7 research outputs found

    The cultural and medical determination of the obesity

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    Modern aspects of social development brings new concerns that contribute to obesity, as a direct result of the overall abundance. Almost that there is declarative consistent view that obesity, according to its frequency, a global epidemic of the new millennium and that is because of the effect on the overall health of the necessary complementary multidisciplinary approach, because its prevention can prevent and significantly reduce the mortality rate. Technological development, automation in the food production, reduced participation of manual labor and a sedentary lifestyle, obesity causes an increase not only in highly industrialized, but in the less developed countries. Obesity is a direct temptations of modern civilization and a major challenge for a community where food is plentiful. This fact increases the responsibility of each individual and placed before him the obligation to recognize the causes of obesity, so that, by changing their behavior, could reduce the burden involved with obesity

    Physical inactivity, as the risk factor for occurrence type 2 diabetes

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    Damaged glucose tolerance, prediabetes is a step ahead of the development and the development of diabetes type 2 can occur up to 10 years before overt forms of diabetes, and it's more common in the younger population. Finish line is to point to physical activity as an important risk factor for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Trated 80 patients in the endocrine clinic, Clinical Hospital Centre in Gracanica-in Lapje vilage. Respondents processed curriculum guide from the National Programme for the Prevention of type 2 diabetes, the Republic of Serbia. Respondents were performed anthropometric measurements: body weight, height, BMI. They are also used for laboratory test-glucose, OGTT. All data were analyzed statistically relevant tests. Of 80 patients, 33 (41.25%) were male and 47 (58.75%) were females. No statistical significance Hi 2 test the distribution of respondents by familial history (= 0.007, p> 0.05). Physical inactivity is registered in 16 patients (20%), while the other 64 patients are physically active. Normal fasting glucose in physically inactive respondents was 56.25% (9), and glucose greater than 7 mmol / l had 18.75% of the respondents. Positive OGTT findings in physically inactive subjects was confirmed in 62.5%, a positive OGTT findings in physically active is registered in only 5 patients (11.36%). Those with risk of type 2 diabetes (score 12 or more) of 60% were physically inactive. Moderate physical activity can significantly 'postpone' development of diabetes mellitus type 2, especially correcting weight

    Risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in women of reproductive age in northern Kosovska Mitrovica

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    Introduction: Toxoplasma gondii is one of the causative agents from the groups of TORCH infections, which are commonly associated with congenital anomalies. Objective: Defining risk factors for infection by Toxoplasma gondii of women in reproductive ages in the territory of Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as determination of seroprevalence of infection by Toxoplasma gondii in prenatal screening of pregnant women and women of childbearing age. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study that included 49, pregnant women and women of childbearing age has been conducted. The pregnant women have been monitored on regularly base, or some women have been treated in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the Health Center in Kosovska Mitrovica. Ages, place of residence, education, gynecological history and exposure to the potential risk factors associated with Toxoplasma have been collected by questionnaires. Sera have been tested on the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondi by ELISA standard manufacturer's protocol (Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany). Results: Our study shows that 32 (65.3%) women were seronegative, while 17 women (34.7%) were seropositive. Significant seropositivity has been recorded for the women who were in contact with the ground (42.9%), compared to the women who did not have this contact (23.8%). Uses of undercooked meat in the diet did not show any effect to the seropositive status of the respondents, i.e. greater percentage of analyzed patients (75.5%) used inadequately cooked meat. Even 93.3% of respondents deny contact with a cat. It is observed that seropositivity increased with the age. Conclusion: Seroprevalence to Toxoplasma gondii infection of women of childbearing in the territory of northern Kosovska Mitrovica is not high, which implied that there is a higher possibility for acquiring primary toxoplasmosis infection during pregnancy especially for women who come in contact with the ground

    Determination of phenolic acids in seeds of black cumin, flax, pomegranate and pumpkin and their by-products

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    Ten phenolic acids, contained in the seeds of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) and pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) and their oil industry by-products, separated into the free, esterified, and insoluble-bound forms, were quantitatively analysed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector. The chromatographic data were interpreted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The PCA model with three principal components (PC1-PC2-PC3) fitted well with 12 examined plant samples, allowing their division into groups according to their origin. The total phenolic variables could be represented by two PCs and for the pattern recognition of the analysed samples, 13 phenolic variables are sufficient, including: free, esterified and insoluble-bound forms of gallic and syringic acids, free vanillic, insoluble bound p-coumaric, esterified p-hydroxybenzaldehide, and free and insoluble-bound forms of p-hydroxybenzoic and trans-synapic acids. This might have potential application in simplified screening of phenolic compounds in seeds and their oil industry by-products or in food component analysis or authenticity detection in such plant materials.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46010