263 research outputs found

    Parameterization of Convective Transport in a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model and Its Evaluation

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    This paper presents the revision and evaluation of the interface between the convective parameterization by Emanuel and Živkovic´-Rothman and the Lagrangian particle dispersion model “FLEXPART” based on meteorological data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The convection scheme relies on the ECMWF grid-scale temperature and humidity and provides a matrix necessary for the vertical convective particle displacement. The benefits of the revised interface relative to its previous version are presented. It is shown that, apart from minor fluctuations caused by the stochastic convective redistribution of the particles, the well-mixed criterion is fulfilled in simulations that include convection. Although for technical reasons the calculation of the displacement matrix differs somewhat between the forward and the backward simulations in time, the mean relative difference between the convective mass fluxes in forward and backward simulations is below 3% and can therefore be tolerated. A comparison of the convective mass fluxes and precipitation rates with those archived in the 40-yr ECMWF Reanalysis (ERA-40) data reveals that the convection scheme in FLEXPART produces upward mass fluxes and precipitation rates that are generally smaller by about 25% than those from ERA-40. This result is interpreted as positive, because precipitation is known to be overestimated by the ECMWF model. Tracer transport simulations with and without convection are compared with surface and aircraft measurements from two tracer experiments and to 222Rn measurements from two aircraft campaigns. At the surface no substantial differences between the model runs with and without convection are found, but at higher altitudes the model runs with convection produced better agreement with the measurements in most of the cases and indifferent results in the others. However, for the tracer experiments only few measurements at higher altitudes are available, and for the aircraft campaigns the 222Rn emissions are highly uncertain. Other datasets better suitable for the validation of convective transport in models are not available. Thus, there is a clear need for reliable datasets suitable to validate vertical transport in models

    FLEXINVERT: An atmospheric Bayesian inversion framework for determining surface fluxes of trace species using an optimized grid

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    We present a new modular Bayesian inversion framework, called FLEXINVERT, for estimating the surface fluxes of atmospheric trace species. FLEXINVERT can be applied to determine the spatio-temporal flux distribution of any species for which the atmospheric loss (if any) can be described as a linear process and can be used on continental to regional and even local scales with little or no modification. The relationship between changes in atmospheric mixing ratios and fluxes (the so-called source–receptor relationship) is described by a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) run in a backwards-in-time mode. In this study, we use FLEXPART but any LPDM could be used. The framework determines the fluxes on a nested grid of variable resolution, which is optimized based on the source–receptor relationships for the given observation network. Background mixing ratios are determined by coupling FLEXPART to the output of a global Eulerian model (or alternatively, from the observations themselves) and are also optionally optimized in the inversion. Spatial and temporal error correlations in the fluxes are taken into account using a simple model of exponential decay with space and time and, additionally, the aggregation error from the variable grid is accounted for. To demonstrate the use of FLEXINVERT, we present one case study in which methane fluxes are estimated in Europe in 2011 and compare the results to those of an independent inversion ensemble

    Asymmetries in the moisture origin of Antarctic precipitation

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    The seasonality of moisture sources for precipitation in Antarctica is studied with a Lagrangian moisture source diagnostic. Moisture origin for precipitation in Antarctica has strongly asymmetric properties, which are related to the Antarctic topography, seasonal sea ice coverage, and the land/ocean contrasts in the mid-latitudes of the southern hemisphere. The highest altitudes of the East Antarctic ice shield, where major ice cores have been drilled, have mean source latitudes of 45–40°S year-round. This finding contrasts to results from previous Lagrangian studies which detected a more southerly moisture origin due to too short trajectories. Now, results from Lagrangian moisture source diagnostics are consistent with findings from general circulation models with tagged tracers. Thus, both approaches can serve as a common benchmark for the interpretation of moisture source indicators based on stable isotopes, such as deuterium excess, in Antarctic ice cores

    Large Circulation Patterns Strongly Modulate Long-Term Variability of Arctic Black Carbon Levels and Areas of Origin

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    Black Carbon (BC) aerosol is a major climate forcer in the Arctic. Here, we present 15 years (2001–2015) of surface observations of the aerosol absorption coefficient babs (corresponding to Equivalent BC), obtained at the Zeppelin Observatory, Ny Ålesund, Svalbard, coupled with backward transport modeling with Flexpart in order to calculate the Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) for BC. The observed long-term variability superimposed on a strong annual cycle is studied as a function of large-scale circulation patterns represented by monthly index values for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Scandinavian pattern (SCAN). We find a 35% increase of babs values at Zeppelin during the SCAN+ phase in the winter half-year compared to the SCAN+ phase but no significant difference in babs values between the NAO index phases. Both NAO and SCAN induce significant regional variability on the areas of origin of babs, mainly Siberia, Europe, and North America.publishedVersio

    Source regions of some persistent organic pollutants measured in the atmosphere at Birkenes, Norway

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    A key feature of POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) is their potential for long-range atmospheric transport. In order to better understand and predict atmospheric source-receptor relationships of POPs, we have modified an existing Lagrangian transport model (FLEXPART) to include some of the key processes that control the atmospheric fate of POPs. We also present four years (2004–2007) of new atmospheric measurement data for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) obtained at Birkenes, an EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) site in southern Norway. The model overestimates measured PCB-28 and g-HCH concentrations by factors of 2 and 8, respectively, which is most likely because the emissions used as input to the model are overestimated. FLEXPART captures the temporal variability in the measurements very well and, depending on season, explains 31–67% (14–62%) of the variance of measured PCB-28 (g-HCH) concentrations. FLEXPART, run in a time-reversed (adjoint) mode, was used to identify the source regions responsible for the POP loading at the Birkenes station. Emissions in Central Europe and Eastern Europe contributed 32% and 24%, respectively, to PCB-28 at Birkenes, while Western Europe was found to be the dominant source (50%) for g-HCH. Intercontinental transport from North America contributed 13% for g-HCH. While FLEXPART has no treatment of the partitioning of POPs between different surface media, it was found a very useful tool for studying atmospheric source-receptor relationships for POPs and POP-like chemicals that do not sorb strongly to atmospheric particles and whose atmospheric levels are believed to be mainly controlled by primary sources
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