80 research outputs found

    Transport of F- ions in gaseous environment for technological applications

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    Negativni halogeni joni su zastupljeni u različitim neravnotežnim plazmama koje su zastupljene u biomedicinskim uređajima, nanotehnologijama, električnim pražnjenjima i hemiji atmosfere. Prikazani su podaci za modelovanje niskotemperaturnih plazmi koje sadrže F- jone primenom globalnih i drugih plazma modela. Ovaj jon je izabran zbog svoje izuzetno velike elektronegativnosti, veoma je jak nukleofilni reagent i formira veoma jake veze sa Luisovim kiselinama u gasnoj fazi. Sa druge strane, neizbežan je u proizvodnji c-BN filmova. Efikasni preseci za rasejanje F- jona na atomima Ar i molekulima F2, CF4 i BF3 dobijeni su primenom Nanbuove teorije u kojoj je moguće razdvojiti elastične od reaktivnih sudarnih procesa. Kako bi se uočili efekti nekonzervativnih sudarnih procesa na brzine drifta, proračuni su rađeni do visokih vrednosti E/N (1000Td).In this work we present swarm data obtained for F- ions in atomic and molecular gases necessary to form the global models for the complex collisional plasmas. We also present the new results for the simple scattering cross section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in BF3 that can be used in such models. Nanbuā€™s theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies and separating elastic and reactive collisions is used to calculate cross sections for binary collisions of ions with atoms and molecules. For the cases in which the measured transport coefficients were available Momentum Transfer theory (MTT) was applied in order to unfold the cross sections from the measured transport data. Direct Monte Carlo method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at the temperature of T=300 K

    Cross-Sections and Transport Properties of F- Ions in F-2

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    We present the new results for the simple scattering cross-section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in F-2 that can be used in such models. Nanbu's theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies and separating elastic and reactive collisions is used to calculate cross-sections for binary collisions of ions with atoms and molecules. Direct MC method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T = 300 K

    Cross-Sections and Transport Properties of F- Ions in F-2

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    We present the new results for the simple scattering cross-section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in F-2 that can be used in such models. Nanbu's theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies and separating elastic and reactive collisions is used to calculate cross-sections for binary collisions of ions with atoms and molecules. Direct MC method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T = 300 K

    Transport Parameters of F- Ions in BF3

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    In this work we presented the new results for energy dependent cross-sections and transport coefficients as a function of E/N for F- ions in BF3 gas. Results were obtained by using the Monte Carlo technique for cross-section set determined on the basis of the Nanbu theory. Monte Carlo method is applied to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T = 300 K

    Role of pressure in transport of F- ions in BF3 gas for technological applications

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    U ovom radu predstavili smo transportne parametre dobijene za F- jone u molekularnom gasu BF3 neophodne za formiranje globalnih modela za kompleksne sudarne plazme. Novi rezultati za set preseka i dobijeni transportni koeficijenti za F- jone u BF3 koji se mogu koristiti u takvim modelima su predstavljeni. Prvo smo koristili Nanbu teoriju za određivanje preseka binarnih sudara F- jona sa molekulima BF3. Presek za sudar tri tela uključuje egzotermni binarni presek normiran na izabrani pritisak. Koristili smo Monte Karlo metodu za dobijanje transportnih parametara na temperaturi od T = 295 K i pritisaku od 133.32 Pa (1 Torr).In this work we present swarm data obtained for F- ions in molecular gas BF3 necessary to form the global models for the complex collisional plasmas. The new results for scattering cross section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in BF3 that can be used in such models are presented. First we used Nanbu's theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies to calculate cross sections for binary collisions of Fions with BF3 molecules. Cross section for three body association reaction is included by using exothermic cross section for binary reaction normalized at selected pressure. Monte Carlo method is used to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T=295 K and pressure of 133.32 Pa (1 Torr)

    Role of pressure in transport of F- ions in BF3 gas for technological applications

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    U ovom radu predstavili smo transportne parametre dobijene za F- jone u molekularnom gasu BF3 neophodne za formiranje globalnih modela za kompleksne sudarne plazme. Novi rezultati za set preseka i dobijeni transportni koeficijenti za F- jone u BF3 koji se mogu koristiti u takvim modelima su predstavljeni. Prvo smo koristili Nanbu teoriju za određivanje preseka binarnih sudara F- jona sa molekulima BF3. Presek za sudar tri tela uključuje egzotermni binarni presek normiran na izabrani pritisak. Koristili smo Monte Karlo metodu za dobijanje transportnih parametara na temperaturi od T = 295 K i pritisaku od 133.32 Pa (1 Torr).In this work we present swarm data obtained for F- ions in molecular gas BF3 necessary to form the global models for the complex collisional plasmas. The new results for scattering cross section set and proposed transport coefficients for F- ions in BF3 that can be used in such models are presented. First we used Nanbu's theory based on thermodynamic threshold energies to calculate cross sections for binary collisions of Fions with BF3 molecules. Cross section for three body association reaction is included by using exothermic cross section for binary reaction normalized at selected pressure. Monte Carlo method is used to obtain swarm parameters at temperature of T=295 K and pressure of 133.32 Pa (1 Torr)

    Mobility of positive ions in CF4

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    Cross-section sets for transport of positive ions in CF4 that fit the available experimental data for mobility are assessed by normalizing the available experimental and theoretical cross-sections within the framework of the swarm method. Transport parameters for positive ions in CF4 in DC fields at a gas temperature of T = 300 K are calculated as a function of the reduced electric fields E/N (N being the gas density) by using Monte Carlo simulation

    Mobility of positive ions in CF4

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    Cross-section sets for transport of positive ions in CF4 that fit the available experimental data for mobility are assessed by normalizing the available experimental and theoretical cross-sections within the framework of the swarm method. Transport parameters for positive ions in CF4 in DC fields at a gas temperature of T = 300 K are calculated as a function of the reduced electric fields E/N (N being the gas density) by using Monte Carlo simulation

    Discocotyle ohridana n. Sp. (monogenea: Discocotylidae) on the gills of ohrid belvica salmothymus ohridanus (pisces: Salmonidae) from the lake ohrid, macedonia

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    Discocotyle ohridana n.sp. is described from the gills of Ohrid belvica Salmothymus ohridanus Steindachner, 1892; (syn. Acantholingua ohridana Hadzisce, 1961) from the Lake Ohrid, Macedonia. According our investigation the new species D. ohridana n.sp. differs 56.47% of observed S. ohridanus have been infected and average intensity of infestation is 2.84
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