38 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Brain MRI Segmentation in High Risk Preterm Newborns

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    Most extremely preterm newborns exhibit cerebral atrophy/growth disturbances and white matter signal abnormalities on MRI at term-equivalent age. MRI brain volumes could serve as biomarkers for evaluating the effects of neonatal intensive care and predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes. This requires detailed, accurate, and reliable brain MRI segmentation methods. We describe our efforts to develop such methods in high risk newborns using a combination of manual and automated segmentation tools. After intensive efforts to accurately define structural boundaries, two trained raters independently performed manual segmentation of nine subcortical structures using axial T2-weighted MRI scans from 20 randomly selected extremely preterm infants. All scans were re-segmented by both raters to assess reliability. High intra-rater reliability was achieved, as assessed by repeatability and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC range: 0.97 to 0.99) for all manually segmented regions. Inter-rater reliability was slightly lower (ICC range: 0.93 to 0.99). A semi-automated segmentation approach was developed that combined the parametric strengths of the Hidden Markov Random Field Expectation Maximization algorithm with non-parametric Parzen window classifier resulting in accurate white matter, gray matter, and CSF segmentation. Final manual correction of misclassification errors improved accuracy (similarity index range: 0.87 to 0.89) and facilitated objective quantification of white matter signal abnormalities. The semi-automated and manual methods were seamlessly integrated to generate full brain segmentation within two hours. This comprehensive approach can facilitate the evaluation of large cohorts to rigorously evaluate the utility of regional brain volumes as biomarkers of neonatal care and surrogate endpoints for neurodevelopmental outcomes


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    ABSTRACT The maximum grain sizes of plagioclase and magnetite in the groundmass of the sheeted dike complex drilled at Hole 504B have been measured. Downhole variations through a 440-m-long section show a crude zig-zag pattern consisting of a gradual decrease or increase followed by an abrupt jump. The gradual decrease or increase in grain size extends over many lithologic units, and hence, does not reflect variations in grain size within a single dike. Such a zig-zag pattern is well explained by grain-size variations through multiple dikes. By using the observed inclination of sheeted dikes of 81° ± 2.5°, thickness of the multiple dikes varies from 0.7 to 8.5 m and averages to 4 ± 1 m. The average thickness of individual dikes forming multiple dikes is 0.8 m. We expect such multiple dikes to be formed during rifting events beneath mid-oceanic spreading ridges. If the average expansion at rifting episodes is twice as wide as the average width of the multiple dike units, the full spreading rate of 7.2 cm/yr of Cocos Ridge gives 112 ± 33 yr for a time interval of the rifting. A simple one-dimensional conductive cooling model is applied to solidification of multiple dikes. Numerical simulations show that the grain-size variations observed through the drill hole are more consistent with a model where a new injection of a dike occurs periodically with a constant time interval rather than one where the next dike intrudes just after the solidification of the previous one. Grain-size variations within simple dikes from Iritono, Japan, and those for Makaopuhi lava lake, Hawaii, show that square root of crystallization time is linearly correlated with the logarithm of plagioclase size. By using an empirically derived relationship between these two variables, the variations of plagioclase size through Hole 504B are directly compared with the calculated times for crystallization. Each rifting episode at the Costa Rica Rift lasts for several years, and periodic injection of a new dike occurs into the center of a previously solidified multiple dike at time intervals varying from 1 to 12 months