2 research outputs found

    Neobjavljeni novac 3. i 4. stoljeća iz numizmatičke zbirke Franjevačkog samostana u Tomislavgradu

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    The paper publishes the 52 specimens of the Roman Imperial coins from the coin collection of the Franciscan Museum in Tomislavgrad (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The oldest among them were dated back to the reign of Emperor Gordian in the first half of the 3rd century (238-244 AD), while the newest ones can be dated to the period of the joint reign of Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian, and to Emperor Valensā€™ reign, respectively. However, most of the coins belong to the bronze issues of Constantine and his sons, particularly to the series struck during the sole reigns of Constantius II and Constans. With the exception of the dupondius of Gordian III, struck in Viminacium, the specimens published here are the standard coins that circulated in the Roman province of Dalmatia in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD.U radu se objavljuju numizmatički nalazi koji potječu iz fundusa numizmatičke zbirke Franjevačkog muzeja u Tomislavgradu (BiH). Riječ je o 52 primjerka rimskog carskog novca. Najstariji primjerci potječu iz razdoblja prve polovine 3. stoljeća, odnosno iz doba vladavine Gordijana III. (238.-244.) dok su najmlađi datirani u period zajedničke vladavine Valentinijana I., Valenta i Gracijana, odnosno do potkraj vladavine cara Valenta. Većinu pak nalaza čine brončane emisije Konstantina i njegovih sinova, posebice serije kovane za samostalne vladavine Konstancija II. i Konstanta. Izuzev dupondija Gordijana III. kovanog u Viminaciju, koji je neÅ”to rjeđa pojava na dalmatinskom prostoru, objavljeni novac predstavlja uobičajeni monetarni presjek optjecaja novca na području rimske provincije Dalmacije u 3. i 4. stoljeću

    The Ričina spring cave in BuŔko Jezero. The first traces of the Palaeolithic in the western Herzegovina region

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    Izvor ā€“ Å”pilja Ričina nalazi se na Å”irem području zaseoka Vrilo u blizini Tomislavgrada. Dio je većega kompleksa, točnije riječ je o tri Å”piljska ulaza međusobno povezana Å”piljskim kanalima koji su nastali korozivnim djelovanjem snažnoga podzemnog toka. Za vrijeme viÅ”ih vodostaja akumulacijskoga jezera kompleks, ali i područje uokolo je potopljeno. Å piljski kompleks je već prije speleoloÅ”ki dokumentiran, a prilikom jednoga posjeta speleolozi su ispred Å”pilje uočili ostatke kremenoga oruđa. Pronalazak je potaknuo arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja prilikom kojih je, ispred ulaza u pećinu, pronađeno mjesto izrade litičkih predmeta. Tanki kulturni sloj i prostorna dispozicija nalaza asocira na sekundarni položaj nalaza, ali geomorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike terena pokazuju da je, ipak, riječ o izvornoj zoni litičke obrade. Postojanje gotovo svih faza lanca operacija (nedostaje jedino faza prikupljanja sirovine) ukazuje kako se cjelokupni proces obrade odvijao na ovome mjestu. Iako kronoloÅ”ke analize za sada nisu moguće, tipoloÅ”ke i tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike, uz pojavu obrađenih sječiva, grebala i pločica s hrptom, sasvim jasno ukazuju na epigravetijensku kulturu. Time nalaziÅ”te na izvoru Ričine postaje prvo paleolitičko nalaziÅ”te na prostoru zapadne Hercegovine.The Ričina spring cave is located in the wider region of the Vrilo hamlet in the vicinity of Tomislavgrad. It is a part of a larger complex, more precisely there are three cave entrances mutually connected with cave channels, created as a consequence of the corrosive activity of a strong underground stream. The complex and the surrounding region are flooded when there is a high water level in the reservoir. The cave complex has already been documented speleologically, and remains of stone tools were noticed by speleologists in one of their visits to the cave. This discovery incited archaeological research that resulted in the identification of a place in front of the cave where lithic objects were made. The thin cultural layer and spatial disposition of the finds imply their secondary position, but the geomorphological characteristics of the terrain indicate that it was the original zone of lithic production. The presence of almost all the phases of the operational sequence (only the collection of raw material is missing) indicates that the entire process of production happened at this spot. Though chronological analyses are unavailable for the time being, typological and technological characteristics, along with the presence of retouched blades, end scrapers and backed bladelets, clearly indicate the Epigravettian culture. It means that the site at the source of Ričina is the first Palaeolithic site in the western Herzegovina region