44 research outputs found

    Koncentracija tiroksina i trijodtironina u krvnoj plazmi ovaca posle sinhronizacije estrusa u sezoni parenja

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    Twenty nonpregnant cycling Tsigai ewes in the breeding season were treated for synchronization of estrus using intravaginal progestagen sponges (medroxyprogesterone-acetate, MAP) followed by an intramuscular injection of 350-400 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG). A control group of ewes was formed from 20 animals in the natural estrous cycle. Hormonal status was investigated by determination of plasma triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Samples of jugular venous plasma were collected on the day of sponge insertion (P), the day of estrus (0. day), 7, 14 and 18 days after estrus. Plasma T3 levels in the control group of ewes were significantly lower compared to the ewes after synchronization of estrus, except the level of T3 on day 18 after estrus. Plasma T4 level was not significantly different in the treated and control ewes, except on day 18 after estrus.Ispitivanja hormonalnog statusa ovaca nakon sinhronizacije estrusa u sezoni parenja vrÅ”ena su određivanjem nivoa T3 (trijodtironina) i T4 (tiroksina) u krvnoj plazmi radioimunoloÅ”kom (RIA) metodom. Uzorci krvne plazme su prikupljani na dan stavljanja sunđera (P), dan estrusa (0. dan), 7, 14. i 18. dana od estrusa. Nivo T3 u krvnoj plazmi kontrolne grupe ovaca u prirodnom estrusnom ciklusu je značajno niži u odnosu na tretirane životinje, osim nivoa T3 18. dana posle estrusa. Nivo T4 nije se značajno razlikovao između tretiranih ovaca i kontrolne grupe, izuzev 18 dana ispitivanja, kada je ustanovljen značajno veći nivo kod tretiranih gravidnih ovaca

    Heritabilnost higijenskog ponaŔanja sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera carnica)

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    Breeding grey A. m. carnica queens for hygienic behavior is beneficial for commercial beekeeping in Serbia, since hygienic behavior is associated with the resistance to the mite Varroa destructor, as well as to American foulbrood and chalk brood. In this work, heritability of hygienic behavior was analyzed in autochthonous grey A. m. carnica honey bees from Å umadija region in order to ascertain if the expression of their hygienic behavior could be enhanced through selective breeding. Heritability of hygienic behavior was monitored through three queen generations and estimated by one-parent-offspring regression method (motherdaughter regression method). The heritability values for hygienic behavior were h2=0.63Ā±0.02 in relationship between daughter queens (F1s) and breeder mother queens (Ps), h2=0.45Ā±0.01 in relationship between grand-daughter queens (F2s) and Ps and h2=0.44Ā±0.02 in relationship between F2s and F1s. These results show that the expression of hygienic behavior through selective breeding could be enhanced and the best results could be achieved in the F1 generation. It is important to emphasize that the F1 colonies bred for hygienic behavior in our study suffer no apparent costs in reproductive and productive performances.Odgajanje matica sive medonosne pčele A. m. carnica sa ispoljenim higijenskim ponaÅ”anjem od velikog je značaja za komercijalno pčelarenje u Srbiji, obzirom da je higijensko ponaÅ”anje povezano sa otpornoŔću prema krpelju Varroa destructor, kao i prema izazivačima bolesti američke truleži pčelinjeg legla i krečnog legla. U ovom radu, ispitivana je heritabilnost higijenskog ponaÅ”anja kod autohtone sive medonosne pčele A. m. carnica iz Å umadije da bi se utvrdilo da li ispoljenost higijenskog ponaÅ”anja kod tih pčela može da se poveća putem selektivnog gajenja. Heritabilnost higijenskog ponaÅ”anja praćena je kroz tri generacije matica i procenjivana metodom regresije jedan roditelj-potomak (metoda regresije majka-ćerka). Vrednosti koeficijenta heritabilnosti higijenskog ponaÅ”anja bile su h2=0,63Ā±0,02 između ćerki matica (F1s) i majki matica (Ps), h2=0,45Ā±0,01 između unuka matica (F2s) i Ps, i h2=0.44Ā±0.02 između F2s i F1s. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da ispoljenost higijenskog ponaÅ”anja kod analiziranih pčela može biti povećana, kao i da se najbolji rezultati mogu postići u F1 generaciji. Pri tome je značajno istaći da kod druÅ”tava F1 generacije odgajenih na higijensko ponaÅ”anje u naÅ”em radu nije bilo nikakvih negativnih posledica u pogledu reproduktivnih i produktivnih sposobnosti

