94 research outputs found

    Preventing Discriminatory Decision-making in Evolving Data Streams

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    Bias in machine learning has rightly received significant attention over the last decade. However, most fair machine learning (fair-ML) work to address bias in decision-making systems has focused solely on the offline setting. Despite the wide prevalence of online systems in the real world, work on identifying and correcting bias in the online setting is severely lacking. The unique challenges of the online environment make addressing bias more difficult than in the offline setting. First, Streaming Machine Learning (SML) algorithms must deal with the constantly evolving real-time data stream. Second, they need to adapt to changing data distributions (concept drift) to make accurate predictions on new incoming data. Adding fairness constraints to this already complicated task is not straightforward. In this work, we focus on the challenges of achieving fairness in biased data streams while accounting for the presence of concept drift, accessing one sample at a time. We present Fair Sampling over Stream (FS2FS^2), a novel fair rebalancing approach capable of being integrated with SML classification algorithms. Furthermore, we devise the first unified performance-fairness metric, Fairness Bonded Utility (FBU), to evaluate and compare the trade-off between performance and fairness of different bias mitigation methods efficiently. FBU simplifies the comparison of fairness-performance trade-offs of multiple techniques through one unified and intuitive evaluation, allowing model designers to easily choose a technique. Overall, extensive evaluations show our measures surpass those of other fair online techniques previously reported in the literature

    Technical Considerations for Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing with Multiplexed Libraries

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    Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), which couples bisulfite conversion and next generation sequencing, is an innovative method that specifically enriches genomic regions with a high density of potential methylation sites and enables investigation of DNA methylation at single-nucleotide resolution. Recent advances in the Illumina DNA sample preparation protocol and sequencing technology have vastly improved sequencing throughput capacity. Although the new Illumina technology is now widely used, the unique challenges associated with multiplexed RRBS libraries on this platform have not been previously described. We have made modifications to the RRBS library preparation protocol to sequence multiplexed libraries on a single flow cell lane of the Illumina HiSeq 2000. Furthermore, our analysis incorporates a bioinformatics pipeline specifically designed to process bisulfite-converted sequencing reads and evaluate the output and quality of the sequencing data generated from the multiplexed libraries. We obtained an average of 42 million paired-end reads per sample for each flow-cell lane, with a high unique mapping efficiency to the reference human genome. Here we provide a roadmap of modifications, strategies, and trouble shooting approaches we implemented to optimize sequencing of multiplexed libraries on an a RRBS background

    Methodology Report Technical Considerations for Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing with Multiplexed Libraries

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    Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), which couples bisulfite conversion and next generation sequencing, is an innovative method that specifically enriches genomic regions with a high density of potential methylation sites and enables investigation of DNA methylation at single-nucleotide resolution. Recent advances in the Illumina DNA sample preparation protocol and sequencing technology have vastly improved sequencing throughput capacity. Although the new Illumina technology is now widely used, the unique challenges associated with multiplexed RRBS libraries on this platform have not been previously described. We have made modifications to the RRBS library preparation protocol to sequence multiplexed libraries on a single flow cell lane of the Illumina HiSeq 2000. Furthermore, our analysis incorporates a bioinformatics pipeline specifically designed to process bisulfite-converted sequencing reads and evaluate the output and quality of the sequencing data generated from the multiplexed libraries. We obtained an average of 42 million paired-end reads per sample for each flow-cell lane, with a high unique mapping efficiency to the reference human genome. Here we provide a roadmap of modifications, strategies, and trouble shooting approaches we implemented to optimize sequencing of multiplexed libraries on an a RRBS background

    Comparison of alignment software for genome-wide bisulphite sequence data

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    Recent advances in next generation sequencing (NGS) technology now provide the opportunity to rapidly interrogate the methylation status of the genome. However, there are challenges in handling and interpretation of the methylation sequence data because of its large volume and the consequences of bisulphite modification. We sequenced reduced representation human genomes on the Illumina platform and efficiently mapped and visualized the data with different pipelines and software packages. We examined three pipelines for aligning bisulphite converted sequencing reads and compared their performance. We also comment on pre-processing and quality control of Illumina data. This comparison highlights differences in methods for NGS data processing and provides guidance to advance sequence-based methylation data analysis for molecular biologists

    Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds: Virus Evolution in a Multihost Ecosystem.

