27 research outputs found
Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Research Funding Models: An opportunity for coordinated, collaborative, industry based research
Oil and gas research has traditionally been funded via uncoordinated, individual and collective research funding mechanisms. This situation may have led to duplication of research, a potential reduction in financial leveraging opportunities for research projects and inadvertent siloing of knowledge within individual organisations. A negative result of such uncoordinated research activity ,may be slow research progress and unfilled knowledge gaps for the oil and gas industry. This paper proposes that a more efficient industry research process and funding model is required. One that is built upon best practice principles drawn from other successful and sustainable industry research funding models. It also proposes that there is an opportunity for all Australian offshore oil and gas operators, government funding entities, small to medium enterprise and research organisations to collaborate to perform co-ordinated industry research within Australia. Via, increased industry collaboration and strategically targeting high impact industry research topics, there is an opportunity to achieve more complex research outcomes. The result should be an improvement in knowledge of industry issues that must be managed long term. The safe and efficient extraction and recovery of offshore oil and gas resources in Australia can be maximised for all stakeholders. This can be achieved by sharing research project risk, past domestic and international experience, industry knowledge, geological, seismic and environmental data and distribution of research outcomes to promote future applied and pure research activity. Ultimately, the benefits of an increased Australian industry research capability, via leveraging of industry and government funding, requires the inclusion of Australiaâs world class research organisations and Universities as part of any industry research funding model initiative. To begin to address these issues, this paper investigates existing Industry Research Funding Models(IRFM) that may be provide an industry wide sustainable offshore oil and gas industry research mechanism. Such a mechanism, will in turn, provide a level of coordination and accelerated research that updates community knowledge, provides information to support informed regulation, develops a social licence to operate, and accelerates research and development commercialisation. As part of the methodology, the paper poses a research question, reviews domestic and international funding models, identifies of possible funding mechanisms, considers of regulations and legal frameworks in Australia, and importantly, assesses the need for a centralised industry research body to assist with the delivery of oil and gas industry based research, as has occurred elsewhere around the globe. An initial business case and implementation plan is also developed
State of the Art of Virtual Reality Simulation Technology and Its Applications in 2005
The School of Mining Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has been developing immersive, interactive computer-based training simulators for a number of years with research funding provided by Coal Services (CS), the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). The virtual reality(VR) simulators are being developed to improve the effectiveness of training in the Australian coal mining industry with a view to enhancing health and safety. VR theatres have been established at UNSW and at the Newcastle Mines Rescue Station (NMRS).A range of experienced and inexperienced mining personnel has already had the opportunity to train in them. A capability in immersive, interactive virtual reality training has been established and the reaction to the new technology has been positive and confirmed the benefits to be gained in going to the next stage in developing this capability. Given the significant advances in computer technology that have occurred since this research was initiated at UNSW, it was considered wise to undertake a study of the âState of the Art of Virtual Reality Simulation Technology and Its Application in 2005â. This should enable nformed decisions to be made on technologies and techniques that could further enhance the simulators and give insight into how the existing VR capability at UNSW can be placed on a sustainable foundation. This Research Overview summarises the findings of the study. It recommends the continued development and testing of the simulators towards a system that presents the users with hi-fidelity imagery and function that is based on 3D models, developed using real mine plans, safety data and manufacturerâs drawings. The simulators should remain modular in design, such that equipment can be updated and added easily over time. Different mine training scenarios and models based on sound educational principles should be developed with major input from experienced mining industry personnel. The simulations that have been developed, that is, Self-Escape, Rib Stability and Sprains and Strains should also continue to be developed and refined. The study has confirmed that such simulations are a powerful visualisation and training tool for enhancing the understanding of mine safety procedures and operations in the coal mining industry. This Scoping Study was undertaken with funding provided from the JCB Health and Safety Trust administered by Coal Services Pty Limited. The support of the Trust and trustees is gratefully acknowledged. The contributors of information are also gratefully acknowledged
Application of a large-screen immersive visualisation system to demonstrate sustainable mining practices principles
