65 research outputs found

    Tripwire Detection for Landmines

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    Pre-processed Radon transform-based detection methods were identified as the most viable technique. There are some issues that arose when testing the various methods. A) The 'log' edge detection in Matlab seemed better than the default 'sobel' method, but is still worth considering other edge detection algorithms that might deal more effectively with noisy or grainy image. B) The algorithm works best when the wire is horizontal and spans the length of the image. If constrained to thin-strip type images then a simple solution is to run the algorithm twice, once with the image and a second time with the same image rotated through 45 degrees

    An inverse Gaussian plume approach for estimating atmospheric pollutant emissions from multiple point sources

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    A method is developed for estimating the emission rates of contaminants into the atmosphere from multiple point sources using measurements of particulate material deposited at ground level. The approach is based on a Gaussian plume type solution for the advection-diffusion equation with ground-level deposition and given emission sources. This solution to the forward problem is incorporated into an inverse algorithm for estimating the emission rates by means of a linear least squares approach. The results are validated using measured deposition and meteorological data from a large lead-zinc smelting operation in Trail, British Columbia. The algorithm is demonstrated to be robust and capable of generating reasonably accurate estimates of total contaminant emissions over the relatively short distances of interest in this study

    An efficient parallel immersed boundary algorithm using a pseudo-compressible fluid solver

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    We propose an efficient algorithm for the immersed boundary method on distributed-memory architectures, with the computational complexity of a completely explicit method and excellent parallel scaling. The algorithm utilizes the pseudo-compressibility method recently proposed by Guermond and Minev [Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348:581-585, 2010] that uses a directional splitting strategy to discretize the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, thereby reducing the linear systems to a series of one-dimensional tridiagonal systems. We perform numerical simulations of several fluid-structure interaction problems in two and three dimensions and study the accuracy and convergence rates of the proposed algorithm. For these problems, we compare the proposed algorithm against other second-order projection-based fluid solvers. Lastly, the strong and weak scaling properties of the proposed algorithm are investigated
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