    Učestalost hromozomskih aberacija u funkciji evaluacije genotoksičnog potencijala fumagilina in vivo

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    Dicyclohexylamine (fumagillin), as an antibiotic produced by fermentation of Aspergillus fumigatus, is used in human medicine for the treatment of intestinal microsporidiosis in patients with HIV infection, intestinal amebiasis and microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis. In veterinary medicine fumagillin is effective in suppressing microsporidiosis of bees and fish. In this study, the genotoxicity of fumagillin was evaluated in mouse bone marrow cells using chromosome aberrations (CA) assay. Dicyclohexylamine was administered to mice by gavage in a dose of 25, 50, 75 mg/kg b.w., with water-sugar syrup as the negative control and cyclophosphamide as the positive control (40 mg/kg b.w) Significantly increased frequency (p lt 0.01 or p lt 0.001) of numerical chromosomal aberrations (aneupliodies and polyploidies) and structural chromosomal aberrations of gaps, breaks and centric rings were observed only at the highest experimental dose of dicyclohexylamine, compared with the negative control. However, in point of induction of Rb translocations, both the median (50 mg/kg b.w) and highest (75 mg/kg b.w) experimental dose showed a significant (p lt 00.001) increase (7.12 Ā± 0.26 and 9.00 Ā± 0.10, respectively) in comparison with the negative control (0.00 Ā± 0.00). Chromosomes 4 and 19 participated in these Rb translocations. These results suggest that dicyclohexilamine (fumagillin) has genotoxic potential in mammal in vivo chromosomal aberration (CA) test system.Dicyclohexylamin (fumagilin), kao antibiotik koga proizvodi gljivica Aspergillus fumigatus, se koristi u humanoj medicini u borbi protiv intestinalnih mikrosporidioza kod pacijenata sa HIV infekcijom, ali i za tretman obolelih od intestinalnih amebijaza i mikrosporidijanog keratokonjunktivitisa. U veterinarskoj medicini efikasan je u lečenju mikrosporidioza pčela i drugih insekata uzrokovanih sa Nosema apis, N. cerani, N. bombici, ali i mikrosporidioza riba uzrokovanih sa Myxobolus cerebralis i Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. U ovom radu ispitivana je genotoksičnost dicikloheksilamina kvantifikacijom i kvalifikacijom hromozomskih aberacija u ćelijama kostne srži miÅ”eva soja BALB/c. Dicikloheksilamin je aplikovan miÅ”evima intragastrično u dozama od 25, 50, 75 mg/kg b.w., pri čemu je vodeno-Å”ećerni sirup predstavljao negativnu, a cyclophosphamid (40 mg/kg b.w) poozitivnu kontrolu. Utvrđeno je da samo najveća doza dicikloheksilamina signifikantno povećava učestalost (p lt 0.01 ili p lt 0.001) numeričkih hromozomskih aberacija (aneupliodija i poliploidija) i strukturnih hromozomskih aberacija tipa gapova, prekida i centričnih ringova u poređenju sa negativnom kontrolom. Međutim, srednja (50 mg/kg b.w) i najviÅ”a (75 mg/kg b.w) eksperimentalna doza izazvale su signifikantno (p lt 0.001) povećanje (7.12 Ā± 0.26 i 9.00 Ā± 0.10, respektivno) Robetrsonovih (Rb) translokacija u poređenju sa negativnom kontrolom (0.00 Ā± 0.00). U formiranju ovih Rb translokacija utvrđeno je da učestvuju hromozomi 4 i 19. Ovi rezultati sugeriÅ”u da je dicikloheksilamin (fumagilin) ispoljio visok genotoksični potencijal sa sposobnoŔću indukcije i Rb. Translokacija

    Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponaŔanja sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera Carnica)

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    Grooming behavior is considered an important defensive mechanism of honey bees against Varroa mites. The aim of this study was to reveal whether grooming behavior is a useful criterion in breeding of Varroa-tolerant bees. To obtain a reliable evaluation the environmental influences were excluded. The degree of grooming potential was estimated by the percentage of damaged mites in the total number of fallen mites. The heritability of grooming behavior throughout the three consecutive generations of queens was assessed by mother-daughter regression method. Among unselected queens, expressed grooming behavior was recorded only in colonies with F1 queens (36.27%), but not in colonies with P queens and F2 queens (33.69%, 31.66%, respectively). Significant differences in grooming behavior were found between colonies of P and F1 queens (p lt 0.001), and between colonies of P and F2 queens (p lt 0.05). However, all of the three generations of selected queens showed expressed grooming behavior (37.99%, 39.42% and 38.58% in Ps, F1s and F2s, respectively) without significant (p>0.05) difference among them. Nevertheless, the relatively low heritability of grooming behavior in the three generations of queens examined (h2yx=0.49Ā±0.02; h2zx=0.18Ā±0.01; h2zy=0.16Ā±0.01) indicate that breeding colonies for grooming behavior only cannot be advised to beekeepers whose aim is to breed bees highly tolerant to Varroa mites.Negovateljsko ponaÅ”anje se smatra značajnim mehanizmom odbrane pčela od Varroa krpelja. Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje negovateljskog ponaÅ”anja, procena njegove heritabilnosti i mogućnosti povećanja ekspresije te osobine putem selekcije. Radi dobijanja pouzdanih rezultata koriŔćenja je metodologija kojom se uticaj spoljaÅ”njih faktora isključuje. Ispoljenost negovateljskog ponaÅ”anja procenjivana je na osnovu procenta oÅ”tećenih u ukupnom broju otpalih krpelja. Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponaÅ”anja praćena na kroz generacije matica i procenjivana metodom regresije majka-ćerka. Među neselekcionisanim maticama, negovateljsko ponaÅ”anje bilo je izraženo samo kod matica F1 generacije (36,27%), ali ne i kod P (33,69%) i F2 generacije (31,66%). Statistički značajne razlike u negovateljskom ponaÅ”anju zabeležene su između druÅ”tava P i F1 matica (p lt 0,001) i između druÅ”tava P i F2 matica (p lt 0,05). Međutim, selekcionisane matice sve tri generacije (Ps, F1s, F2s) su imale izraženo negovateljsko ponaÅ”anje (37,99%, 39,42% i 38,58%) bez statistički značajnih (p>0,05) razlika među njima. Ipak, nizak koeficijent heritabilnosti praćene osobine (h2yx=0,49Ā±0,02; h2zx=0,18Ā±0,01; h2zy=0,16Ā±0,01) ukazuje da se pčelarima ne može preporučiti selekcija pčela samo na negovateljsko ponaÅ”anje ako je njihov cilj uzgoj pčelinjih zajednica povećane otpornosti na Varroa krpelje

    BioloŔki aktivna jedinjenja u kolostrumu i njihov uticaj na porast prasadi u neonatalnom periodu

