43 research outputs found

    Application of X-ray Microcomputed Tomography for the Static and Dynamic Characterization of the Microstructure of Oleofoams

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    Oleofoams are a novel, versatile, and biocompatible soft material that finds application in drug, cosmetic or nutraceuticals delivery. However, due to their temperature-sensitive and opaque nature, the characterization of oleofoams' microstructure is challenging. Here, synchrotron X-ray microcomputed tomography and radiography are applied to study the microstructure of a triglyceride-based oleofoam. These techniques enable non-destructive, quantitative, 3D measurements of native samples to determine the thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of oleofoams at different stages of their life cycle. During processing, a constant bubble size distribution is reached after few minutes of shearing, while the number of bubbles incorporated keeps increasing until saturation of the continuous phase. Low amounts of solid triglycerides in oleofoams allow faster aeration and a more homogeneous microstructure but lower thermodynamic stability, with bubble disproportionation and shape relaxation over time. Radiography shows that heating causes Ostwald ripening and coalescence of bubbles, with an increase of their diameter and sphericity

    3D analysis of enamel demineralisation in human dental caries using high- resolution, large field of view synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography

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    We report major advances in the analysis of synchrotron 3D datasets acquired from human healthy and carious dental enamel. Synchrotron tomographic data for three human carious samples and a non-carious reference tooth sample were collected with the voxel size of 325 nm for a total volume of 815.4 × 815.4 × 685.4 μm3. The results were compared with conventional X-ray tomography, optical microscopy, and focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy. Clear contrast was seen within demineralised enamel due to reduced mineral content using synchrotron tomography in comparison with conventional tomography. The features were found to correspond with the rod and inter-rod structures within prismatic enamel. 2D and 3D image segmentation allowed statistical quantification of important structural characteristics (such as the aspect ratio and the cross-sectional area of voids, as well as the demineralised volume fraction as a function of lesion depth). Whilst overall carious enamel predominantly displayed a Type 1 etching pattern (preferential demineralisation of enamel rods), a transition between Type 2 (preferential inter-rod demineralisation) and Type 1 was identified within the same lesion for the first time. This study does not provide extensive results on the different lesions studied, but illustrate a new method and its potential application

    4D In-Situ Microscopy of Aerosol Filtration in a Wall Flow Filter

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    The transient nature of the internal pore structure of particulate wall flow filters, caused by the continuous deposition of particulate matter, makes studying their flow and filtration characteristics challenging. In this article we present a new methodology and first experimental demonstration of time resolved in-situ synchrotron micro X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) to study aerosol filtration. We directly imaged in 4D (3D plus time) pore scale deposits of TiO2 nanoparticles (nominal mean primary diameter of 25 nm) with a pixel resolution of 1.6 μm. We obtained 3D tomograms at a rate of ∼1 per minute. The combined spatial and temporal resolution allows us to observe pore blocking and filling phenomena as they occur in the filter’s pore space. We quantified the reduction in filter porosity over time, from an initial porosity of 0.60 to a final porosity of 0.56 after 20 min. Furthermore, the penetration depth of particulate deposits and filtration rate was quantified. This novel image-based method offers valuable and statistically relevant insights into how the pore structure and function evolves during particulate filtration. Our data set will allow validation of simulations of automotive wall flow filters. Evolutions of this experimental design have potential for the study of a wide range of dry aerosol filters and could be directly applied to catalysed automotive wall flow filters

    Functional and multiscale 3D structural investigation of brain tissue through correlative in vivo physiology, synchrotron microtomography and volume electron microscopy

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    Understanding the function of biological tissues requires a coordinated study of physiology and structure, exploring volumes that contain complete functional units at a detail that resolves the relevant features. Here, we introduce an approach to address this challenge: Mouse brain tissue sections containing a region where function was recorded using in vivo 2-photon calcium imaging were stained, dehydrated, resin-embedded and imaged with synchrotron X-ray computed tomography with propagation-based phase contrast (SXRT). SXRT provided context at subcellular detail, and could be followed by targeted acquisition of multiple volumes using serial block-face electron microscopy (SBEM). In the olfactory bulb, combining SXRT and SBEM enabled disambiguation of in vivo-assigned regions of interest. In the hippocampus, we found that superficial pyramidal neurons in CA1a displayed a larger density of spine apparati than deeper ones. Altogether, this approach can enable a functional and structural investigation of subcellular features in the context of cells and tissues

    Pushing the temporal resolution in absorption and Zernike phase contrast nanotomography: Enabling fast in situ experiments

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    Hard X-ray nanotomography enables 3D investigations of a wide range of samples with high resolution (<100 nm) with both synchrotron-based and laboratory-based setups. However, the advantage of synchrotron-based setups is the high flux, enabling time resolution, which cannot be achieved at laboratory sources. Here, the nanotomography setup at the imaging beamline P05 at PETRA III is presented, which offers high time resolution not only in absorption but for the first time also in Zernike phase contrast. Two test samples are used to evaluate the image quality in both contrast modalities based on the quantitative analysis of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and spatial resolution. High-quality scans can be recorded in 15 min and fast scans down to 3 min are also possible without significant loss of image quality. At scan times well below 3 min, the CNR values decrease significantly and classical image-filtering techniques reach their limitation. A machine-learning approach shows promising results, enabling acquisition of a full tomography in only 6 s. Overall, the transmission X-ray microscopy instrument offers high temporal resolution in absorption and Zernike phase contrast, enabling in situ experiments at the beamline

    pydidas - Python Diffraction Data Analysis Suite

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    Python Diffraction Data Analysis Suite (pydidas) which merges toolkits and tries to supply broad functionality for X-ray diffraction data analysis.If you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from this file

    Analytical registration of vertical image drifts in parallel beam tomographic data

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    Reconstructing tomographic images of high resolution, as in x-ray microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, is often limited by the stability of the stages or sample drifts, which requires an image alignment prior to reconstruction. Feature-based image registration is routinely used to align images, but this technique relies on strong features in the sample or the application of gold tracer particles, for example. In this Letter, we present an analytic approach for achieving the vertical registration based on the inherent properties of the data acquired for tomographic reconstruction. It is computationally cheap to implement and can be easily integrated into existing reconstruction pipelines

    Mineral Precipitation in Fractures and Nanopores within Shale Imaged Using Time-Lapse X-ray Tomography

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    Barite precipitation in fractures and nanopores within a shale sample is analysed in situ, in 3D, and over time. Diffusion of barium and sulphate from opposite sides of the sample creates a supersaturated zone where barium sulphate crystals precipitate. Time-lapse synchrotron-based computed tomography was used to track the growth of precipitates over time, even within the shale&rsquo;s matrix where the nanopores are much smaller than the resolution of the technique. We observed that the kinetics of precipitation is limited by the type and size of the confinement where crystals are growing, i.e., nanopores and fractures. This has a major impact on the ion transport at the growth front, which determines the extent of precipitation within wider fractures (fast and localised precipitation), thinner fractures (non-localised and slowing precipitation) and nanopores (precipitation spread as a front moving at an approximately constant velocity of 10 &plusmn; 3 &micro;m/h). A general sequence of events during precipitation in rocks containing pores and fractures of different sizes is proposed and its possible implications to earth sciences and subsurface engineering, e.g., fracking and mineral sequestration, are discussed