Can large-screen visualisation and simulation technology be utilised to depict sustainable mining practices? The system described here provides an opportunity to experience a mine site and the surrounding area via visualisation and simulation. The system presents sustainable mining concepts that must be managed at a mine site surrounded by a national park. The system includes historic and current data and perspectives from mine site, environmental and local personnel. All information must be assessed against an original environmental impact statement and conclusions be drawn upon how the mine has developed. Knowledge gained is transferred to a new site, and issues must be resolved to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. The paper summarises the system and reports outcomes of a trial deployment. The results are encouraging, and the system may prove to be a useful tool for community engagement and mine planning on future projects
The Feasibility of Applying Virtual Reality Simulation to the Coal Mining Operations
In the last two decades, equipment used in the coal mining operations has become much more sophisticated. The way that work is organised and performed in the industry has also changed significantly. Changes in equipment specification or procedures inevitably means that the risk associated with that equipment or procedure also changes. In an attempt to address this the Joint Coal Board Occupational Health and Safety Trust (JCB) commissioned the University of New South Wales Mining Research Centre and Mine Site Technologies to perform a feasibility study into the development and deployment of Virtual Reality (VR) based training simulators in the New South Wales coal industry. The main aims of the study were to identify, the key providers of VR Technology, the VR options available to the JCB and the information that would need to be included in any simulator. It was anticipated that a critical assessment of these components would produce a format for a cost effective, state of the art simulator that could be readily accessed by all mines. The expectations of the feasibility study were that VR should offer three-dimensional (3D) simulations that are interactive, high-resolution models of real environments based on best practice Safety Management Plans. It was anticipated that the simulations would allow trainees to experience the consequences of poor decision-making and allow them to learn from their mistakes in a safe and forgiving environment. It was envisaged that such simulators would become an addition to the existing training methods used in the industry
Evaluation of underground virtual environment training: Is a mining simulation or conventional power point more effective?
UNSWâs Schools of Mining Engineering and Psychology have jointly developed high-fidelity simulations for training in the coal mining industry aimed at improving safety. These simulations have capitalised on advanced technology to move beyond replications of traditional class-room training and to implement best, evidence-based instructional practices. The present paper describes controlled experiments conducted as an initial, rigorous evaluation of the simulations by testing one small component. Specifically, a 3-D simulation of a coal mine was compared to a 2-D slide-based presentation in the acquisition, retention and transfer of a standardised operating procedure. Novices were trained to re-start an exhaust fan and were subsequently given a multiple-choice test immediately after training and then again after a retention interval of one week or more. In Experiment 1, training was conducted using the mining simulator (Group Sim) versus class-room slide presentations (Group PP).To maintain the participantsâ active attention, each step of the procedure was followed by a question and feedback. Experiment 2 included a third condition in which participants in the mining simulator were asked to collaborate in generating answers to the in-training questions (Group Sim+). Two weeks after the retention test in Experiment 2, the top five participants in Groups Sim+ and PP provided a hands-on demonstration of the exhaust-fan procedure. Across experiments, training in the simulator tended to yield better test scores than the class-room training, particularly in the practical, hands-on test. The positive effect of the mine simulation on acquisition, retention, and transfer of the procedure provides a foundation for further simulation-based modules, which can replicated across mine sites and provide consistent training that does not depend on the individual trainer. This replication and consistency will decrease the cost of development and ownership to a small fraction of the cost of mining
Evaluating the effectiveness of virtual reality learning in a mining context
UNSWâs Schools of Mining Engineering and Psychology have developed training modules for working at heights in above-ground mines. These modules implement best-available, evidence-based instructional methods combined with a range of immersion. The present paper describes a controlled evaluation of this approach for training novices in the safe operating procedure for a basic maintenance task. All participants received a sequence of instructions using a large-screen, computer-driven visual display accompanied by audio narration in one of three modes: (1) an animated depiction of the target procedure for which the pace of instruction was controlled by the individual participant (Animated + Individual, AI), (2) the same animated depiction but presented to a group with the pace controlled by the trainer (Animated + Group, AG), and (3) a sequence of static slide images presented to a group with trainer pacing (Static + Group, SG).During the training, the participantsâ active processing of the information was encouraged by preceding each step of the instruction with a challenge question and feedback. Immediately following the module, the participants were given a multiple-choice test, which was repeated after a one-week retention interval. Across all three modes of presentation, the module yielded a high level of acquisition and retention. Among the three modes of presentation, the AI mode produced the highest level of test performance relative to both the AG and SG modes. When the participants were surveyed regarding their immersion in the virtual environment, they generally reported a moderate level of âpresence,â with the animations (AI, AG) producing higher levels than the static images (SG). These positive outcomes provide a foundation for the further development and testing of additional modules combined with different levels of immersion aimed ultimately at economically producing personnel who can safely and proficiently apply their knowledge and skills in real mines
