and to the right had a temporomandibular disorder (TMD) on the left side. Female patients were more affected than male ones. In patients who also had a vestibular disorder, CoG of the body was more often shifted backwards and to the right. Thirty-one had a malocclusion. Patients with a change of the middle line and deep bite were the most prevalent and they shifted CoG backward and to the right or only backwards.Conclusion: The presented study confirmed that there is a connection between the postural, stomatognathic and vestibular systems. Disorders in either of the systems results in consecutive changes in the others
Diagnosis of nasal breathing using a rhinomanometer in patients with OSA prescribed conservative treatment with intraoral devices
In recent years, diagnostics in the field of medicine has developed at an extremely rapid pace, thanks to the use and improvement of new medical devices and devices. The problem of timely and adequate diagnosis and treatment of the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring is particularly relevant worldwide. The disease has been proven to worsen the patients’ quality of life, and may even threaten it. Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring syndrome (OSAS) is a widespread disease of social importance in which there is a reduction or cessation of airflow through the nose/mouth during sleep due to upper airway collapse. Obstructive sleep apnea affects the cardiovascular, endocrine, neurocognitive and other systems of the body. There are symptoms of loud snoring, choking, hypoxemia, and micro-awakenings, leading to sleep fragmentation, daytime fatigue, and sleepiness. The latter greatly worsens the quality of life of patients. There are real risks to the life and health of the patient and others, given the possibility of falling asleep at the wheel in drivers with sleep apnea and participation in traffic accidents. To diagnose the syndrome, a polysomnographic study is performed, which is still the gold standard. For a better diagnosis, it is recommended to combine it with rhinomanometry. Treatment of OSA includes control of risk factors and removal of obstructive factors that make breathing difficult. Severe OSA syndrome is treated with continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) during sleep, possibly in combination with intraoral devices. Rhinomanometry can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of CPAP therapy in severe forms of the syndrome by determining tissue resistance. The impact on patients with a milder form of OSA treated with intraoral devices is also monitored. The method can also be used in patients with allergic rhinitis, sinusitis of rhinogenic and other origin, and patients with orthodontic deformities. The correct choice of intraoral appliances for conservative treatment of OSA and timely diagnosis are key to successful treatment
Modern diagnostic techniques implemented at the audiovestibular laboratory of the University Medical and Dental Center, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna
IntroductionThe audiovestibular laboratory of the University Medical and Dental Center in the Faculty of Dental Medicine was established in 2020. Its purpose is diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of hearing, balance and sleep disorders of patients of all ages. It was set up thanks to the joint efforts of the academic management of the Medical University of Varna and the Faculty of Dental Medicine. The audiovestibular laboratory is equipped with the most modern and up-to-date electrophysiological diagnostic and rehabilitation devices. Since 2015, MU-Varna has conducted a number of interdisciplinary forums with international participation on the topics of audiological and vestibular disorders, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), newborn hearing screening. The audiovestibular laboratory works in close relationship with laboratories in the field situated in Europe, USA, the Russian Federation, Asia, and Australia.Materials and MethodsThe most important features of the different diagnostic systems will be briefly summarized in the following text, so as to express the specific diagnostic options they provide clinicians with.DiscussionDifferent diagnostic features of the systems used are described, pointing out the features of the most frequently used ones.ConclusionPatients should be given different, adequate and clear diagnostic solutions. Universities play an important role in becoming centers for providing full medical care—diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation in the specific field of medicine
Laryngostroboscopic examination of voice characteristics in patients before and after dental treatment