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    Colostrum in domestic animals contains numerous bioactive substances like insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II), epidermal growth factor (EGF), immunoglobulins (Ig), lactoferin (Lf), transferin (Tf) and others. Many of them have distinct functions and stimulate growth and glucose utilization, or have some other, still unknown regulatory function. Bioactive substances influence growth and development of the gastrointestinal tract (GT), and cause many metabolic and endocrine changes in the neonate. Resoption of the bioactive substances from the GT of the neonate could be a specific, receptor dependant, or nonspecific process, and in many cases the exact mechanism(s) have not been completely elucidated. On the other hand there are technological procedures and substances that could effectively increase concentration of some bioactive compounds in the systemic circulation of the neonate. Mineral adsorbent zeolite based on the clinoptilolite could effectively increase blood serum concentrations of some growth factors and hormones, as well as IgG molecules. We are still unaware of the full importance of these technological procedures and products, partly because of very complex additive and/or synergic effects of the different bioactive substances from colostrum on the new borne animals.Kolostrum svinja sadrži mnogobrojne bioloÅ”ki aktivne materije koje imaju utvrđenu ulogu i deluju kao faktori rasta, hormoni ili imaju druga regulatorna dejstva. Pod uticajem kolostruma u organizmu novorođ ene prasadi nastaje veliki broj metaboličkih i endokrinih promena, a rast i funkcionalno sazrevanje je najviÅ”e izraženo u sluzokoži digestivnog trakta. Razvoj ovog organskog sistema modifikovan je delovanjem većeg broja bioaktivnih jedinjanja koja potiču iz kolostruma, ali njihovi efekti za sada nisu sasvim ispitani, niti su dovoljno istraženi mehanizmi resorpcije pojedinih bioloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja. Određenim tehnoloÅ”kim postupcima i nekim materijama (zeolit, na primer), međutim, može da se pospeÅ”i transfer bioaktivnih materija iz kolostruma u cirkulaciju novorođene prasadi, i time izazove porast njihove koncentracije u krvi. Značaj ovih tehnoloÅ”kih postupaka i supstancija joÅ” uvek nije potpuno istražen, kao i mogući sistemski efekti bioloÅ”ki aktivnih materija posle resorpcije iz kolostruma

    Thyroid Hormones Concentrations during the Mid-Dry Period: An Early Indicator of Fatty Liver in Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cows

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    Relationship between postpartal fatty liver and thyroid gland activity during the peripartal and mid dry periods was studied. Twenty one dry cows were chosen. Blood samples were obtained on days āˆ’30, āˆ’2, and +12 related to calving and analized for thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). A T3/T4 ratio was calculated. Liver tissue samples were taken 12ā€‰d after calving and tested for the lipid content. Cows were divided into three groups: mild (<20% fat), moderate (20 to 30%), or severe fatty liver (>30%). Cows, that were affected with severe fatty liver, were hypothyroid prior to development of the condition due to lower T4 concentrations, and had significantly lower concentration of T3 and higher T3/T4 ratios than cows with mild and moderate fatty liver. Thus, hypothyroid state during mid-dry period may be an early indicator of postpartal fatty liver and may provoke T3/T4 ratio increase in this group of cows

    Hormonalni status i regulacija glikemije kod novorođene teladi tokom prvih sati postnatalnog života

