24 research outputs found
Effect of cytokinins on shoot apical meristem in Nicotiana tabacum
Cytokinins are involved in plant cell proliferation leading to plant growth and morphogenesis. The size, activity and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) are defined by a balanced rate of mitotic cell divisions and functional cell differentiation that are controlled by cytokinins. In order to investigate the effect of exogenous cytokinin on SAM, morpho-anatomical changes in the shoot apices of tobacco treated with benzyladenine (BA) were compared to those of untreated control plants
U susret razvoju spremnosti za primenu principa elektronskog poslovanja za razmenu biometrijskih podataka koji se vode u automatizovanim sistemima kao osnova za utvrÄivanje identiteta lica
Some of the classical methods of identification, which according to the general characteristics of biometrics, acquire a completely new meaning in the digital environment. Namely, the development aimed at achieving interoperability, standardization and application of the principles of electronic business in the environment of modern technological solutions enables identification methods based on biometric data to experience their flourishing and new affirmation. The technical technological solution of the system for AFIS (Automated finger identification system) and FIIS (Facial image identification system) are systems that are being developed as one of the answers to the need for quick identification of persons. The application of the system for automatic identification of persons with the help of fingerprints and photographs modernizes and improves performance and efficiency of the police work around the world and other investigative bodies in order to combat crime
In vitro zygotic embryo culture of Pinus peuce Gris.: Optimization of culture conditions affecting germination and early seedling growth
This study reports a protocol for the germination and early seedling growth of Pinus peuce Gris. using zygotic embryo culture. In order to overcome seed dormancy and optimize organogenesis, the effect of nutritional, plant growth regulatory and physical factors on in vitro germination and growth of isolated mature zygotic embryos of P. peuce were investigated
Induction of somatic embryogenesis in Pinus heldreichii culture
The potential for somatic embryogenesis in zygotic embryo and megagametophyte cultures of Pinus heldreichii was examined. Somatic embryogenesis was initiated from megagametophytes containing immature zygotic embryos at early stages of development. An induction frequency of up to 6.7% was obtained on Gresshoff and Doy medium in the presence of 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 0.5 mg/l benzyladenine (BA). Formation and further proliferation of embryogenic tissue were achieved upon transfer of explants to a medium with reduced levels of growth regulators. Somatic embryos are being cultured for further development. .U kulturi izolovanih zigotskih embriona i ovula munike (Pinus heldreichii) ispitivan je efekat hranljive podloge i regulatora rastenja na indukciju somatske embriogeneze. Somatska embriogeneza je indukovana u kulturi ovula koje su sadržavale embrione na ranom stupnju razviÄa. NajviÅ”a frekvencija indukcije od 6.7% postignuta je kada su ovule 5 dana gajene na Gresshoff i Doy (GD) hranljivoj podlozi u prisustvu 2,4-D 2 mg/l i BA 0.5 mg/l, a zatim prenete na GD podlogu u kojoj je koncentracija regulatora rastenja bila 5 puta niža. U cilju dugotrajnog održavanja u kulturi, embriogeno tkivo je izolovano i gajeno na GD podlozi sa 2,4-D 0.2 mg/l i BA 0.05 mg/l. Mikroskopskom analizom je utvrÄeno da se tkivo sastoji od brojnih embriona na ranim stupnjevima razviÄa. Za klonalnu propagaciju ove znaÄajne endemoreliktne Äetinarske vrste u kulturi in vitro, neophodna su dalja istraživanja sa ciljem poveÄanja frekvencije indukcije somatske embriogeneze, kao i frekvencije sazrevanja embriona. .nul
In vitro zygotic embryo culture of Pinus peuce Gris.: Optimization of culture conditions affecting germination and early seedling growth
This study reports a protocol for the germination and early seedling growth of Pinus peuce Gris. using zygotic embryo culture. In order to overcome seed dormancy and optimize organogenesis, the effect of nutritional, plant growth regulatory and physical factors on in vitro germination and growth of isolated mature zygotic embryos of P. peuce were investigated.Projekat ministarstva br.17301
Effect of development stage of Pinus heldreichii megagametophytes on the induction of embryogenic tissue
The potential of somatic embryogenesis induction was examined by in vitro growing of isolated ovules of Pinus heldreichii (Christ.) on nutrient media. The induction of embryogenic tissue was stimulated by Gresshoff and Doy (GD) medium with nitrogen compounds reduced to one half and with 0.5 mg/l BA and 2.0 mg/l 2.4-D. Still, the most important factor in this process was the development stage of embryos in the ovule. An induction frequency of 10% was obtained on the ovules in which embryos were in the pre-cotyledonary stage. When the dominant embryo in the ovule was in the cotyledonary stage, the induction frequency was lower or absent. Proliferation of embryogenic tissue was achieved on the media with reduced concentration of growth regulators, and the initial stages of embryo maturation were obtained on the media with ABA and 5% sucrose.Izolovane ovule Pinus heldreichii (Christ.) gajene su in vitro na hranljivim podlogama radi ispitivanja moguÄnosti indukcije somatske embriogeneze. Hranljiva podloga Gresshoff and Doy (GD) sa azotnim jedinjenjima, smanjenim na polovinu i BA 0.5 mg/L i 2.4-D 2.0 mg/L, stimulisala je indukciju embriogenog tkiva. Ipak, najvažniji faktor u ovom procesu bio je stadijum razviÄa embriona u ovuli. Frekvencija indukcije od 10% dobijena je na ovulama u kojima su embrioni bili u prekotiledonarnom stadijumu razviÄa. Kada je dominantni embrion u ovuli bio u kotiledonarnom stadijumu razviÄa, frekvencija indukcije bila je manja ili je nije ni bilo. Proliferacija embriogenog tkiva dobijena je na podlogama sa smanjenom koncentracijom regulatora rastenja, a poÄetni stadijumi sazrevanja embriona na podlogama sa ABA i 5% saharoze.Projekat ministarstva br. 143026