The progress of modern medicine and the widespread introduction of new technologies in the treatment process requires health professionals to be informed about the opportunities offered by science to improve the results of procedures. For the first time Topler and Ortel, in the period 1866–1878, applied the stroboscopic effect to decompose the motion of fast-moving objects. It is known that the image we get in phonation is collective due to the peculiarities of the retina and vocal apparatus. The stroboscopic effect is based on the use of a high-frequency pulse lamp, which allows the illumination of the rapid movements of the vocal cords up to 5 times per second, by interrupting the light source. Thus, the actual phonatory oscillations of the vocal folds are replaced by delayed, observable visual perceptions, possessing properties of the real movements. When the patient is asked to sing a vocal, the energy of the sound is converted into light. The pulse lamp starts to light up and goes out with the frequency of oscillation of the vocal cords. The stroboscopic indicators that can be evaluated are: frequency of movement of the vocal cords, amplitude of oscillations, course of movement, etc. Laryngostroboscopy is used to assess vocal abilities for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of functional dysphonia, and the diagnosis of processes associated with infiltration of a pathological process in the vocal muscle. In recent years, high-magnification laryngostroboscopes have been used. They allow better magnification and visibility, as well as video recording of the image.The prosthetic base is an important element in the construction of prosthetic structures. It not only provides stability to the prosthesis, but also affects the speech function. The relevance and importance of scientific issues for the study of voice capabilities in dental prosthetics are due to the fact that, in recent years, dental medicine has undergone a number of changes related to the evolution of technologies and methods for manufacturing dentures and materials that are used in the process. The aim is to synthesize a structure that, on the one hand, is strong enough not to fracture during mastication and thin enough not to affect the patient’s speech function. This means that dental professionals need to develop their skills to work with new and innovative technologies
Oral Health And General Somatic Status In Childhood – Overview
УВОД: Увреденото орално здраве се свързва най-често с кариеса, вкл. кариес на ранното детство, заболяванията на пародонта и оралната лигавица. Известна и доказана е връзката между проявата на системно заболяване и неговата изява в устната кухина. Целта на представения литературен обзор е да се направи оценка на оралното здраве у деца, страдащи от общи заболявания.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДИ: Направен е литературен обзор на базата на тридесет реферирани научни публикации, като бяха използвани научни бази данни – ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, PubMed и други.РЕЗУЛТАТИ И ОБСЪЖДАНЕ: Наблегнато бе на спецификите на оралния статус у пациенти, страдащи от някои заболявания. Обект на научен интерес в настоящото проучване са деца с анемии – най-често микроцитни; епилепсия – приемът на валпроеви препарати се налага като рисков фактор за развитие на кариозни лезии и пародонтални заболявания в детска възраст; захарен диабет (тип 1) – пародонталните заболявания се развиват по-бързо и се влошават лесно; сърдечно-съдови заболявания – вродените сърдечни аномалии повишават риска за развитие на кариес на ранното детство. Ежедневната употреба на медикаменти, липсата на родител в семейството, неглижирането на регулярните орално-хигиенни грижи са сред факторите на средата, които повлияват прогресията на кариозния процес сред деца с общи заболявания. Потвърдена бе връзката между индекса на телесната маса и развитието на орални заболявания. Медикаментите, които се прилагат за контрол и лечение на хронични заболявания като бронхит, астма, алергии и инфекции, повишават риска от развитие на кариозни лезии и ерозии по зъбните повърхности, особено ако са с ниско pH и се прилагат продължително време.ИЗВОДИ: Както терапевтичното повлияване на лезии на твърдите зъбни тъкани, оралната мукоза и пародонта въздейства положително върху контрола и лечението на налично системно заболяване, така е валидна и обратната връзка – излекуваното общо заболяване редуцира степента на клинична изява или прогресията на оралните болести.INTRODUCTION: Deteriorated oral health is most commonly associated with early childhood caries, periodontal and oral mucosa diseases. The link between systemic diseases and their manifestation in the oral cavity is well known and proven.AIM: The aim of the present literature review is to assess oral health in children suffering from systemic diseases.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been done on the basis of thirty referenced scientific publications using scientific databases - Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed and others.RESULTS: We focused on oral diseases in patients suffering from some systemic diseases. Objects of scientific interest in this study are the specifics of oral status among children with anemia - most often of microcytic type; epilepsy - administering valproic drugs is a risk factor for the development of carious lesions and periodontal diseases in childhood; diabetes mellitus (type 1) – periodontal diseases develop faster and become worse; cardiovascular diseases – congenital heart abnormalities increase the risk of developing caries in early childhood. The daily use of medication, single-parent families, negative attitude towards oral hygiene affect the level of caries progression among children with systemic diseases. The relationship between body mass index and the development of oral diseases has been confirmed. Medications that are used to control and treat chronic systemic diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, allergies and infections, increase the risk of developing carious lesions and erosions on the dental surfaces, especially if these medicines are with low pH and are taken for a long time.CONCLUSION: The treatment of lesions of the hard tooth tissues, oral mucosa and periodontal apparatus affects positively the control and treatment of existing systemic diseases and vice versa – cured systemic diseases reduce the manifestation or progression of oral diseases