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    The aim of this study was to examine changes in some hormones concentrations in calves during the first 32 hours of neonatal life and to estimate their association with glycemia. Thyrty two Holstein breed calves were selected for the study. Blood samples were taken at 30, 60 and 90 minutes postnatal. Calves received pooled colostrum: primary colostum (1.5 L, 2 hours after birth), secondary colostrum (2 L, 14 hours after birth) and tertiary colostrum (2 L, 26 hours after birth). Blood samples were taken at hours 5, 20 and 32 of neonatal life. Concentrations of glucose, insulin, cortisol, thyroid hormones and IGF-I and abundance of IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 were determined in the blood serum. The T3/T4 ratio was also calculated. Calves were born hypoglycemic (glycemia was 2.56Ā±1.05 mmol/L at birth). Thereafter, glycemia significantly increased (p lt 0.001) to 3.05Ā±0.89 mmol/L at min 90. Glucose concentration showed a further increase after colostrum intake and was significantly higher than at the initial value in all examined periods (p lt 0.001). During the first 90 minutes of neonatal life insulinemia decreased significantly (p lt 0.001) compared to initial value (26.33Ā±10.05 Ī¼IU/L) and it measured 18.66Ā±5.56 Ī¼IU/L at min 90. Cortisolemia was highest at minute 30 (85.08Ā±19.36 nmol/L) and than decreased until the end of the experiment (p lt 0.001) compared to initial values in samples obtained during the period of colostrum intake. A significantly high correlation was determined between glycemia and cortisolemia in all examined periods before the first colostrums intake (r2=0.854; p lt 0.01 at min 30; r2=0.742; p lt 0.01 at min 60 and r2=0.551; p lt 0.01 at min 90). T4 concentrations significantly increased during the first 2 hours, while T3 concentrations decreased, significantly from min 30 to min 90 postnatal (p lt 0.05). T3/T4 ratio significantly increased during the first 2 hours of neonatal life. After first colostrum intake, concentrations of both hormones rose significantly compared to the initial level, but T3/T4 ratio did not change and maintained the value determined at minute 90. IGF- 1 concentrations significantly decreased during the first 2 postnatal hours. A significant positive correlation was observed between IGF-1 concentration and insulinemia (r2=0.463; p lt 0.05 at min 30, r2=0.662; p lt 0.01 at min 60 and r2=0.583; p lt 0.01 at min 90). IGFBP-3 abundance significantly decreased, while IGFBP-1 significantly increased in this period. IGFBP-2 abundance was highest at birth. Results presented in this study indicate that the increase in glucose concentration during the first 2 hours of neonatal life, before the first colostrum intake is mainly the result of increased activity of the adrenal cortex in cortisol secretion and extrathyroidal tissue thus providing sufficient triiodothyronine. Immaturity of mechanisms responsible for insulin secretion provides the dominance of catabolic processes. Changes of the IGF system provide a rise of glucose concentration and establishment of energy balance.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju promene koncentracije pojedinih hormona kod novorođene teladi u prvim satima neonatalnog života i utvrdi njihov uticaj na glikemiju. Odabrana su 32 novorođena teleta HolÅ”tajn rase kojima je 30, 60. i 90. minuta postnatalnog života uzeta krv. Telad su bila napajana pulovima kolostruma. Pul primarnog kolostruma davan je u količinama od po 1,5 litar 2 sata nakon rođenja, dok su pulovi sekundarnog i tercijarnog kolostruma davani 12, odnosno 24 sata kasnije, u količinama od po 2 litra. Tokom perioda kolostralnog napoja, teladi je uzorkovana krv 5, 20 i 32. sata nakon rođenja. U uzorcima krvi određ ivana je koncentracija glukoze, insulina, kortizola, tireoidnih hormona i IGF-I, kao i zastupljenost IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2 i IGFBP-3. Takođe je obračunat indeks konverzije T3 u T4. Telad su bila rođena u stanju hipoglikemije (koncentracija glukoze na rođenju je iznosila 2,56 Ā± 1,05 mmol/l). Nakon toga, glikemija je značajno porasla (p lt 0,001) do 3,05 Ā±0,89 mmol/l (90. minut). Porast koncentracije glukoze je nastavljen i nakon unosa kolostruma, tako da je glikemija u svim ispitivanim uzorcima bila značajno veća u odnosu na početnu vrednost (p lt 0,001). Tokom prvih 90 minuta neonatalnog života, koncentracija insulina se značajno smanjivala (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na početnu vrednost (26,33 Ā± 10,05 Ī¼IU/l) tako da je 90. minuta postnatalnog života bila 18,66 Ā± 5,56 Ī¼IU/l. Porast insulinemije nakon unosa kolostruma nije bio značajan u odnosu na vrednost određenu 90. minuta. Koncentracija kortizola je bila najviÅ”a 30 minuta nakon teljenja (85,08 Ā± 19,36 nmol/l) a zatim je opadala do kraja perioda ispitivanja i to značajno u odnosu na početnu vrednost (p lt 0,001) u uzorcima dobijenim nakon unosa kolostruma. Visoka pozitivna korelacija je utvrđena između glikemije i kortizolemije u svim ispitivanim terminima pre kolostralnog napoja (r2 = 0,854 u 30. minutu; r2 = 0,742 u 60. minutu i r2= 0,551 u 90. minutu). Koncentracija T4 je značajno rasla tokom prva dva sata neonatalnog života, dok se koncentracija T3 smanjila, značajno od 30. do 90. minuta neonatalnog života (p lt 0,05). Konverzija T3 u T4 je značajno porasla tokom prva dva sata života. Nakon unosa kolostruma, koncentracija oba tireoidna hormona se povećavala (značajno u odnosu na početnu vrednost) a indeks konverzije se nije menjao, već se zadržao na vrednosti ustanovljenoj 90. minuta života. Koncentracija IGF-1 se značajno smanjivala tokom prva 2 sata neonatalnog života. Koncentracija IGF-1 je bila u visokoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa insulinemijom (r2= 0,463 za 30. minut, r2=0,662 za 60. minut i r2=0,583 za 90. minut). Zastupljenost IGFBP-3 se značajno smanjivala, dok se zastupljenost IGFBP-1 značajno povećavala u ovom periodu. Zastupljenost IGFBP-2 je bila najveća na rođenju. Rezultati prikazani u ovom radu ukazuju da je porast glikemije u prvim satima života, pre unosa kolostruma, prevashodno posledica pojačane aktivnosti kore nadbubrega u sekreciji kortizola i dejodinaza u ekstratireoidnim tkivima koje obezbeđuju povećanu sintezu T3. Sistemi odgovorni za sintezu insulina nisu potpuno funkcionalni u ovom periodu, omogućavajući prevagu kataboličkih u odnosu na anaboličke procese. Promene unutar IGF sistema omogućavaju porast glikemije i uspostavljanje energetske ravnoteže

