6 research outputs found

    Assessment of protective clothing conformity with the requirements of protective clothing standards / Оценка соответствия защитных костюмов требованиям стандартов для защитной одежды / Ocenjivanje usaglašenosti sredstava za zaštitu tela u skladu sa zahtevima standarda za zaštitnu odeću

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    Assessing the compliance of protective clothing is carried out in accordance with the prescribed methods, standards, procedures and criteria in competent laboratories. This paper presents the process of assessing the conformity of the characteristics of special clothing for the protection of the body of the insulating type in accordance with the general requirements of the protective clothing standard (SRPS EN 340: 2007 Protective Clothing, General Requirements). The results presented in the paper indicate that the concept of conformity assessment does not simply involve checking the basic characteristics of a product (purpose, functionality, etc.), but also checking characteristics that are at first glance "of lesser significance" and can influence the safe use of protective clothing. / Оценка соответствия защитных костюмов требованиям стандартов для защитной одежды проводится согласно предписанным методам, стандартам, нормам и критериям в соответствующих лабораториях. В настоящей работе представлен процесс оценивания соответствия свойств специальной защитной одежды изолирующего типа общим требованиям стандарта для защитной одежды (SRPS EN 340:2007 Защитная одежда, Общие требования). Результаты, представленные в данной работе, свидетельствуют о том, что понятие «оценивание соответствия» включает не только проверку основных свойств защитной одежды (назначение, функциональность и пр.), но и проверку свойств, которые на первый взгляд могут показаться не столь значительными, но которые в тесной связи с безопасностью использования средств ВВТ. / Ocenjivanje usaglašenosti sredstva za zaštitu tela izvodi se po propisanim metodama, standardima, postupcima i kriterijumima u kompetentnim laboratorijama. U radu je prikazan proces ocenjivanja usaglašenosti karakteristika specijalnih sredstava za zaštitu tela izolirajućeg tipa u skladu sa opštim zahtevima standarda za zaštitnu odeću (SRPS EN 340:2007 – Zaštitna odeća, Opšti zahtevi). Rezultati prikazani u radu ukazuju na to da se pod pojmom ocenjivanja usaglašenosti ne podrazumeva samo provera osnovnih karakteristika sredstva NVO (namena, funkcionalnost i dr.) već i provera karakteristika koje su na prvi pogled „manjeg značaja”, a mogu uticati na bezbednu primenu sredstva NVO

    Testing of the functional garments with microencapsulated phase-change material in simulated high temperature conditions

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    An organic phase change material (PCM) possesses the ability to absorb and release large quantity of latent heat during a phase change process over a certain temperature range. This paper presents results related to thermo-physiological efficiency of special underwear with organic PCM integrated in textile through microencapsulation process. The efficiency of PCM underwear was tested through physiological examinations in simulated high-temperature conditions, where test-subjects were voluntarily exposed to heat stress tests wearing NBC protective suit with PCM underwear (option "THERM") and without it (option "NoTHERM"). It can be concluded that wearing a PCM textile clothes under NBC protective suit, during physical activity in high-tempearture conditions, reduces sweating and alleviates heat stress manifested by increased core and skin temperature and heart rate values

    Direct Electrochemical Degradation of Carbamate Pesticide Methomyl Using IrOX Anode

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    The study's primary goal is to determine carbamate pesticide methomyl's kinetic parameters and degradation efficiency from water solution by direct electrochemical oxidation using IrOX anode. Also, define the dependence of the efficiency of methomyl decomposition by direct electrochemical oxidation on the initial concentration of pesticide and electrolyte, applied current, and pH value. The results of methomyl degradation by direct electrochemical oxidation obey the pseudo-first kinetic order. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy followed the methomyl concentration during the study. The degradation products were studied using the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Also, this study determines the energy consumption and optimal initial conditions. The phytotoxicity of pesticide and degradation products was studied using mung beans

    Pulverized river shellfish shells as a cheap adsorbent for removing of malathion from water: Examination of the isotherms, kinetics, thermodynamics and optimization of the experimental conditions by the response surface method

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    Introduction/purpose: In this study, we investigated the possibility of removing the organophosphorus pesticide malathion from water using a new adsorbent based on the biowaste of river shell shards from the Anodonta Sinadonta woodiane family, a material that accumulates in large quantities as waste on the banks of large rivers. Two adsorbents were tested - mechanically comminuted river shells (MRM) and mechanosynthetic hydroxyapatite from comminuted river shells (RMHAp). Methods: The obtained adsorbents were characterized and tested for the removal of the organophosphorus pesticide malathion from water. In order to predict the optimal adsorption conditions using the Response Surface Method (RSM), the authors investigated the influence of variable factors (adsorption conditions), pH values, adsorbent doses, contact times, and temperatures on the adsorbent capacity. Results: The best adsorption of malathion was achieved at mean pH values between 6.0 and 7.0. The adsorption data for malathion at 25, 35, and 45 °C were compared using the Langmuir, Freundlich, DubininRadushkevich (DR), and Temkin isothermal models, as well as pseudofirst order, pseudo-second order and Elovic kinetic models for modeling adsorption kinetics. The maximum Langmuir adsorption capacity for MRM and RMHAp at 25 °C was 46,462 mg g-1 and 78,311 mg g-1 , respectively. Conclusion: The results have showed that malathion adsorption on both adsorbents follows the pseudo-second kinetic model and the Freundlich isothermal model. The thermodynamic parameters indicate the endothermic, feasible, and spontaneous nature of the adsorption process