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    Wild ducks and gulls are the major reservoirs for avian influenza A viruses (AIVs). The mechanisms that drive AIV evolution are complex at sites where various duck and gull species from multiple flyways breed, winter, or stage. The Republic of Georgia is located at the intersection of three migratory flyways: the Central Asian flyway, the East Africa/West Asia flyway, and the Black Sea/Mediterranean flyway. For six complete study years (2010 to 2016), we collected AIV samples from various duck and gull species that breed, migrate, and overwinter in Georgia. We found a substantial subtype diversity of viruses that varied in prevalence from year to year. Low-pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) subtypes included H1N1, H2N3, H2N5, H2N7, H3N8, H4N2, H6N2, H7N3, H7N7, H9N1, H9N3, H10N4, H10N7, H11N1, H13N2, H13N6, H13N8, and H16N3, and two highly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIVs) belonging to clade, H5N5 and H5N8, were found. Whole-genome phylogenetic trees showed significant host species lineage restriction for nearly all gene segments and significant differences in observed reassortment rates, as defined by quantification of phylogenetic incongruence, and in nucleotide sequence diversity for LPAIVs among different host species. Hemagglutinin clade H5N8 viruses, which circulated in Eurasia during 2014 and 2015, did not reassort, but analysis after their subsequent dissemination during 2016 and 2017 revealed reassortment in all gene segments except NP and NS. Some virus lineages appeared to be unrelated to AIVs in wild bird populations in other regions, with maintenance of local AIVs in Georgia, whereas other lineages showed considerable genetic interrelationships with viruses circulating in other parts of Eurasia and Africa, despite relative undersampling in the area.IMPORTANCE Waterbirds (e.g., gulls and ducks) are natural reservoirs of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) and have been shown to mediate the dispersal of AIVs at intercontinental scales during seasonal migration. The segmented genome of influenza viruses enables viral RNA from different lineages to mix or reassort when two viruses infect the same host. Such reassortant viruses have been identified in most major human influenza pandemics and several poultry outbreaks. Despite their importance, we have only recently begun to understand AIV evolution and reassortment in their natural host reservoirs. This comprehensive study illustrates AIV evolutionary dynamics within a multihost ecosystem at a stopover site where three major migratory flyways intersect. Our analysis of this ecosystem over a 6-year period provides a snapshot of how these viruses are linked to global AIV populations. Understanding the evolution of AIVs in the natural host is imperative to mitigating both the risk of incursion into domestic poultry and the potential risk to mammalian hosts, including humans

    The statistics of natural hand movements.

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    Humans constantly use their hands to interact with the environment and they engage spontaneously in a wide variety of manual activities during everyday life. In contrast, laboratory-based studies of hand function have used a limited range of predefined tasks. The natural movements made by the hand during everyday life have thus received little attention. Here, we developed a portable recording device that can be worn by subjects to track movements of their right hand as they go about their daily routine outside of a laboratory setting. We analyse the kinematic data using various statistical methods. Principal component analysis of the joint angular velocities showed that the first two components were highly conserved across subjects, explained 60% of the variance and were qualitatively similar to those reported in previous studies of reach-to-grasp movements. To examine the independence of the digits, we developed a measure based on the degree to which the movements of each digit could be linearly predicted from the movements of the other four digits. Our independence measure was highly correlated with results from previous studies of the hand, including the estimated size of the digit representations in primary motor cortex and other laboratory measures of digit individuation. Specifically, the thumb was found to be the most independent of the digits and the index finger was the most independent of the fingers. These results support and extend laboratory-based studies of the human hand

    Melanocortin peptides protect chondrocytes from mechanically induced cartilage injury

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    Introduction Mechanical injury can greatly influence articular cartilage, propagating inflammation, cell injury and death – risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis. Melanocortin peptides and their receptors mediate anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving mechanisms in chondrocytes. This study aimed to investigate the potential chondroprotective properties of α-MSH and [DTRP8]-γ-MSH in mechanically injured cartilage explants, their ability to inhibit pro-inflammatory and stimulate anti-inflammatory cytokines in in situ and in freshly isolated articular chondrocytes. Methods The effect of melanocortins on in situ chondrocyte viability was investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy of bovine articular cartilage explants, subjected to a single blunt impact (1.14 N, 6.47 kPa) delivered by a drop tower. Chondroprotective effects of α-MSH, [DTRP8]-γ-MSH and dexamethasone on cytokine release by TNF-α-activated freshly isolated articular chondrocytes/mechanically injured cartilage explants were investigated by ELISA. Results A single impact to cartilage caused discreet areas of chondrocyte death, accompanied by pro-inflammatory cytokine release; both parameters were modulated by α-MSH, [DTRP8]-γ-MSH and dexamethasone. Melanocortin pre-treatment of TNF-α-stimulated freshly isolated chondrocytes resulted in a bell-shaped inhibition in IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8, and elevation of IL-10 production. The MC3/4 antagonist, SHU9119, abrogated the effect of [DTRP8]-γ-MSH but not α-MSH on cytokine release. Conclusion Melanocortin peptide pre-treatment prevented chondrocyte death following mechanical impact to cartilage and led to a marked reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, whilst prompting the production of anti-inflammatory/pro-resolving cytokine IL-10. Development of small molecule agonists towards melanocortin receptors could thus be a viable approach for preventing chondrocyte inflammation and death within cartilage and represent an alternative approach for the treatment of osteoarthritis