    Uticaj tretmana Å”ećerom u prahu na stepen infestiranosti pčelinjih zajednica ektoparazitom Varroa destructor

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    The aim of this work was the investigation on the efficacy of pulverised sugar dusting on knocking-down Varroa destructor mites and the influence of the dynamics of the treatment on the degree of infestation in honey bee colonies. Two methods were deployed to measure the degree of infestation of bee colonies with V. destructor mites: the sugar shake method and the technique which involves mesh bottom boards equipped with sticky inserts. The research was carried out on 30 strong honey bee colonies in three successive years. The results proved that dusting with pulverised sugar (particle diameter below 40 Ī¼m) influenced the fall of V. destructor in comparison with both their fall off prior to the treatment and the negative control. The most discernible effects on the mite fall and the decline in their population in the hives was obtained with dustings repeated at threeday intervals. To conclude, the dynamics of the treatment affected the degree of infestation in bee colonies. However, the efficacy of sugar dusting was significantly lower in comparison with the one of flumethrin (positive control). Thus, in spite of considerable favourable effects on the decline in the degree of infestation with mites, by no means may dusting with pulverised sugar be advised to beekeepers as the one and only means of bee protection against V. destructor. The use of the technique which involves mesh bottom boards equipped with sticky inserts proved more efficacious and sensitive in the judgment of the degree of infestation of bee colonies in comparison with the sugar shake method, which includes dusting 300 bees with 40 g of pulverised sugar (particle diameter below 40 Ī¼m).Cilj rada bio je da se ispita efikasnost primene Å”ećernog praha u obaranju krpelja Varroa destructor i uticaja dinamike tretmana na stepen infestiranosti pčelinjih zajednica. Za procenu stepena infestacije pčelinjih druÅ”tava krpeljima V. destructor koriŔćene su dve metode: metoda rolovanja sa Å”ećerom i metoda žičane podnjače sa lepljivim uloÅ”cima. Istraživanje je obavljeno na 30 jakih pčelinjih zajednica tokom tri godine. Rezultati su ukazali da je zapraÅ”ivanje prah Å”ećerom čestica dijametra ispod 40 Ī¼m imalo efekat u obaranju krpelja V. destructor, u odnosu na stanje pre tretmana i u odnosu na negativnu kontrolu. Najbolji efekat u obaranju krpelja i smanjenju populacije krpelja u koÅ”nici imala je primena prah Å”ećera svakog trećeg dana. To znači da je dinamika tretmana uticala na stepen infestiranosti pčelinjih zajednica. Međutim, efikasnost metode zapraÅ”ivanja Å”ećerom u prahu bila je značajno manja u odnosu na efikasnost flumetrina (pozitivnu kontrolu). Stoga se tretman prah Å”ećerom nikako ne može preporučiti pčelarima kao jedina mera zaÅ”tite pčelinjih zajednica od ektoparazita V. destructor i pored uočenih pozitivnih efekata na smanjenje stepena infestiranosti tim krpeljom. KoriŔćenje žičane podnjače sa lepljivim uloÅ”cima predstavlja mnogo efikasniji i osetljiviji metod za procenu stepena infestiranosti pčelinjih zajednica Varroa krpeljom u odnosu na metod rolovanja u tegli sa 300 pčela posutih sa 16 grama Å”ećera u prahu sa česticama čiji je dijametar manji od 40 Ī¼m