Challenges in electronic commerce from the aspect of protecting personal data stored in certain databases and digital forensics
It is incomprehensible that the digital era is increasingly developing and applying electronic business. The use of electronic data stored in certain databases, electronic communications and electronic processing of large amounts of data in the performance of business processes of natural and legal persons is evidently increasing, in response to the challenges that electronic business brings, development and harmonization of the normative framework as in the domain of increasing the efficiency of business as well as the challenges that the digital era carries with it especially from the aspect of protection of personal data. The new European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in place since May 2018, while implementation at the national level begins in the second half of 2019, experience and challenges are the subject of current considerations. The challenges posed by the implementation of the normative framework must also be followed from the forensic aspect in response to potential violations and non-compliance with legal norms, which requires the development and application of new procedures and tools in this area. It is also evident that there is a need to raise the level of knowledge in this field, bearing in mind the specificity of the relation between the normative and technological aspect and the research that is being carried out in this field, both from the aspect of consideration and confidence in the reliability of the application of electronic commerce from the aspect of obtaining and processing information related to forensic aspects in the digital world. The topic of the discussion are precisely these issues that relate to the challenges in electronic commerce both from the aspect of protection of personal data and from the aspect of digital forensics
Effect of cytokinins on shoot apical meristem in Nicotiana tabacum
Cytokinins are involved in plant cell proliferation leading to plant growth and morphogenesis. The size, activity and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) are defined by a balanced rate of mitotic cell divisions and functional cell differentiation that are controlled by cytokinins. In order to investigate the effect of exogenous cytokinin on SAM, morpho-anatomical changes in the shoot apices of tobacco treated with benzyladenine (BA) were compared to those of untreated control plants.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301
Adventitious bud induction in pinus heldreichii christ: Seedling explant culture
By using tissue culture methods multiple shoot regeneration was achieved from seedling expiants of Pinus heldreichii in the presence of 1 mg/1 benzyladenine. The age of seedlings was found to be important for bud induction and shoot elongation. Histological events associated with bud primordium formation were also examined.Regeneracija izdanaka u kulturi klijanaca Pinus hrldreichii postignta je u prisustvu l mg/1 benziladenina, koriÅ”Äenjem metode kulture tkiva. NaÄeno je da starost eksplantata utiÄe na proces indukcije i razviÄa adventivnih pupoljaka. RazviÄe adventivnih pupoljaka je histoloÅ”ki analizirano.nul
Factors influencing germination and growth of isolated embryos of Pinus heldreichii
The effects of nutritional, hormonal, and physical factors on the germination and growth of isolated mature zygotic embryos of Pinus heldreichii were studied under in vitro conditions. The optimum medium for embryo germination and adequate conversion into seedlings was basal Gresshoff and Doy (1GD) medium. All tested carbohydrates at the applied concentrations stimulated embryo growth, but only 3% sucrose increased embryo germination compared to the control, while maltose had an inhibitory effect. Among the applied plant growth regulators, only gibberelic acid (GA3) had a few benefits on the development of isolated embryos into plantlets, while the others had a negative effect. Embryos cultured on an agar-solidified medium grew better and the germination percentage was higher than in a liquid medium. Light treatment did not affect embryo germination, but generally stimulated seedling growth.U kulturi in vitro ispitivan je efekat nutritivnih, hormonalnih i fiziÄkih faktora na klijanje i rastenje izolovanih zigotskih embriona munike (Pinus heldrechii). VeÄina izolovanih embriona munike klijala je veÄ tokom prve nedelje nakon prenoÅ”enja na hranljivu podlogu. Mada embrioni mogu da klijaju i na podlozi bez soli, vitamina i ugljenih hidrata, najveÄi procenat klijanja i najbolje morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike klijanaca postignute su na bazalnoj Gresshoff & Doy podlozi (1GD) sa 3% saharozom. Od ispitivanih regulatora rastenja samo je giberelna kiselina (GA3) pozitivno delovala na razviÄe embriona, dok su auksini i citokinini inhibirali njihovo dalje razviÄe. U odnosu na embrione koji su rasli u teÄnoj podlozi, embrioni sa Ävrste agarne podloge, klijali su u veÄem procentu i dalje se pravilno razvijali. Mada generalno stimuliÅ”u rastenje klijanaca, svetlosni tretmani nisu imali efekat na klijanje embriona. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se in vitro sistem može koristiti za brzu i sinhronu produkciju zdravih klijanaca elitnih genotipova koji se odlikuju niskom produkcijom semena.Projekat ministarstva br. 14302