54 research outputs found

    La Teleriabilitazione durante la pandemia da COVID-19: un’indagine dell’Ontario Physiotherapy Association delinea vantaggi e criticità

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    Il governo dell’Ontario considera prioritaria l’integrazione della assistenza virtuale, per consentire una maggiore accessibilità alle cure da parte di utenti, spesso penalizzati da barriere sociodemografiche. A partire dal 27 aprile 2020 per 3 settimane, ù stato condotto in Ontario un sondaggio intervistando 365 soggetti durante la pandemia Covid-19, per valutare l’esperienza maturata dai fisioterapisti con la Teleriabilitazione. Sono emersi vantaggi (continuità di cure, contenimento di costi e spostamenti da parte dei pazienti e criticità (insostituibilità della modalità in presenza per valutazioni o terapie manuali, esigenza di una adeguata alfabetizzazione digitale, scarsa disponibilità di adeguamento delle polizze assicurative). In conclusione, ribadita l’insostituibilità della modalità “in presenza” soprattutto per quel che concerne alcune procedure, la Teleriabilitazione si candida come una modalità utile a ridurre il peso sulle strutture ospedaliere, garantire continuità terapeutica, per la sua capacità di enfatizzare l’apprendimento, lo spirito cooperativo e la partecipazione attiva e consapevole del paziente

    Policing gender mobilities: interrogating the ‘feminisation of migration’ to Europe

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    This article proposes a gendered critique of the European Neighbourhood Policy, a framework that, amongst other things, aims to facilitate the mobility of migrants to the EU from the bordering countries. We highlight the ambivalences of European gender and migration regimes, and we take issue with the celebration of the ‘feminisation of migration’. The former fails to offer opportunities to women to safely embark on autonomous migratory projects, the latter contributes to reproduce traditional gender biases in the countries of origin as well as of destination. We conclude by suggesting that the EU critique to emigration countries for failing to tackle women’s discrimination is less than persuasive when assessed vis-á-vis with the curtailment on women’s independent mobility across European borders

    The Changing Waves of Migration from the Balkans to Turkey: A Historical Account

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    Ahmet İçduygu and Deniz Sert tell the history of migration from the Balkans to Turkey from the end of the nineteenth century to the present. They relate this history to nation-building, but also to economic conditions and specific Turkish concerns, such as the perceived need for immigration to compensate for a declining population at that time. They also demonstrate that after 1990, ethnic migration decreased and irregular labour migration became more important

    Chlamydia trachomatis and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

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    57 patients with viral condylomata of the uterine cervix and/or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) were examined evaluating the presence of Chlamydia Trachomatis (Ct) cervical infection and serum IgG anti-Ct. The prevalence of Ct cervical infection was globally 7.22%, in CIN 3 group the rate was higher (16.67%). In addition, in this group the rate of IgG anti-Ct was significantly higher (66.67% vs 11.76%; p = 0.01) in comparison to the whole group. The role of the association between Human Papillomaviruses and Ct infection was finally discussed

    Su un caso di infezione cervico-vaginale da Salmonella

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