    Ispitivanje mogućnosti primene imunokastracije u cilju sprečavanja mane polnog mirisa mesa nerastova

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    Disadvantage of meat known as boar taint is caused by steroids, androstenone being of particular importance, as well as indole and its derivatives, among which the best known is skatole. The common practice in Europe, in order to control these changes in meat, is castration without anesthesia. This intervention causes pain and stress to animals, thus undermining animal welfare. Many countries considering animal welfare try to find the alternative solutions in order to avoid castration. The alternative to surgical castration and possible solution to the problem of sex odour in the meat, as well as androstenone and skatole contents decrease in the boar's fat is immunological castration of boars (immunocastration). Average skatole content in fat tissue of boars was significantly higher (0.21Ā±0.03 Ī¼g/g) compared to skatole content in fat tissue of the castrates, or immunocastrates (0.12Ā±0.02 Ī¼g/g). In adipose tissue of the castrates and immunocastrates there was no significant difference in the average content of skatole. The content of androstenone in the adipose tissue of immunocastrates was below detection limits, and the average androstenone level in adipose tissue of boars was 0.66Ā±0.13 Ī¼g/g. The obtained results show that immunocastration is justified in consideration of the meat quality and can completely replace castration in male animals, which is in compliance with the preservation of animal welfare in rearing fattening young boars.Mani mesa poznatoj kao polni miris mesa doprinose polni steroidi, od kojih je androstenon od posebnog značaja, kao i indol i njegovi derivati, među kojima je najpoznatiji skatol. NajčeŔća praksa u Evropi u cilju kontrole ove mane mesa je izvođenje kastracije bez anestezije. Izvođenjem ove intervencije prouzrokuje se bol i stres i naruÅ”ava dobrobit životinja, Å”to je predstavljalo podsticaj da se u mnogim zemljama, gde je poslednjih godina dobrobit životinja od velikog interesa, odustane od kastracije. NapuÅ”tanje ove metode zahteva nalaženje alternativnih reÅ”enja u cilju otklanjanja ove mane mesa. Jedna od obećavajućih alternativa hirurÅ”koj kastraciji i potencijalno reÅ”enje problema polnog mirisa mesa, odnosno smanjenja sadržaja androstenona i skatola u masnom tkivu nerastova je imunoloÅ” ka kastracija (imunokastracija). Prosečan sadržaj skatola u masnom tkivu nerastova bio je značajno veći (0.21Ā±0.03 Ī¼g/g) u odnosu na prosečan sadržaj skatola u masnom tkivu kastrata, odnosno imunokastrata (0.12Ā±0.02 Ī¼g/g). U masnom tkivu imunokastrata i kastrata nije utvrđena razlika u prosečnom sadržaju skatola. Sadržaj androstenona u masnom tkivu imunokastrata je bio manji od granice detekcije metode, a u masnom tkivu nerastova prosečan sadržaj androstenona bio je 0.66Ā±0.13 Ī¼g/g. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da je postupak imunokastracije opravdan sa stanoviÅ”ta prihvatljivosti mesa i da u potpunosti može da se zameni postupak kastracije muÅ”kih jedinki, Å”to ide u prilog očuvanju dobrobiti životinja kod uzgoja svinja za tov

    Primena metaboličkog profila u predviđanju i dijagnozi masne jetre kod krava holÅ”tajn rase

