131 research outputs found


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    Farming systems based on products of roughage feeders are a vital part of the EU agricultural production. Up to the CAP reform in 2003 the EU promoted these systems via a wide variety of measures. This paper highlights the different impacts European, national and regional support measures have on the utilization of pastoral resources across the EU-25. Based on an expert survey and a literature review the paper summarizes the expected developments of pastoral farming systems across the EU.Pastoral Systems, EU, 2003 CAP Reform, Enlargement, Land Economics/Use,

    Impact de la densité de semis et de la fertilisation azotée sur le développement de Rumex obtusifolius L. en cultures de céréales d'hiver conduites en agriculture biologique

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    The control of Rumex obtusifolius L. (broad-leafed dock) is very important in organic farming systems. Indeed, concerns about managing this weed without the use of herbicides is one of the major factors limiting the uptake of these systems by conventional farmers. Against this backround, we analyzed the impact of two management practices on the development of R. obtusifolius populations in two winter cereal trials: spelt (triticum spelta [L.] thell.) and triticale (xtriticosecale [A.Camus]Wittm.). The management factors were sowing density (SD) and nitrogen fertilization (NF) at the tillering stage. The results showed that and increase in SD and NF led to stronger crop growth and better soil coverage by the end of sping, demonstrated by a significant decrease in photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) at soil level. However, although there was an SD effect, it was too weak in April to restrict an increase in R. obtusifolius populations through the recruitment of new R. obtusifulius plants. An increase in R. obtusifolius population density was also linked to an increase in the NF level, illustrating the nitrophilic character of this weed. Although an increase in SD and NF at the tillering stage led to a higher canopy density, these two practices failed to reduce R. Obtusifolius density in the cereal crops. Nevertheless, cereal yields were shown to be maintained or improved. Our results indicate that, even when combining weed harrowing and some cultural weed control methods, this perennial weed is difficult to control

    Place de la prairie pâturée dans les schémas d’engraissement

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    Les prairies recouvrent près de 50% de la surface agricole utile en Wallonie. Si la prairie occupe une place importante dans les systèmes naisseurs avec le pâturage des mères et des veaux, elle se fait plus discrète dans les schémas d’engraissement. L’objectif des essais menés au CRAW (Libramont) est d’identifier la place de la prairie pâturée dans les schémas d’engraissement en AB, en liaison avec la valoriser des ressources produites sur l’exploitation

    Transformation of gastro-intestinal parasites managment scheme in the context of suckling herd conversion to organic farming.

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    In a first hand, we have identified, based on the driving forces that have led to suckling farms conversion to organic farming, three mains types : The ones who have made their conversion for the “market”, “environment” and the “holistic” conversion. In a second hand, some tensions, between organic rules and agro-food chain expectations have been highlighted by breeding practices close by organic rules limits and focussed on the knowledge, the coherence and the competencies of the conventional frame of references. Indeed, face to this conventional frame of reference, the organic frame and its actors remain, from a conceptual and a technical point of view are not well fitted out

    Success and failure factors of crop diversification across Europe

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    The presentation is related to the results of a survey conducted i the frame of the project DiverImpacts. It concerns Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping in arable production. The aims of the analyse is a) to list the success and failure factors of experiences b) to understand connections between these factors and the main characteristics of Crop Diversification Experience

    Comment Ă©tablir un lien durable entre environnement et consommation ? Le cas de la viande bovine en agriculture biologique

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    Une recherche intervention dans le cadre d’une filière viande bovine biologique en Belgique met en évidence des tensions entre référentiels bio et conventionnels. Les mécanismes par lesquels la filière de mise en marché modifie les pratiques et les résultats attendus de ce mode d’élevage sont analysés. Par l’intermédiaire d’une nouvelle figure de consommateur, une inversion du couplage entre marché et mode de production est proposée aux opérateurs de la filière par l’introduction d’une obligation de résultats sur les qualités sensorielles du produit fini

    Joint technical and economic assessment of feed autonomy in organic cattle farms

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    Increasing the level of feed autonomy (self-sufficiency) is usually considered as a prerequisite for conversion of cattle farms to organic farming. Technically it requires adjusting fodder production and feed purchases in terms of quantity and quality to the requirements of the herd. A joint technical and economic assessment of feed autonomy in organic cattle farms was conducted. Data were collected in 2014 and 2015 on 11 Belgian farms located in distinct agricultural regions and characterised by different proportions of grassland area. Dry matter yield and nutritional quality were determined at each harvest for each fodder crop, including permanent and temporary grasslands, immature cereal-legume crops and grain crops. Animal productions and economic data, including all cash inflows and outflows, were recorded. Economically efficient farms had high levels of feed autonomy, ranging from 89 to 100%. Three economically-efficient feeding strategies were identified for organic cattle production. Strategies differed from each other according to the proportion of grassland area, level of animal production and the achieved level of feed autonomy
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