21 research outputs found

    Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation

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    Features that capture well the textural patterns of a certain class of images are crucial for the performance of texture segmentation methods. The manual selection of features or designing new ones can be a tedious task. Therefore, it is desirable to automatically adapt the features to a certain image or class of images. Typically, this requires a large set of training images with similar textures and ground truth segmentation. In this work, we propose a framework to learn features for texture segmentation when no such training data is available. The cost function for our learning process is constructed to match a commonly used segmentation model, the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model. This means that the features are learned such that they provide an approximately piecewise constant feature image with a small jump set. Based on this idea, we develop a two-stage algorithm which first learns suitable convolutional features and then performs a segmentation. We note that the features can be learned from a small set of images, from a single image, or even from image patches. The proposed method achieves a competitive rank in the Prague texture segmentation benchmark, and it is effective for segmenting histological images

    Exact algorithms for L1L^1-TV regularization of real-valued or circle-valued signals

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    We consider L1L^1-TV regularization of univariate signals with values on the real line or on the unit circle. While the real data space leads to a convex optimization problem, the problem is non-convex for circle-valued data. In this paper, we derive exact algorithms for both data spaces. A key ingredient is the reduction of the infinite search spaces to a finite set of configurations, which can be scanned by the Viterbi algorithm. To reduce the computational complexity of the involved tabulations, we extend the technique of distance transforms to non-uniform grids and to the circular data space. In total, the proposed algorithms have complexity O(KN)\mathscr{O}(KN) where NN is the length of the signal and KK is the number of different values in the data set. In particular, the complexity is O(N)\mathscr{O}(N) for quantized data. It is the first exact algorithm for TV regularization with circle-valued data, and it is competitive with the state-of-the-art methods for scalar data, assuming that the latter are quantized

    Total variation regularization for manifold-valued data

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    We consider total variation minimization for manifold valued data. We propose a cyclic proximal point algorithm and a parallel proximal point algorithm to minimize TV functionals with â„“p\ell^p-type data terms in the manifold case. These algorithms are based on iterative geodesic averaging which makes them easily applicable to a large class of data manifolds. As an application, we consider denoising images which take their values in a manifold. We apply our algorithms to diffusion tensor images, interferometric SAR images as well as sphere and cylinder valued images. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging) we show the convergence of the proposed TV minimizing algorithms to a global minimizer

    Disparity and Optical Flow Partitioning Using Extended Potts Priors

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    This paper addresses the problems of disparity and optical flow partitioning based on the brightness invariance assumption. We investigate new variational approaches to these problems with Potts priors and possibly box constraints. For the optical flow partitioning, our model includes vector-valued data and an adapted Potts regularizer. Using the notation of asymptotically level stable functions we prove the existence of global minimizers of our functionals. We propose a modified alternating direction method of minimizers. This iterative algorithm requires the computation of global minimizers of classical univariate Potts problems which can be done efficiently by dynamic programming. We prove that the algorithm converges both for the constrained and unconstrained problems. Numerical examples demonstrate the very good performance of our partitioning method

    The L1-Potts functional for robust jump-sparse reconstruction

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    We investigate the non-smooth and non-convex L1L^1-Potts functional in discrete and continuous time. We show Γ\Gamma-convergence of discrete L1L^1-Potts functionals towards their continuous counterpart and obtain a convergence statement for the corresponding minimizers as the discretization gets finer. For the discrete L1L^1-Potts problem, we introduce an O(n2)O(n^2) time and O(n)O(n) space algorithm to compute an exact minimizer. We apply L1L^1-Potts minimization to the problem of recovering piecewise constant signals from noisy measurements f.f. It turns out that the L1L^1-Potts functional has a quite interesting blind deconvolution property. In fact, we show that mildly blurred jump-sparse signals are reconstructed by minimizing the L1L^1-Potts functional. Furthermore, for strongly blurred signals and known blurring operator, we derive an iterative reconstruction algorithm