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    The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of using results of metabolic profile test in the prediction and diagnosis of fatty liver in Holstein cows. Forty dry cows, 5 to 7 days before calving, were chosen from the commercial dairy herd and included in the study. Four blood samples were taken by jugular venipuncture from each animal: 5 to 7 days before expected calving (dry period), as well as on day 12, 30 and 60 of lactation. Concentrations of glucose, Ī²-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), total protein, albumin, urea, total bilirubin, calcium and phosphorus concentrations were measured in all blood samples. On day 12 after calving, liver percutaneous biopsies were obtained using a biopsy instrument. Liver tissue lipid content was determined by pathohistological determination. Cows were divided into two groups of equal size based on the degree of lipid accumulation in the liver: healthy cows (0.00 fat, n = 20) and cows with fatty liver syndrome (>20% fat, n = 20). Milking was measured each day from day 7 to day 60 of lactation. Results showed that 5 to 7 days before calving, as well as 12 days after calving, BHBA concentrations were significantly higher (p lt 0.001, respectively) in diseased cows than in healthy cows. Additionally, the concentration of glucose was significantly lower (p lt 0.01) and the concentration of total bilirubin significantly higher (p lt 0.001) in diseased compared to healthy cows, at day 12 of lactation. Thirty days after calving, concentrations of albumin, glucose, BHBA and Ca were significantly lower in diseased compared to healthy cows (p lt 0.05, p lt 0.01, p lt 0.01 and p lt 0.001, respectively). At day 60 after calving, concentrations of biochemical parameters did not differ between diseased and healthy cows. The lactation curve differed in diseased compared to healthy cows, starting from day 26 of lactation. Starting form that day until day 60 of lactation average daily milk production was significantly higher in healthy than in diseased cows, except on day 32 of lactation when the difference was not significant. Based on these results it can be concluded that the metabolic profile test may be a reliable tool for the prediction and diagnosis of fatty liver in Holstein cows.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita mogućnost koriŔćenja rezultata dobijenih određivanjem metaboličkog profila u predviđanju i dijagnostikovanju sindroma masne jetre kod krava holÅ”tajn rase. U ogled je bilo uključeno 40 krava holÅ”tajn rase u periodu zasuÅ”enja, odnosno 5 do 7 dana pre očekivanog termina teljenja. Kravama su uzorci krvi uzeti punkcijom vene jugularis 4 puta i to 5 do 7 dana pre očekivanog termina teljenja, kao i 12., 30. i 60. dana laktacije. U uzorcima krvi određivane su koncentracije ukupnih proteina, albumina, uree, glukoze, BHBA, ukupnog bilirubina, kalcijuma i fosfora. Dvanaest dana nakon teljenja perkutanom biopsijom uzet je uzorak jetre u kome je, patohistoloÅ”kim pregledom, određen sadržaj ukupnih lipida. Nakon pregleda tkiva jetre krave su podeljene u dve jednake grupe. Krave kod kojih je stepen zamaŔćenje jetre bio veći od 20% (obolele krave, n = 20) i krave bez prisustva masnih kapljica u uzorcima jetre (zdrave krave, n = 20). Mlečnost je praćena svakodnevno od sedmog do 60. dana laktacije. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da je 5 do 7 dana pre očekivanog termina teljenja kao i 12. dana laktacije koncentracija BHBA bila značajno viÅ”a (p lt 0.001, pojedinačno) kod obolelih nego kod zdravih krava. Takođe, 12 dana nakon teljenja, koncentracija glukoze (p lt 0.01) je bila značajno niža, a koncentracija bilirubina značajno viÅ”a (p lt 0.001) kod obolelih nego zdravih krava. Tridesetog dana nakon teljenja koncentracija albumina, glukoze, BHBA i Ca je bila značajno niža kod obolelih u odnosu na zdrave krave (p lt 0,05; p lt 0,01; p lt 0,01 i p lt 0,001, pojedinač no). Å ezdesetog dana nakon teljenja koncentracije ispitivanih parametara se nisu značajno razlikovale između obolelih i zdravih krava. Laktaciona kriva je imala različiti trend kod zdravih i bolesnih krava počevÅ”i od 26. dana nakon teljenja. Od tog dana pa do 60. dana laktacije prosečna dnevna mlečnost je bila značajno viÅ”a kod zdravih nego obolelih krava, izuzev 32. dana laktacije kada ta razlika nije bila značajna. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se metabolički profil može sa visokom pouzdanoŔću koristiti u predviđanju i dijagnostici zamaŔćenja jetre kod krava HolÅ”tajn rase