Oral health promotion in children suffering from systemic diseases
Introduction: Modern dental medicine steadily aims at preserving the oral health status of the population. This is done not only by operative techniques and removal of affected hard tooth tissues but also by using preventive, non-operative and minimally invasive techniques. Measures are implemented to promote oral health in children and adolescents.Aim: The aim of the present review is to clarify the role of oral health promotion in children suffering from systemic diseases.Materials and Methods: A literature review has been done on the basis of 30 referenced scientific publications from scientific databases.When doing the following literature review, we intended to discuss the already suggested methods of promoting oral health and hygienic status in children and adolescents suffering from certain systemic diseases and conditions and if no methods are already implemented - to suggest possible ones.Results: Our scientific interest marks the specifics of the oral status among children with anemia, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus (type 1), and problems with maintaining a balanced diet. In order to reduce the risks to the general health and well-being of the child by neglecting their oral health, lack of knowledge of the parents and late visits to dental specialists must be minimized.Conclusion: Raising awareness through informational campaigns, visiting hospitalized children, making educational presentations and brochures and demonstrating the correct brushing techniques on phantom jaw models, regular dental check-ups, professional dental and self-care are key factors in oral health promotion. Medical doctors treating the given systemic disease, doctors of dental medicine, general practitioners and parents should work together to keep the balance between general and oral health
Алумни клубове - значение, възможности, тенденции
ВъведениеДумата „алумнус“ произхожда от латински език и буквално означава „студент/ученик“. В днешно време значението й е разширено и алумни се наричат освен всички, завършили университет, колеж, училище, също и бивши служители на компания, членове на организация, бивши пациенти на здравна програма и др. Алумни, без да се взимат под внимание разликите във възраст, пол, раса, етническа принадлежност, религия, финансова стабилност, се обединяват за доброто на техния университет или училище. Организираните традиционни сбирки предлагат възможности за нови запознанства и бизнес партньорства.Целта на този обзор е да се проучи значимостта на алумни клубовете, да се оцени ролята им в комуникацията между бивши, настоящи и бъдещи студенти, да се проучат възможностите пред алумни и да се обсъдят тенденциите в развитието на подобни организации. Материали и методиНаправен беше литературен обзор с включени статии на български и английски език. Използвахме ключовите думи алумни клубове, значение, социална ангажираност, помощ, студенти, университети в търсачките ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar. Информация от официалните уебсайтове на университети, колежи, други образователни институции, както и писмени библиотечни ресурси бяха използвани в разработване на обзора.РезултатиРезултатите от обзора показват, че за университетите по света и у нас завършващите са важна група, която съветва, помага и насочва новоприетите студенти. Синергичната връзка между алма матер и алумни трябва да бъде добре оползотворявана. Създадените алумни асоциации показват как трябва да се извършва обществената промяна – завършилите също повлияват и обучават хора извън дадения клуб. Налице са различни начини за популяризиране на алумни асоциация – организиране на сбирки, виртуални книги, дейност за обществото. Алумни са важна част като туристи, които посещават града, в който са учили – помагат на икономиката. Финансовата помощ, която се дава от завършилите, се ползва от университетите за различни дейности – да се постига академично качество, стабилизиране на финансовото състояние, да се приемат студенти от различни части на света, за организиране на различни кампании. Даренията на алумни се влияят от данъчните облекчения, доходите на родителите им, постиженията на спортните отбори на университетите, посещения на алумни срещи, пол, възраст, собствени доходи. Университетите трябва да мотивират завършилите да си осигурят желаната работа. ЗаключениеТемата за алумни клубовете и възможностите, които предлагат в нашата страна, се нуждае от повече внимание и мерки за популяризиране. Усилия трябва да се направят, за да се привлекат повече завършващи и да се повиши интересът им към алумни клуба на техния алма матер