Feasibility Study: Development and Demonstration of Virtual Reality Simulation Training for the BHPB Olympic Dam Site Inductions
This report presents the findings of the project âFeasibility Study: Development and Demonstration of Virtual Reality Simulation Training for the BHPB Olympic Dam Site Inductions.â The project was a collaborative exercise between the University of New South Wales (UNSW) - School of Mining Engineering, the University of Adelaide - Australian Centre for Visual Technologies, BHPB Olympic Dam Expansion, RESA, TAFESA and Skills DMC. The project Chief Investigators were Dr Phillip Stothard (UNSW) and Prof Anton van den Hengel (University of Adelaide).The project was a pilot study research project that looked into the feasibility of developing interactive virtual reality simulations for mine site inductions in the hard rock industry. Many simulations have been successfully implemented into the coal industry and the aim was to build a pilot module that looked at a high risk environment on a surface mine that would also have application to the wider construction industry and other heavy industries. The project collaborators came together as a group of parties interested in virtual reality simulation. The research and development was led by UNSW and University of Adelaide. Invaluable input was provided by the collaborators. The project had a value of 208,563 was in cash and $222,743 was in kind. The budget was fully expended during the course of the project. The subject area of the project was ÌłWorking at Heightsâ and this was chosen because it is a high risk area. Substantial documentation, mining industry input and effort was placed on building the five sub-modules that form the Working at Heights module. The outcome is a high quality visualisation of an area of the Olympic Dam Mine Site. This high quality visualisation is enhanced by the inclusion of interaction within the module that requires the user to interrogate data within the site and to assess and understand issues that arise when working at heights in relation ladders, scaffolding, open excavations and elevated work platforms. Much project emphasis and time was placed on producing the 3D model. Also, as much information as possible was placed into the module itself as this was to be a pilot example to show to the Olympic Dam Expansion Project Team. The module allows users to interact with Safety Documentation and equipment and procedures that they would encounter on sit
Development of serious computer game based training module and its integration into working at heights mine site induction â paper II
This paper reports the findings of a collaborative project that developed and demonstrated a serious computer game (SCG) based simulation training module for mine site inductions. It is the second of two papers. The project was collaboration between the University of New South Wales, the University of Adelaide, BHP Billiton Olympic Dam Expansion, Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance, Training and Further Education South Australia and SkillsDMC. The pilot project was aimed at improving mine site inductions by developing a prototype SCG for trainers to incorporate into their regular training activities. The outcome was a high quality generic SCG that provides an interactive visualisation of an Australian mine site operation under construction. The SCG was tested under controlled conditions and subsequently deployed on site
e-minesafe Safety and Training Simulator. The integration of knowledge and skills to achieve safe human responses
The Joint Coal Board (JCB) is concerned about the number of accidents and
fatalities associated with the operation and maintenance of equipment in the New
South Wales coal industry. In the last decade, equipment has become more
sophisticated and the manner in which work is organised and performed in the
industry has changed significantly. Therefore, through its Health and Safety
Trust, the JCB commissioned a consortium comprising Mine Site Technologies
and the School of Mining Engineering at the University of New South Wales to
research the introduction of equipment training simulators into the industry. The
research is planned to be undertaken in four stages.
This report presents the outcomes of the first two stages. It recommends the
development and testing of an interactive, immersive, virtual reality prototype
simulator providing true to life imagery. The simulator will be modular in design
such that various items of equipment can be plugged in as required. It is
proposed that the evaluation of the prototype simulator be based on a continuous
miner and a roof bolter, with the option to add a dump truck. This is because a
high accident rate is associated with these items of equipment. Most of the
research undertaken on the project to date has focused on these machines.
The research has confirmed that JCB Simulators have a huge potential to
Mine Safety
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